(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.VenoBox = factory()); }(this, (function () { 'use strict'; /** * VenoBox 2.0.4 * Copyright 2013-2021 Nicola Franchini * @license: https://github.com/nicolafranchini/VenoBox/blob/master/LICENSE */ let backdrop, blocknum, blockshare, blocktitle, core, container, content, current_item, current_index, diffX, diffY, endY, elPreloader, elPreloaderInner; let gallIndex, images, infinigall, items, navigationDisabled, newcontent, numeratio, nextok, prevok, overlay; let set_maxWidth, set_overlayColor, set_ratio, set_autoplay, set_href, set_customclass, startY, thenext, theprev, thisborder, thisgall, title, throttle; const svgOpen = ''; const svgClose = ''; const downloadIcon = svgOpen + '' + svgClose; const shareIcon = svgOpen + '' + svgClose; const linkIcon = svgOpen + '' + svgClose; const imagesHolder = document.createElement('div'); let startX = 0; let endX = 0; let diff = 0; let threshold = 50; let startouch = false; let imgLoader = new Image(); const spinners = { 'bounce': ['sk-bounce', 'sk-bounce-dot', 2], 'chase': ['sk-chase', 'sk-chase-dot', 6], 'circle': ['sk-circle', 'sk-circle-dot', 12], 'circle-fade': ['sk-circle-fade', 'sk-circle-fade-dot', 12], 'flow': ['sk-flow', 'sk-flow-dot', 3], 'fold': ['sk-fold', 'sk-fold-cube', 4], 'grid': ['sk-grid', 'sk-grid-cube', 9], 'plane': ['sk-plane', '', 0], 'pulse': ['sk-pulse', '', 5], 'swing': ['sk-swing', 'sk-swing-dot', 2], 'wander': ['sk-wander', 'sk-wander-cube', 3], 'wave': ['sk-wave', 'sk-wave-rec', 5] }; // Default settings const defaults = { selector: '.venobox', autoplay : false, bgcolor: '#fff', border: '0', customClass: false, infinigall: false, maxWidth: '100%', navigation: true, navKeyboard: true, navTouch: true, navSpeed: 300, numeration: false, overlayClose: true, overlayColor: 'rgba(23,23,23,0.95)', popup: false, ratio: '16x9', // '1x1' | '4x3' | '16x9' | '21x9' share: false, shareStyle: 'pill', // 'bar' | 'block' | 'pill' | 'transparent' spinner: 'bounce', // 'plane' | 'chase' | 'bounce' | 'wave' | 'pulse' | 'flow' | 'swing' | 'circle' | 'circle-fade' | 'grid' | 'fold' | 'wander' spinColor : '#d2d2d2', titleattr: 'title', titlePosition: 'top', // 'top' || 'bottom' titleStyle: 'bar', // 'bar' | 'block' | 'pill' | 'transparent' toolsBackground: '#1C1C1C', // 'transparent' toolsColor: '#d2d2d2', onPreOpen: function(){ return true; }, // Return the selected object - set return false to prevent opening onPostOpen: function(){}, // Return: current_item, gallIndex, thenext, theprev onPreClose: function(){ return true; }, // Return: current_item, gallIndex, thenext, theprev - set return false to prevent closing onNavComplete: function(){}, // Return: current_item, gallIndex, thenext, theprev onContentLoaded: function(){}, // Return: newcontent onInit: function(){}, // Return: plugin obj jQuerySelectors: false, }; /** * Generate spinner html * @param {Array} spinarray Selected spinner */ function createspinner(spinarray){ if (!spinarray) { return 'Loading...'; } let spinner = '
'; let i = 0; for (i = 0; i < spinarray[2]; i++) { spinner += '
'; } spinner += '
'; return spinner; } /** * A simple forEach() implementation for Arrays, Objects and NodeLists * @param {Array|Object|NodeList} collection Collection of items to iterate * @param {Function} callback Callback function for each iteration * @param {Array|Object|NodeList} scope Object/NodeList/Array that forEach is iterating over (aka `this`) */ function forEach(collection, callback, scope) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(collection) === '[object Object]') { let prop; for (prop in collection) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(collection, prop)) { callback.call(scope, collection[prop], prop, collection); } } } else { let i = 0; let len = collection.