config.yml aktualisiert
All checks were successful
copy-homer / prod-build (push) Successful in 9s

This commit is contained in:
2023-11-19 20:56:41 +01:00
parent a719149859
commit 95b69f6078

View File

@ -1,225 +1,215 @@
title: "GCG.Dashboard"
subtitle: "IT am GCG"
logo: "assets/logo.png"
# icon: "fas fa-skull-crossbones" # Optional icon
header: true
footer: false
# Optional theme customization
theme: default
highlight-primary: "#1a1a37"
highlight-secondary: "#1a1a37"
highlight-hover: "#4c4ca2"
background: "#f5f5f5"
card-background: "#ffffff"
text: "#363636"
text-header: "#ffffff"
text-title: "#303030"
text-subtitle: "#424242"
card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
link: "#3273dc"
link-hover: "#363636"
highlight-primary: "#1a1a37"
highlight-secondary: "#1a1a37"
highlight-hover: "#4c4ca2"
background: "#131313"
card-background: "#2b2b2b"
text: "#eaeaea"
text-header: "#ffffff"
text-title: "#fafafa"
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card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
link: "#3273dc"
link-hover: "#ffdd57"
#url: https://b4bz.io
style: "is-dark" # See https://bulma.io/documentation/components/message/#colors for styling options.
title: "Nur für interne Nutzung !"
icon: "fa fa-lock"
content: "Alle hier aufgelisteten Dienste werden intern für Schüler*innen und Lehrer*innen des Georg-Cantor-Gymnasium bereitgestellt. Der Zugang ist nicht öffentlich und wird nur auf Anfrage ermöglicht."
# Optional navbar
# links: [] # Allows for navbar (dark mode, layout, and search) without any links
- name: "Website des GCG"
icon: "fa-solid fa-globe"
url: "https://cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "Wiki"
icon: "fas fa-book"
url: "https://wiki.cantorgymnasium.de/"
# this will link to a second homer page that will load config from additional-page.yml and keep default config values as in config.yml file
# see url field and assets/additional-page.yml.dist used in this example:
#- name: "another page!"
# icon: "fas fa-file-alt"
# url: "#additional-page"
# Services
# First level array represent a group.
# Leave only a "items" key if not using group (group name, icon & tagstyle are optional, section separation will not be displayed).
- name: "Administration"
icon: "fa-solid fa-gear"
- name: "NGING Proxy Manager"
logo: "assets/tools/npm.png"
subtitle: "Proxy-Verwaltung"
tag: "config"
keywords: "nginx proxy settings"
url: "https://npm.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "Portainer"
logo: "assets/tools/portainer.png"
subtitle: "Docker-Verwaltung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://docker.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "Webmin"
logo: "assets/tools/webmin.png"
subtitle: "Server-Verwaltung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://webmin.cantorgymnasium.de:10000"
target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "Matomo"
logo: "assets/tools/matomo.png"
subtitle: "Analytik-Dashboard"
tag: "config"
url: "https://analytics.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "Form Tools"
logo: "assets/tools/ft.png"
subtitle: "Formular-Verwaltung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://php.cantorgymnasium.de/formtools/"
target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "Uptime Kuma"
logo: "assets/tools/kuma.svg"
subtitle: "Status-Anzeige"
tag: "config"
url: "https://status.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "DBGate"
logo: "assets/tools/dbgate.png"
subtitle: "Datenbankverwaltung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://db.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Grafana"
logo: "assets/tools/grafana.svg"
subtitle: "Datenvisualisierung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://grafana.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Keycloak"
logo: "assets/tools/keycloak.png"
subtitle: "Identitätsverwaltung"
