improve prosemirror parser, fix new doc creation
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,15 +30,8 @@ const renderEditorPluginsProcessor = (node, getAsset) => {
if (plugin) {
const data = plugin.get('fromBlock')(value.match(plugin.get('pattern')));
const preview = plugin.get('toPreview')(data);
const output = typeof preview === 'string' ?
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: preview }}/> :
const result = unified()
.use(parseHtml, { fragment: true })
return result.children[0];
const output = `<div>${typeof preview === 'string' ? preview : renderToStaticMarkup(preview)}</div>`;
return unified().use(parseHtml, { fragment: true }).parse(output);
@ -1,161 +1,212 @@
/* eslint-disable */
Based closely on
import unified from 'unified';
import markdown from 'remark-parse';
import { Mark } from 'prosemirror-model';
import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
let schema;
let plugins
let activeMarks = Mark.none;
let textsArray = [];
const processMdastNode = node => {
if (node.type === "root") {
const content = => processMdastNode(childNode));
return schema.node("doc", {}, content);
* A remark plugin for converting an MDAST to a ProseMirror tree.
* @returns {function} a transformer function
function markdownToProseMirror() {
return transform;
* The MDAST transformer function.
* @param {object} node an MDAST node
* @returns {Node} a ProseMirror Node
function transform(node) {
if (node.type === 'text') {
* Block nodes
// heading and paragraph nodes contain raw text so we need to collect
// the flat list of text nodes. Other node types contain paragraph nodes.
if (node.type === "heading") {
node.children.forEach(childNode => processMdastNode(childNode));
const pNode = schema.node("heading", { level: node.depth }, textsArray);
const nodeDef = getNodeDef(node);
if (!nodeDef) {
return node;
return (nodeDef.block ? processBlock : processInline)(nodeDef, node.children, node.value);
* Provides required information for converting an MDAST node into a ProseMirror
* Node.
* @param {object} node - an MDAST node
* @returns {object} conversion data node with the following shape:
* {string} pmType - the equivalent node type in the ProseMirror schema
* {boolean} block - true if the node is block level, otherwise false
* {object} attrs - passed to ProseMirror's schema mark/node creation methods
* {object} content - overrides `node.children` as node content
* {Node} defaultContent - content to use if node has no content (default: null)
* {boolean} canContainPlugins true for nodes that may contain plugins
function getNodeDef({ type, ordered, lang, value, depth, url, alt }) {
switch (type) {
case 'root':
return { pmType: 'doc', block: true, defaultContent: schema.node('paragraph') };
case 'heading':
return { pmType: type, attrs: { level: depth }, hasText: true, block: true };
case 'paragraph':
return { pmType: type, hasText: true, block: true, canContainPlugins: true };
case 'blockquote':
return { pmType: type, block: true };
case 'list':
return { pmType: ordered ? 'ordered_list' : 'bullet_list', attrs: { tight: true }, block: true };
case 'listItem':
return { pmType: 'list_item', block: true };
case 'thematicBreak':
return { pmType: 'horizontal_rule', block: true };
case 'break':
return { pmType: 'hard_break', block: true };
case 'image':
return { pmType: type, block: true, attrs: { src: url, alt } };
case 'code':
return { pmType: 'code_block', attrs: { params: lang }, content: schema.text(value), block: true };
case 'emphasis':
return { pmType: 'em' };
case 'strong':
return { pmType: type };
case 'link':
return { pmType: 'strong' };
case 'inlineCode':
return { pmType: 'code' };
* Derives content from block nodes. Block nodes containing raw text, such as
* headings and paragraphs, are processed differently than block nodes
* containing other node types.
* @param {array} children child nodes
* @param {boolean} hasText if true, the node contains raw text nodes
* @returns {array} processed child nodes
function getBlockContent(children, hasText) {
// will return undefined for text nodes, so we filter those out
const processedChildren = => val);
if (hasText) {
const content = textsArray;
textsArray = [];
return pNode;
} else if (node.type === "paragraph") {
// TODO: improve plugin handling
// Handle externally defined plugins (they'll be wrapped in paragraphs)
if (node.children.length === 1 && node.children[0].type === 'text') {
const value = node.children[0].value;
const plugin = plugins.find(plugin => plugin.get('pattern').test(value));
if (plugin) {
const nodeType = schema.nodes[`plugin_${plugin.get('id')}`];
const data = plugin.get('fromBlock').call(plugin, value.match(plugin.get('pattern')));
return nodeType.create(data);
// Handle the internally defined image plugin. At this point the token has
// already been parsed as an image by Remark, so we have to catch it by
// checking for the 'image' type.
if (node.children.length === 1 && node.children[0].type === 'image') {
const { url, alt } = node.children[0];
// Until we improve the editor components API for built in components,
// we'll mock the result of String.prototype.match to pass in to the image
// plugin's fromBlock method.