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { callback.call(scope, collection[i], i, collection); } } } /** * Merge defaults with user options * @param {Object} defaults Default settings * @param {Object} options User options * @returns {Object} Merged values of defaults and options */ function extend( defaults, options ) { let extended = {}; forEach(defaults, function (value, prop) { extended[prop] = defaults[prop]; }); forEach(options, function (value, prop) { extended[prop] = options[prop]; }); return extended; } /** * Linear animation timing */ function timingLinear(timeFraction){ return timeFraction; } /** * Animate with callback * https://javascript.info/js-animation */ function animate({timing, draw, duration}) { let start = performance.now(); requestAnimationFrame(function animate(time) { // timeFraction goes from 0 to 1 let timeFraction = (time - start) / duration; if (timeFraction > 1) { timeFraction = 1; } // calculate the current animation state let progress = timing(timeFraction); draw(progress); // draw it if (timeFraction < 1) { requestAnimationFrame(animate); } }); } /** * Parse Youtube or Vimeo videos and get host & ID */ function parseVideo(url) { let type, match, vid; let regYt = /(https?:\/\/)?((www\.)?(youtube(-nocookie)?|youtube.googleapis)\.com.*(v\/|v=|vi=|vi\/|e\/|embed\/|user\/.*\/u\/\d+\/)|youtu\.be\/)([_0-9a-z-]+)/i; match = url.match(regYt); if (match && match[7]) { type = 'youtube'; vid = match[7]; } else { let regVim = /^.*(vimeo\.com\/)((channels\/[A-z]+\/)|(groups\/[A-z]+\/videos\/))?([0-9]+)/; match = url.match(regVim); if (match && match[5]) { type = 'vimeo'; vid = match[5]; } } return { type: type, id: vid }; } /** * Get additional url parameters */ function getUrlParameter(url) { let result = ''; let sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(url); let firstsplit = sPageURL.split('?'); if (firstsplit[1] !== undefined) { let sURLVariables = firstsplit[1].split('&'); let sParameterName; let i; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); result = result + '&'+ sParameterName[0]+'='+ sParameterName[1]; } } return encodeURI(result); } /** * Get all images from string */ function getImages(string) { imagesHolder.innerHTML = string; return imagesHolder.querySelectorAll('img'); } /** * Update item settings. */ function updateVars(obj){ if (!obj) { return false; } navigationDisabled = true; current_item = obj; nextok = false; prevok = false; set_maxWidth = obj.getAttribute("data-maxwidth") || obj.settings.maxWidth; set_overlayColor = obj.getAttribute("data-overlay") || obj.settings.overlayColor; set_ratio = obj.getAttribute("data-ratio") || obj.settings.ratio; set_autoplay = obj.getAttribute("data-autoplay") || obj.settings.autoplay; set_href = obj.getAttribute("data-href") || obj.getAttribute('href'); set_customclass = obj.getAttribute("data-customclass") || obj.settings.customClass; title = obj.getAttribute(obj.settings.titleattr) || ''; thisborder = obj.getAttribute("data-border") || obj.settings.border; } /** * Close modal. */ function close() { if (!current_item || !document.body.classList.contains('vbox-open')) { return false; } if (current_item.settings.onPreClose && typeof current_item.settings.onPreClose === 'function') { current_item.settings.onPreClose(current_item, gallIndex, thenext, theprev); if (current_item.settings.onPreClose === false) { return false; } } document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', keyboardHandler); document.body.classList.remove('vbox-open'); current_item.focus(); animate({ duration: 200, timing: timingLinear, draw: function(progress) { overlay.style.opacity = 1 - progress; if (progress === 1){ overlay.remove(); } } }); } /** * Navigate gallery. */ function next() { navigateGall(thenext); } function prev() { navigateGall(theprev); } /** * Keyboard navigation. */ function keyboardHandler(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { // esc close(); } if (!throttle) { if (e.keyCode == 37 && prevok === true) { // < navigateGall(theprev); } if (e.keyCode == 39 && nextok === true) { // > navigateGall(thenext); } /* prevent keyboard processing until timer completed */ throttle = setTimeout(() => { throttle = null; }, 100); } } /** * Append and fade-in new content */ function contentLoaded(){ navigationDisabled = false; content.style.opacity = 0; content.innerHTML = newcontent; let vboxChild = content.querySelector(":first-child"); vboxChild.classList.add('vbox-child'); vboxChild.style.backgroundColor = current_item.settings.bgcolor; vboxChild.style.maxWidth = set_maxWidth; vboxChild.style.transform = 'scale(0.9)'; vboxChild.style.transition = 'transform 200ms'; // Fix weird drag let childImageLock = content.querySelector('.vbox-child img'); if (childImageLock) { childImageLock.addEventListener('dragstart', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); } // reset content scroll container.scrollTo(0, 0); vboxChild.style.transform = 'scale(1)'; overlay.style.setProperty('--vbox-padding', thisborder); // Reset custom classes. forEach(overlay.classList, function(obj){ if (obj !== 'vbox-overlay') { overlay.classList.remove(obj); } }); // Set custom class. if (set_customclass){ overlay.classList.add(set_customclass); } animate({ duration: 200, timing: timingLinear, draw: function(progress) { content.style.opacity = progress; if (progress === 1){ elPreloader.classList.add('vbox-hidden'); } } }); if (current_item.settings.onContentLoaded && typeof current_item.settings.onContentLoaded === 'function') { current_item.settings.onContentLoaded(newcontent); } } /** * Check animation state * @param {string} state 'loading' | 'animated' */ function checkState(state) { if (!content.classList.contains('vbox-' + state)) { contentLoaded(); } } /** * Load iFrame */ function loadIframe(dest, ratio){ content.classList.add("vbox-loading"); newcontent = '
'; content.classList.remove("vbox-loading"); checkState('animated'); } /** * Load videos */ function loadVid(dest, ratio, autoplay){ content.classList.add("vbox-loading"); let stringAutoplay; // check if it's a video file - thanks to @alexxandar if (dest.search(/.+\.mp4|og[gv]|webm/) !== -1) { stringAutoplay = autoplay ? " autoplay" : ""; newcontent = '
'; } else { let player; let videoObj = parseVideo(dest); // set rel=0 to hide related videos at the end of YT + optional autoplay stringAutoplay = autoplay ? "?rel=0&autoplay=1" : "?rel=0"; let queryvars = stringAutoplay + getUrlParameter(dest); if (videoObj.type == 'vimeo') { player = 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/'; } else if (videoObj.type == 'youtube') { player = 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/'; } newcontent = '
'; } content.classList.remove("vbox-loading"); checkState('animated'); } /** * Load inline content */ function loadInline(dest){ let inlineContent = document.querySelector(dest); if (inlineContent) { content.classList.add("vbox-loading"); newcontent = '
' + inlineContent.innerHTML + '
'; content.classList.remove("vbox-loading"); checkState('animated'); } } /** * Preload images from ajax call */ function loadAjaxImages(){ images = getImages(newcontent); if (images.length) { let imgCounter = 0; forEach(images, function(getimg){ let srcimg = getimg.src; imgLoader = new Image(); imgLoader.onload = function(){ imgCounter++; if ( imgCounter == images.length ) { content.classList.remove("vbox-loading"); checkState('animated'); } }; imgLoader.onerror = function(){ imgCounter++; if ( imgCounter == images.length ) { content.classList.remove("vbox-loading"); checkState('animated'); } }; imgLoader.src = srcimg; }); } else { content.classList.remove("vbox-loading"); checkState('animated'); } } /** * Load Ajax */ function loadAjax(dest){ content.classList.add("vbox-loading"); let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", dest, true); xhr.onload = function() { newcontent = '
'+ xhr.response +'
'; loadAjaxImages(); }; xhr.onerror = function() { newcontent = '
'; content.classList.remove("vbox-loading"); checkState('animated'); }; xhr.send(); } /** * Preload image */ function loadImage(dest){ imgLoader.onload = function(){ // image has been loaded newcontent = '
