Add missing contributors. (#996)
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
@ -466,6 +467,202 @@
"contributions": [
"login": "eliwilliamson",
"name": "Eli Williamson",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "covingtondoan",
"name": "Covington Doan",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "ziburski",
"name": "Lennart Ziburski",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "dopry",
"name": "Darrel O'Pry",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "yourfrienderin",
"name": "Erin Symons",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "AustinGreen",
"name": "Austin Green",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "brob",
"name": "Bryan Robinson",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "dardub",
"name": "Darren",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "rpullinger",
"name": "Richard Pullinger",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "taylorbryant",
"name": "Taylor Bryant",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "kvanerkelens",
"name": "kvanerkelens",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "pjsier",
"name": "Patrick Sier",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "drlogout",
"name": "Christian Nolte",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "EdwardBetts",
"name": "Edward Betts",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "jhardman0830",
"name": "Josh Hardman",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "mistermantas",
"name": "Mantas",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "marcobiedermann",
"name": "Marco Biedermann",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "mxstbr",
"name": "Max Stoiber",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "berekuk",
"name": "Vyacheslav Matyukhin",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "jimmaaay",
"name": "jimmaaay",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
"login": "Quicksaver",
"name": "Luís Miguel",
"avatar_url": "",
"profile": "",
"contributions": [
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Netlify CMS
A CMS for static site generators. Give non-technical users a simple way to edit
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Please make sure you understand its [implications and guarantees](https://writin
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Cássio Souza</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Shawn Erquhart</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Andrey Okonetchnikov</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Mathias Biilmann</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Benaiah Mischenko</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Rafael Conde</b></sub>](<br />[🎨](#design-rafaelconde "Design") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Joseph Earl</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Cássio Souza</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Shawn Erquhart</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Andrey Okonetchnikov</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Mathias Biilmann</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Benaiah Mischenko</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Rafael Conde</b></sub>](<br />[🎨](#design-rafaelconde "Design") [💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Joseph Earl</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Brian Douglas</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Frances Berriman</b></sub>](<br />[🎨](#design-phae "Design") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>David Calavera</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Luis Correia</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Caleb</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Jerry Holmes</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>abumalick</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Eamonn Bell</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Jessica Parsons</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Kyle Mathews</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>americool</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Damien Duhamel</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Julian Krispel-Samsel</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Kevin McCormack</b></sub>](<br /> |
@ -57,7 +57,10 @@ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Artem Govorov</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Cédric Delpoux</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>imorente</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>David Francoeur</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Rusta</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Henrik Lau Eriksson</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Kraig Walker</b></sub>](<br /> |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Rich Cook</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Damien Van Der Windt</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Matt Jared</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>bruce-one</b></sub>](<br /> | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Frank Taillandier</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Aquib Master</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Eric Jinks</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Tony Alves</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Ernie Bello</b></sub>](<br />[🐛]( "Bug reports") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Alexander Kushi-Willis</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Igor Kuznetsov</b></sub>](<br />[🐛]( "Bug reports") [💻]( "Code") [🔌](#plugin-igk1972 "Plugin/utility libraries") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Tim Erickson</b></sub>](<br />[🎨](#design-neutyp "Design") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>David Jones</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Henrique Cavalieri</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Etienne Bernard</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Etienne Bernard</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Eli Williamson</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") [🎨](#design-eliwilliamson "Design") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Covington Doan</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Lennart Ziburski</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") [🎨](#design-ziburski "Design") [📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Darrel O'Pry</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") [🚇](#infra-dopry "Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc)") [⚠️]( "Tests") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Erin Symons</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Austin Green</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") [💡](#example-AustinGreen "Examples") |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Bryan Robinson</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Darren</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Richard Pullinger</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Taylor Bryant</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>kvanerkelens</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Patrick Sier</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Christian Nolte</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Edward Betts</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Josh Hardman</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Mantas</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Marco Biedermann</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Max Stoiber</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Vyacheslav Matyukhin</b></sub>](<br />[📖]( "Documentation") | [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>jimmaaay</b></sub>](<br />[💻]( "Code") |
| [<img src="" width="100px;"/><br /><sub><b>Luís Miguel</b></sub>](<br />[🐛]( "Bug reports") [💻]( "Code") |
This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
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