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title: Examples
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# Examples
Do you have a great example? Submit a pull request to this page.
Name | Tools | Type | Example | More info |
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
This Developing Journey | middleman | blog | [briandouglas.me](https://briandouglas.me) | [blog post](https://deploy-preview-496--www.netlify.com/blog/2017/04/18/blog-with-middleman-and-the-netlifycms/)
JAMstack Recipes | Hugo, Azure | demo | [jamstack-cms.netlify.com](http://jamstack-cms.netlify.com) | [blog post](http://conductofcode.io/post/managing-content-for-a-jamstack-site-with-netlify-cms/)
The ragasirtahk Blog | Hugo | blog | [ragasirtahk.tk](https://www.ragasirtahk.tk/) | [blog post](https://www.ragasirtahk.tk/2018/01/setting-up-netlify-cms-on-hugo/)