'; content.classList.remove('vbox-loading'); checkState('animated'); }; imgLoader.src = dest; } /** * Start Drag */ function dragStart(e) { if (!navigationDisabled) { let speed = (current_item.settings.navSpeed * 0.84); content.style.transition = 'margin '+ speed + 'ms ease-out, opacity '+ speed + 'ms ease-out'; startY = endY = e.pageY; startX = endX = e.pageX; startouch = true; } } /** * End Drag */ function dragEnd(e) { if (startouch) { startouch = false; let subject = current_item; let change = false; diff = endX - startX; if (diff < 0 && nextok) { subject = thenext; change = true; } if (diff > 0 && prevok) { subject = theprev; change = true; } if (Math.abs(diff) >= threshold && change) { navigateGall(subject); } else { content.style.marginLeft = 0; content.style.opacity = 1; } } } /** * Drag items */ function drag(e) { if (startouch && !navigationDisabled) { endX = e.pageX; endY = e.pageY; diffX = endX - startX; diffY = endY - startY; let absdiffX = Math.abs(diffX); let absdiffY = Math.abs(diffY); if ((absdiffX > absdiffY) && (absdiffX <= 180)) { let diffopac = (1 - absdiffX / 180) * 1.5; e.preventDefault(); content.style.marginLeft = diffX + 'px'; content.style.opacity = diffopac; } } } function setShareButtons(href){ // Navigator share if (navigator.canShare) { const shareData = { url: href }; blockshare.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ''); const mobileShareBtn = blockshare.querySelector('.vbox-share-mobile'); mobileShareBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); navigator.share(shareData); }); } // Download blockshare.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ''+downloadIcon+''); // Copy link blockshare.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '
'); const shareCopyBtn = blockshare.querySelector('.vbox-share-copy'); shareCopyBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); let tooltip = document.getElementById("myTooltip"); navigator.clipboard.writeText(href).then(function() { tooltip.innerHTML = '
'; }, function() { console.log('copy failed'); }); }); } /** * Check navigation * @param {object} el Current item */ function checknav(el){ if (!el) { return false; } thisgall = el.dataset.gall; numeratio = el.settings.numeration; infinigall = el.settings.infinigall; blockshare.innerHTML = ''; let vbtype = el.dataset.vbtype; if (el.settings.share && vbtype !== 'iframe' && vbtype !== 'inline' && vbtype !== 'ajax' ) { setShareButtons(el.href); } items = document.querySelectorAll('.vbox-item[data-gall="' + thisgall + '"]'); current_index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(items, el); if (items.length < 2) { infinigall = false; numeratio = false; } thenext = items[current_index + 1]; theprev = items[current_index - 1]; if (!thenext && infinigall) { thenext = items[0]; } if (!theprev && infinigall) { theprev = items[items.length - 1]; } // Update gallery numeration if (items.length >= 1) { gallIndex = current_index + 1; blocknum.innerHTML = gallIndex + ' / ' + items.length; } else { gallIndex = 1; } if (numeratio) { blocknum.classList.remove('vbox-hidden'); } else { blocknum.classList.add('vbox-hidden'); } // Update title if (title !== '') { blocktitle.classList.remove('vbox-hidden'); } else { blocktitle.classList.add('vbox-hidden'); } blocktitle.innerHTML = title; // update navigation arrows prevok = false; nextok = false; if (thenext || infinigall) { nextok = true; } if (current_index > 0 || infinigall) { prevok = true; } // activate swipe if ((prevok || nextok) && el.settings.navTouch) { content.classList.add('vbox-grab'); content.addEventListener("touchstart", dragStart, false); content.addEventListener("touchend", dragEnd, false); content.addEventListener("touchmove", drag, false); content.addEventListener("mousedown", dragStart, false); content.addEventListener("mouseup", dragEnd, false); content.addEventListener("mouseout", dragEnd, false); content.addEventListener("mousemove", drag, false); } else { content.classList.remove('vbox-grab'); content.removeEventListener("touchstart", dragStart, false); content.removeEventListener("touchend", dragEnd, false); content.removeEventListener("touchmove", drag, false); content.removeEventListener("mousedown", dragStart, false); content.removeEventListener("mouseup", dragEnd, false); content.removeEventListener("mouseout", dragEnd, false); content.removeEventListener("mousemove", drag, false); } let