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# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits](https://conventionalcommits.org) for commit guidelines.
<a name="2.0.2"></a>
## 2.0.2 (2018-07-27)
### Bug Fixes
* **git-gateway:** pass options through git-gateway backend ([#1532](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/issues/1532)) ([4c5436a](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/commit/4c5436a))
<a name="2.0.1"></a>
## 2.0.1 (2018-07-26)
<a name="2.0.0"></a>
# 2.0.0 (2018-07-26)
### Bug Fixes
* **bitbucket:** fix rebasing mistakes in bitbucket backend and deps ([#1522](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/issues/1522)) ([bdfd944](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/commit/bdfd944))