# Changelog ### [2.0.4] - New option: `customClass` - New attribute: `data-customclass` (overrides global option `customClass`) - New attribute: `data-border` (overrides global option `border`) - New: option ratio: 'full' for a 100% viewport height of iFrame and video content ### [2.0.3] - New: ECMAScript module `import VenoBox from './src/venobox.esm.js'` ### [2.0.2] - New: Fast gallery navigation - Update: default `maxWidth: 100%` - Update: minor css fixes ### [2.0.1] - Update: 'share' option boolean. - Deprecated: facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest share - New share tools: Copy link, Navigator share, Download - New: option `navKeyboard` - New: option `navTouch` - Update: minor fixes ### [2.0.0] - Dropped jQuery dependency. - Async gallery navigation and items loading - New: support local videos (mp4, webm, ogg) - Update: more preload spinners Check [Migrating to VenoBox 2](https://github.com/nicolafranchini/VenoBox/wiki). ### [1.9.4] - New: navSpeed option ### [1.9.3] - New: noArrows option ### [1.9.2] - Update: Remove focus from link to avoid multiple calls with enter key ### [1.9.1] - Fix: Error thrown in safari #147 ### [v1.9.0] - Update: reset content scrollTop on change ### [v1.8.9] - New share buttons available options: `['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'pinterest', 'download']` ### [v1.8.8] - Hide infinigall navigation if has only 1 item - Hide numeratio if has only 1 item - Higher z-index for vbox-overlay ### [v1.8.7] - Percentual window padding - Minified CSS ### [v1.8.6] - Namespaced some css classes #133 ### [v1.8.5] - New callback: `cb_content_loaded(obj, gallIndex, thenext, theprev)` ### [v1.8.4] - Scrollbar dissappears behind `.vbox-overlay` background (Chrome) #109 - Overlay close does not work on iPad, and full overlay is not clickable #115 - Allow autoplay in Chrome - attribute needed for iframe #121 ### [v1.8.3] - New spinkit preloaders #106 - Hide spinner when popup has been loaded #101 - Add support of customized Gallery items directly on the JavaScript init. #120 ### [v1.8.2] - Fix: infinigall & nextok = false #98 ### [v1.8.1] - update: `use strict` - thanks @shivarajnaidu - Fix: fade in overlay ### [v1.8.0 - New: touch swipe support - New methods: call close, next or previous item outside the plugin - Update: new callbacks ### [v1.7.3] - Update: brought back `data-gall` instead of `data-vbgall` ### [v1.7.2] - Fix: gallery navigation with different title attributes - Fix: position absolute for preloader to avoid scroll overlay - Update: .json files ### [v1.7.1] - New: options for title and navigation elements: position and colors - New: pure css3 preloaders - New: 5 Callbacks added - thanks @garyee - New: video autoplay as option - thanks @codibit - Update: `data-type` changed to `data-vbtype` - Update: css3 next - prev arrows - Update: iframe and inline windows with default height realtive to viewport - Update: Removed deprecated functions for jQuery 3 - Update: new youtube parser to convert more urls - Update: video format to 16:9 - Update: panel shadow - Fix: wait to loading all images inside ajax modal - Fix: `https://` for video iframes