vbox_next = overlay.querySelector('.vbox-next'); let vbox_prev = overlay.querySelector('.vbox-prev'); if (prevok) { vbox_prev.classList.remove('vbox-hidden'); } else { vbox_prev.classList.add('vbox-hidden'); } if (nextok) { vbox_next.classList.remove('vbox-hidden'); } else { vbox_next.classList.add('vbox-hidden'); } if (!el.settings.navigation) { vbox_next.classList.add('vbox-hidden'); vbox_prev.classList.add('vbox-hidden'); } } // Checknav /** * Update overlay and tools style. */ function updateOverlay(destination){ if (!destination) { return false; } backdrop.style.backgroundColor = set_overlayColor; // Custom preloader color. elPreloaderInner.innerHTML = createspinner(spinners[destination.settings.spinner]); overlay.style.setProperty('--sk-color', destination.settings.spinColor); elPreloader.classList.remove('vbox-hidden'); blockshare.classList.remove('vbox-top', 'vbox-bottom'); blocktitle.classList.remove('vbox-top', 'vbox-bottom'); if (destination.settings.titlePosition == 'top') { blocktitle.classList.add('vbox-top'); blockshare.classList.add('vbox-bottom'); } else { blocktitle.classList.add('vbox-bottom'); blockshare.classList.add('vbox-top'); } let titleWidth = destination.settings.titleStyle === 'bar' ? '100%' : 'auto'; let titleRadius = destination.settings.titleStyle === 'pill' ? '5em' : '0'; let shareWidth = destination.settings.shareStyle === 'bar' ? '100%' : 'auto'; let shareRadius = destination.settings.shareStyle === 'pill' ? '5em' : '0'; let titlebg = destination.settings.titleStyle === 'transparent' ? 'transparent' : destination.settings.toolsBackground; let sharebg = destination.settings.shareStyle === 'transparent' ? 'transparent' : destination.settings.toolsBackground; overlay.style.setProperty('--vbox-title-width', titleWidth); overlay.style.setProperty('--vbox-title-radius', titleRadius); overlay.style.setProperty('--vbox-share-width', shareWidth); overlay.style.setProperty('--vbox-share-radius', shareRadius); overlay.style.setProperty('--vbox-tools-color', destination.settings.toolsColor); overlay.style.setProperty('--vbox-title-background', titlebg); overlay.style.setProperty('--vbox-share-background', sharebg); } /** * Load content */ function loadContent(){ if (!current_item) { return false; } let vbtype = current_item.dataset.vbtype; switch (vbtype) { case 'iframe': loadIframe(set_href, set_ratio); break; case 'inline': loadInline(set_href); break; case 'ajax': loadAjax(set_href); break; case 'video': loadVid(set_href, set_ratio, set_autoplay); break; default: loadImage(set_href); } } /** * Gallery navigation. */ function navigateGall(destination) { if (!destination || navigationDisabled || !document.body.classList.contains('vbox-open')) { return false; } updateVars(destination); updateOverlay(destination); // swipe out item let speed = (current_item.settings.navSpeed * 0.84); content.style.transition = 'margin '+ speed + 'ms ease-out, opacity '+ speed + 'ms ease-out'; if (destination === theprev) { content.classList.add("swipe-right"); } if (destination === thenext) { content.classList.add("swipe-left"); } elPreloader.classList.remove('vbox-hidden'); let startopacity = content.style.opacity; content.classList.add("vbox-animated", "vbox-loading"); checknav(destination); animate({ duration: current_item.settings.navSpeed, timing: timingLinear, draw: function(progress) { content.style.opacity = startopacity - progress/startopacity; if (progress === 1){ content.classList.remove("swipe-left", "swipe-right", "vbox-animated"); content.style.marginLeft = 0; content.style.transition = ''; checkState('loading'); navigationDisabled = false; if (current_item.settings.onNavComplete && typeof current_item.settings.onNavComplete === 'function') { current_item.settings.onNavComplete(current_item, gallIndex, thenext, theprev); } } } }); loadContent(); } /** * Open item. */ function open(obj) { if (document.body.classList.contains('vbox-open') || !obj) { return