url: "https://id.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
tag: "config"
- name: "Koha-Verwaltungsoberfläche"
logo: "assets/tools/koha.png"
subtitle: "Bibliotheks-System"
tag: "bibo"
url: "https://bibo.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Dienste"
icon: "fa-solid fa-globe"
- name: "Gitea"
logo: "assets/tools/gitea.png"
subtitle: "Git Codeverwaltung"
tag: "gitea"
url: "https://git.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank" # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "HedgeDoc"
logo: "assets/tools/hedgedoc.png"
subtitle: "Kollaborative Dokumente"
tag: "hedgedoc"
url: "https://pads.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "SOGo"
logo: "assets/tools/sogo.png"
subtitle: "Webmail-Dienst"
tag: "mailcow"
url: "https://mail.cantorgymnasium.de/SOGo/"
target: "_blank"
- name: "mailcow UI"
logo: "assets/tools/mailcow.svg"
subtitle: "Mail-Verwaltung"
tag: "mailcow"
url: "https://mail.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Seafile"
logo: "assets/tools/seafile.png"
subtitle: "Cloud-Dienst"
tag: "seafile"
url: "https://cloud.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "WikiJS"
logo: "assets/tools/wikijs.png"
subtitle: "Internes Technik-Wiki"
tag: "wiki"
url: "https://wiki.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Snipe-IT"
logo: "assets/tools/snipe.png"
subtitle: "Inventarsoftware"
url: "https://snipe.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Koha"
logo: "assets/tools/koha.png"
subtitle: "Bibliotheks-System"
tag: "bibo"
url: "https://bibo.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Web-Dienste"
icon: "fa-solid fa-globe"
- name: "Website"
logo: "assets/logo.png"
subtitle: "GCG-Homepage"
tag: "web"
url: "https://cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Website (Dev)"
logo: "assets/tools/logo_dev.png"
subtitle: "Entwicklungsinstanz"
tag: "web"
url: "https://dev.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Website (Test)"
logo: "assets/tools/logo_dev.png"
subtitle: "Testinstanz"
tag: "web"
url: "https://test.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Static CMS"
logo: "assets/tools/cms.png"
subtitle: "Website-Verwaltung"
tag: "web"
url: "https://cantorgymnasium.de/admin/"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Marzipano"
logo: "assets/tools/marzipano.png"
subtitle: "Digitaler Rundgang"
tag: "web"
url: "https://vr.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Der Pinguin"
logo: "assets/tools/schuelerzeitung.webp"
subtitle: "Schülerzeitung des GCG"
tag: "pinguin"
url: "https://schuelerzeitung-gcg.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Der Pinguin (Test)"
logo: "assets/tools/schuelerzeitung_dev.png"
subtitle: "Testinstanz der Schülerzeitung"
tag: "pinguin"
url: "https://test.schuelerzeitung-gcg.de"
target: "_blank"
title: "GCG.Dashboard"
subtitle: "IT am GCG"
logo: "assets/logo.png"
# icon: "fas fa-skull-crossbones" # Optional icon
header: true
footer: false
# Optional theme customization
theme: default
highlight-primary: "#1a1a37"
highlight-secondary: "#1a1a37"
highlight-hover: "#4c4ca2"
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card-background: "#ffffff"
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link: "#3273dc"
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background: "#131313"
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text: "#eaeaea"
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text-subtitle: "#f5f5f5"
card-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
link: "#3273dc"
link-hover: "#ffdd57"
style: "is-dark"
title: "Nur für interne Nutzung !"
icon: "fa fa-lock"
content: "Alle hier aufgelisteten Dienste werden intern für Schüler*innen und Lehrer*innen des Georg-Cantor-Gymnasium bereitgestellt. Der Zugang ist nicht öffentlich und wird nur auf Anfrage ermöglicht."
