re-implement shortcode parsing to/from mdast
This commit is contained in:
@ -171,6 +171,7 @@
"textarea-caret-position": "^0.1.1",
"unified": "^6.1.4",
"unist-builder": "^1.0.2",
"unist-util-map": "^1.0.3",
"unist-util-modify-children": "^1.1.1",
"uuid": "^2.0.3",
"whatwg-fetch": "^1.0.0"
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ const NODE_COMPONENTS = {
'shortcode': props => {
const { attributes, node, state: editorState } = props;
const { data } = node;
const isSelected = editorState.selection.hasFocusIn(node);
return (
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ const NODE_COMPONENTS = {
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { get, find, isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import { get, has, find, isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import unified from 'unified';
import u from 'unist-builder';
import markdownToRemarkPlugin from 'remark-parse';
@ -20,7 +21,6 @@ import { reduce, capitalize } from 'lodash';
// Remove the yaml tokenizer, as the rich text editor doesn't support frontmatter
delete markdownToRemarkPlugin.Parser.prototype.blockTokenizers.yamlFrontMatter;
const shortcodeAttributePrefix = 'ncp';
@ -150,6 +150,90 @@ function remarkPrecompileShortcodes() {
visitors.text = node => node.value;
const remarkShortcodes = ({ plugins }) => {
return transform;
function transform(node) {
if (node.children) {
node.children = node.children.reduce(reducer, []);
return node;
function reducer(newChildren, childNode) {
if (!['text', 'html'].includes(childNode.type)) {
const processedNode = childNode.children ? transform(childNode) : childNode;
return newChildren;
const text = childNode.value;
let lastPlugin;
let match;
const plugin = plugins.find(p => {
match = text.match(p.pattern);
return match;
if (!plugin) {
return newChildren;
const matchValue = match[0];
const matchLength = matchValue.length;
const matchAll = matchLength === text.length;
if (matchAll) {
const shortcodeNode = createShortcodeNode(text, plugin, match);
return newChildren;
const tempChildren = [];
const matchAtStart = match.index === 0;
const matchAtEnd = match.index + matchLength === text.length;
if (!matchAtStart) {
const textBeforeMatch = text.slice(0, match.index);
const result = reducer([], { type: 'text', value: textBeforeMatch });
const matchNode = createShortcodeNode(matchValue, plugin, match);
if (!matchAtEnd) {
const textAfterMatch = text.slice(match.index + matchLength);
const result = reducer([], { type: 'text', value: textAfterMatch });
return newChildren;
function createShortcodeNode(text, plugin, match) {
const shortcode =;
const shortcodeData = plugin.fromBlock(match);
return { type: 'html', value: text, data: { shortcode, shortcodeData } };
const remarkToRehypeShortcodes = ({ plugins }) => {
return transform;
function transform(node) {
const children = node.children ? : node.children;
if (!has(node, ['data', 'shortcode'])) {
return { ...node, children };
const { shortcode, shortcodeData } =;
const plugin = plugins.get(shortcode);
const value = plugin.toPreview(shortcodeData);
const valueHtml = typeof value === 'string' ? value : renderToString(value);
return { ...node, value: valueHtml };
const parseShortcodesFromMarkdown = markdown => {
const plugins = registry.getEditorComponents();
const markdownLines = markdown.split('\n');
@ -191,7 +275,7 @@ const remarkToSlatePlugin = () => {
delete: 'strikethrough',
inlineCode: 'code',
const toTextNode = text => ({ kind: 'text', text });
const toTextNode = (text, data) => ({ kind: 'text', text, data });
const wrapText = (node, index, parent) => {
if (['text', 'html'].includes(node.type)) {
parent.children.splice(index, 1, u('paragraph', [node]));
@ -199,11 +283,13 @@ const remarkToSlatePlugin = () => {
let getDefinition;
const transform = node => {
const transform = (node, index, siblings, parent) => {
let nodes;
if (node.type === 'root') {
// Create definition getter for link and image references
getDefinition = mdastDefinitions(node);
// Ensure top level text nodes are wrapped in paragraphs
@ -213,8 +299,10 @@ const remarkToSlatePlugin = () => {
// If a node returns a falsey value, exclude it. Some nodes do not
// translate from MDAST to Slate, such as definitions for link/image
// references or footnotes.
nodes = node.children.reduce((acc, childNode) => {
const transformed = transform(childNode);
// Consider using unist-util-remove instead for this.
nodes = node.children.reduce((acc, childNode, idx, sibs) => {
const transformed = transform(childNode, idx, sibs, node);
if (transformed) {
@ -228,7 +316,17 @@ const remarkToSlatePlugin = () => {
// Process raw html as text, since it's valid markdown
if (['text', 'html'].includes(node.type)) {
return toTextNode(node.value);
const { value, data } = node;
const shortcode = get(data, 'shortcode');
if (shortcode) {
const isBlock = parent.type === 'paragraph' && siblings.length === 1;
data.shortcodeValue = value;
if (isBlock) {
return { kind: 'block', type: 'shortcode', data, isVoid: true, nodes: [toTextNode('')] };
return toTextNode(value, data);
if (node.type === 'inlineCode') {
@ -315,7 +413,10 @@ const remarkToSlatePlugin = () => {
return { kind: 'block', type: typeMap['image'], data };
return transform;
// Since `transform` is used for recursive child mapping, ensure that only the
// first argument is supplied on the initial call.
return node => transform(node);
const slateToRemarkPlugin = () => {
@ -327,9 +428,14 @@ const slateToRemarkPlugin = () => {
export const markdownToRemark = markdown => {
const result = unified()
const parsed = unified()
.use(markdownToRemarkPlugin, { fences: true, pedantic: true, footnotes: true, commonmark: true })
const result = unified()
.use(remarkShortcodes, { plugins: registry.getEditorComponents() })
return result;
@ -399,6 +505,7 @@ export const slateToRemark = raw => {
} else {
acc.push(u('html', childNode.text));
return acc;
@ -408,6 +515,10 @@ export const slateToRemark = raw => {
return u('root', children);
if (node.type === 'shortcode') {
return u('html', { data: },;
if (node.type.startsWith('heading')) {
const depths = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4, five: 5, six: 6 };
const depth = node.type.split('-')[1];
@ -448,19 +559,21 @@ export const slateToRemark = raw => {
raw.type = 'root';
const result = transform(raw);
const mdast = transform(raw);
const result = unified()
.use(remarkShortcodes, { plugins: registry.getEditorComponents() })
return result;
export const remarkToHtml = mdast => {
const result = unified()
.use(remarkToRehypeShortcodes, { plugins: registry.getEditorComponents() })
.use(remarkToRehype, { allowDangerousHTML: true })
.use(() => node => {
return node;
const output = unified()
@ -5321,7 +5321,7 @@ mdast-util-compact@^1.0.0:
unist-util-modify-children "^1.0.0"
unist-util-visit "^1.1.0"
mdast-util-definitions@^1.2.0, mdast-util-definitions@^1.2.2:
version "1.2.2"
resolved ""
@ -9010,7 +9010,13 @@ unist-util-is@^2.0.0, unist-util-is@^2.1.0:
version "2.1.1"
resolved ""
version "1.0.3"
resolved ""
object-assign "^4.0.1"
unist-util-modify-children@^1.0.0, unist-util-modify-children@^1.1.1:
version "1.1.1"
resolved ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user