false; } if (obj.settings.onPreOpen && typeof obj.settings.onPreOpen === 'function') { obj.settings.onPreOpen(obj); } if (!obj.settings.onPreOpen) { return false; } updateVars(obj); document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', core); document.body.classList.add('vbox-open'); overlay = document.querySelector(".vbox-overlay"); backdrop = overlay.querySelector(".vbox-backdrop"); container = overlay.querySelector(".vbox-container"); content = container.querySelector(".vbox-content"); blocknum = overlay.querySelector(".vbox-num"); blockshare = overlay.querySelector(".vbox-share"); blocktitle = overlay.querySelector(".vbox-title"); elPreloader = overlay.querySelector(".vbox-preloader"); elPreloaderInner = elPreloader.querySelector(".vbox-preloader-inner"); overlay.style.opacity = 0; updateOverlay(obj); checknav(obj); content.classList.add("vbox-animated", "vbox-loading"); // fade in overlay animate({ duration: 200, timing: timingLinear, draw: function(progress) { overlay.style.opacity = progress; if (progress === 1){ content.classList.remove('vbox-animated'); navigationDisabled = false; checkState('loading'); if (current_item.settings.onPostOpen && typeof current_item.settings.onPostOpen === 'function') { current_item.settings.onPostOpen(current_item, gallIndex, thenext, theprev); } } } }); loadContent(); // Keyboard actions if (obj.settings.navKeyboard) { document.body.addEventListener('keydown', keyboardHandler); // Reset the throttle timer document.body.addEventListener('keyup', () => { if (throttle) { clearTimeout(throttle); throttle = null; } }); } // Prev gallery document.querySelector('.vbox-prev').addEventListener('click', function(){ navigateGall(theprev); }); // Newxt gallery document.querySelector('.vbox-next').addEventListener('click', function(){ navigateGall(thenext); }); // Close modal. overlay.addEventListener('click', function(e){ let closeBtn = document.querySelector('.vbox-close'); if (closeBtn) { if (closeBtn.contains(e.target) || closeBtn === e.target || (current_item.settings.overlayClose && e.target.classList.contains('vbox-overlay') || e.target.classList.contains('vbox-content') || e.target.classList.contains('vbox-backdrop') || e.target.classList.contains('vbox-close') || e.target.classList.contains('vbox-preloader') || e.target.classList.contains('vbox-container') )) { close(); } } }); } /** * Initialize Plugin */ function init(venobox, settings) { if (settings.onInit && typeof settings.onInit === 'function') { settings.onInit(venobox); } let selectors = settings.jQuerySelectors || document.querySelectorAll(settings.selector); let navigation = 'NextPrev'; let vbheader = '
'; let vbfooter = '
'; let preloader = '
'; core = '
' + preloader + '
' + vbheader + navigation + vbfooter + '
'; /** * Loop items. */ forEach(selectors, function(obj){ if (obj.classList.contains("vbox-item")) { return true; } obj.settings = settings; obj.classList.add("vbox-item"); // Open Link obj.addEventListener("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // Remove focus from link to avoid multiple calls with enter key obj.blur(); open(obj); return false; }); // Click; }); // forEach if (settings.popup) { let popup = document.querySelector(settings.popup); popup.settings = settings; open(popup); } } // init /** * VenoBox constructor */ const VenoBox = function (options) { const venobox = {}; // Merge user options with defaults let settings = extend( defaults, options || {} ); venobox.close = close; venobox.next = next; venobox.prev = prev; venobox.open = open; venobox.settings = settings; init(venobox, settings); // Public APIs return venobox; }; /* jQuery bridge for $().venobox() */ if (typeof jQuery === 'function') { (function($){ $.fn.extend({ // plugin name - venobox venobox: function(options) { const pluginoptions = options || {}; pluginoptions.jQuerySelectors = this; // Init venobx new VenoBox({pluginoptions}); } // venobox }); // extend })(jQuery); } // See https://www.npmjs.com/package/venobox documentation. return VenoBox; })));