- name: "Website des GCG"
icon: "fa-solid fa-globe"
url: "https://cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Wiki"
icon: "fas fa-book"
url: "https://wiki.cantorgymnasium.de/"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Administration"
icon: "fa-solid fa-gear"
- name: "NGING Proxy Manager"
logo: "assets/tools/npm.png"
subtitle: "Proxy-Verwaltung"
tag: "config"
keywords: "nginx proxy settings"
url: "https://npm.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Portainer"
logo: "assets/tools/portainer.png"
subtitle: "Docker-Verwaltung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://docker.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Webmin"
logo: "assets/tools/webmin.png"
subtitle: "Server-Verwaltung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://webmin.cantorgymnasium.de:10000"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Matomo"
logo: "assets/tools/matomo.png"
subtitle: "Analytik-Dashboard"
tag: "config"
url: "https://analytics.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Form Tools"
logo: "assets/tools/ft.png"
subtitle: "Formular-Verwaltung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://php.cantorgymnasium.de/formtools/"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Upptime"
logo: "assets/tools/upptime.svg"
subtitle: "Status-Anzeige"
tag: "config"
url: "https://status.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "DBGate"
logo: "assets/tools/dbgate.png"
subtitle: "Datenbankverwaltung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://db.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Grafana"
logo: "assets/tools/grafana.svg"
subtitle: "Datenvisualisierung"
tag: "config"
url: "https://grafana.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Keycloak"
logo: "assets/tools/keycloak.png"
subtitle: "Identitätsverwaltung"
url: "https://id.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
tag: "config"
- name: "Koha-Verwaltungsoberfläche"
logo: "assets/tools/koha.png"
subtitle: "Bibliotheks-System"
tag: "bibo"
url: "https://bibo.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Dienste"
icon: "fa-solid fa-globe"
- name: "Gitea"
logo: "assets/tools/gitea.png"
subtitle: "Git Codeverwaltung"
tag: "gitea"
url: "https://git.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "HedgeDoc"
logo: "assets/tools/hedgedoc.png"
subtitle: "Kollaborative Dokumente"
tag: "hedgedoc"
url: "https://pads.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "SOGo"
logo: "assets/tools/sogo.png"
subtitle: "Webmail-Dienst"
tag: "mailcow"
url: "https://mail.cantorgymnasium.de/SOGo/"
target: "_blank"
- name: "mailcow UI"
logo: "assets/tools/mailcow.svg"
subtitle: "Mail-Verwaltung"
tag: "mailcow"
url: "https://mail.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Seafile"
logo: "assets/tools/seafile.png"
subtitle: "Cloud-Dienst"
tag: "seafile"
url: "https://cloud.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "WikiJS"
logo: "assets/tools/wikijs.png"
subtitle: "Internes Technik-Wiki"
tag: "wiki"
url: "https://wiki.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Snipe-IT"
logo: "assets/tools/snipe.png"
subtitle: "Inventarsoftware"
url: "https://snipe.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Koha"
logo: "assets/tools/koha.png"
subtitle: "Bibliotheks-System"
tag: "bibo"
url: "https://bibo.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Web-Dienste"
icon: "fa-solid fa-globe"
- name: "Website"
logo: "assets/logo.png"
subtitle: "GCG-Homepage"
tag: "web"
url: "https://cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Website (Dev)"
logo: "assets/tools/logo_dev.png"
subtitle: "Entwicklungsinstanz"
tag: "web"
url: "https://dev.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Website (Test)"
logo: "assets/tools/logo_dev.png"
subtitle: "Testinstanz"
tag: "web"
url: "https://test.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Static CMS"
logo: "assets/tools/cms.png"
subtitle: "Website-Verwaltung"
tag: "web"
url: "https://cantorgymnasium.de/admin/"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Marzipano"
logo: "assets/tools/marzipano.png"
subtitle: "Digitaler Rundgang"
tag: "web"
url: "https://vr.cantorgymnasium.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Der Pinguin"
logo: "assets/tools/schuelerzeitung.webp"
subtitle: "Schülerzeitung des GCG"
tag: "pinguin"
url: "https://schuelerzeitung-gcg.de"
target: "_blank"
- name: "Der Pinguin (Test)"
logo: "assets/tools/schuelerzeitung_dev.png"
subtitle: "Testinstanz der Schülerzeitung"
tag: "pinguin"
url: "https://test.schuelerzeitung-gcg.de"
target: "_blank"