const matches = [ , alt, url ];
const plugin = plugins.find(plugin => === 'image');
if (plugin) {
const nodeType = schema.nodes.plugin_image;
const data = plugin.get('fromBlock').call(plugin, matches);
return nodeType.create(data);
node.children.forEach(childNode => processMdastNode(childNode));
const pNode = schema.node("paragraph", {}, textsArray);
textsArray = [];
return pNode;
} else if (node.type === "blockquote") {
const content = => processMdastNode(childNode));
return schema.node("blockquote", {}, content);
} else if (node.type === "list") {
const content = => processMdastNode(childNode));
if (node.ordered) {
return schema.node("ordered_list", { tight: true, order: 1 }, content);
} else {
return schema.node("bullet_list", { tight: true }, content);
} else if (node.type === "listItem") {
const content = => processMdastNode(childNode));
return schema.node("list_item", {}, content);
} else if (node.type === "thematicBreak") {
return schema.node("horizontal_rule");
} else if (node.type === "break") {
return schema.node("hard_break");
} else if (node.type === "image") {
return schema.node("image", { src: node.url, alt: node.alt });
} else if (node.type === "code") {
return schema.node(
params: node.lang,
* End block items
// Inline
if (node.type === "text") {
textsArray.push(schema.text(node.value, activeMarks));
} else if (node.type === "emphasis") {
const mark = schema.marks["em"].create();
activeMarks = mark.addToSet(activeMarks);
node.children.forEach(childNode => processMdastNode(childNode));
activeMarks = mark.removeFromSet(activeMarks);
} else if (node.type === "strong") {
const mark = schema.marks["strong"].create();
activeMarks = mark.addToSet(activeMarks);
node.children.forEach(childNode => processMdastNode(childNode));
activeMarks = mark.removeFromSet(activeMarks);
} else if (node.type === "link") {
const mark = schema.marks["strong"].create({
title: node.title,
href: node.url,
activeMarks = mark.addToSet(activeMarks);
node.children.forEach(childNode => processMdastNode(childNode));
activeMarks = mark.removeFromSet(activeMarks);
} else if (node.type === "inlineCode") {
// Inline code is like a text node in that it can't have children
// so we add it to textsArray immediately.
const mark = schema.marks["code"].create();
activeMarks = mark.addToSet(activeMarks);
textsArray.push(schema.text(node.value, activeMarks));
activeMarks = mark.removeFromSet(activeMarks);
return content;
return node;
return processedChildren;
const compileMarkdownToProseMirror = src => {
// Clear out any old state.
let activeMarks = Mark.none;
let textsArray = [];
* Processes text nodes.
* @param {string} value the node's text content
* @returns {undefined}
function processText(value) {
textsArray.push(schema.text(value, activeMarks));
* Processes block nodes.
* @param {object} nodeModel the nodeModel for this node type via nodeModelGetters
* @param {array} children the node's child nodes
* @return {Node} a ProseMirror node
function processBlock({ pmType, attrs, content, defaultContent = null, hasText, canContainPlugins }, children) {
// Plugins are just text shortcodes, so they're rendered as a text node within
// a paragraph node in the MDAST. We use a regex to determine if the text
// represents a plugin, so for performance reasons we only test text nodes that
// are the only child of a node that can contain plugins. Currently, only
// paragraphs may contain plugins.
// Additionally, images are handled via plugin. Because images already have a
// markdown pattern, they're represented as 'image' type in the MDAST. We
// check for those here, too.
if (canContainPlugins && children.length === 1 && ['text', 'image'].includes(children[0].type)) {
const processedPlugin = processPlugin(children[0]);
if (processedPlugin) {
return processedPlugin;
const nodeContent = content || (isEmpty(children) ? defaultContent : getBlockContent(children, hasText));
return schema.node(pmType, attrs, nodeContent);
* Processes inline nodes.
* @param {object} nodeModel the nodeModel for this node type via nodeModelGetters
* @param {array} children the node's child nodes
* @return {undefined}
function processInline({ pmType, attrs }, children, value) {
const mark = schema.marks[pmType].create(attrs);
activeMarks = mark.addToSet(activeMarks);
if (isEmpty(children)) {
textsArray.push(schema.text(value, activeMarks));
} else {
children.forEach(childNode => transform(childNode));
activeMarks = mark.removeFromSet(activeMarks);
* Processes plugins, which are represented as user-defined text shortcodes.
* The built in image plugin is handled differently because it overrides
* remark/rehype's handling of a recognized markdown/html entity. Ideally, would
* stop remark from parsing images at all, so that no special logic would be
* required, but overriding this way would require a plugin to indicate what
* entity it's overriding.
* @param {object} a remark node representing a user defined plugin
* @return {Node} a ProseMirror Node
function processPlugin({ type, value, alt, url }) {
const isImage = type === 'image';
const plugin = isImage ? plugins.get('image') : plugins.find(plugin => plugin.get('pattern').test(value));
if (plugin) {
const matches = isImage ? [ , alt, url ] : value.match(plugin.get('pattern'));
const nodeType = schema.nodes[`plugin_${plugin.get('id')}`];
const data = plugin.get('fromBlock').call(plugin, matches);
return nodeType.create(data);
* Uses unified to parse markdown and apply plugins.
* @param {string} src raw markdown
* @returns {Node} a ProseMirror Node
function parser(src) {
const result = unified()
.use(markdown, { commonmark: true, footnotes: true, pedantic: true })
const output = unified()
.use(() => processMdastNode)
return unified()
return output;
const parser = (s, p) => {
* Gets the parser and makes schema and plugins available at top scope.
* @param {Schema} s a ProseMirror schema
* @param {Map} p Immutable Map of registered plugins
function parserGetter(s, p) {
schema = s;
plugins = p;
return compileMarkdownToProseMirror;
return parser;
export default parser;
export default parserGetter;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user