Daniel Lautzenheiser 421ecf17e6 Feature/website overhaul (#49)
* Reorganize repo
* Overhaul website design and rewrite in NextJS and Typescript
* Delete website-publish.yml
2022-10-25 09:18:18 -04:00

925 lines
21 KiB

import type { PropertiesSchema } from 'ajv/dist/types/json-schema';
import type { ComponentType, ReactNode } from 'react';
import type { t, TranslateProps as ReactPolyglotTranslateProps } from 'react-polyglot';
import type { Pluggable } from 'unified';
import type { MediaFile as BackendMediaFile } from './backend';
import type { EditorControlProps } from './components/Editor/EditorControlPane/EditorControl';
import type { formatExtensions } from './formats/formats';
import type { I18N_STRUCTURE } from './lib/i18n';
import type { AllowedEvent } from './lib/registry';
import type Cursor from './lib/util/Cursor';
import type AssetProxy from './valueObjects/AssetProxy';
export interface SlugConfig {
encoding: string;
clean_accents: boolean;
sanitize_replacement: string;
export interface Pages {
[collection: string]: { isFetching?: boolean; page?: number; ids: string[] };
export type SortableField =
| {
key: string;
name: string;
label: string;
| ({
key: string;
} & Field);
export interface SortObject {
key: string;
direction: SortDirection;
export type SortMap = Record<string, SortObject>;
export type Sort = Record<string, SortMap>;
export type FilterMap = ViewFilter & { active?: boolean };
export type GroupMap = ViewGroup & { active?: boolean };
export type Filter = Record<string, Record<string, FilterMap>>; //
export type Group = Record<string, Record<string, GroupMap>>; //
export interface GroupOfEntries {
id: string;
label: string;
value: string | boolean | undefined;
paths: Set<string>;
export type ObjectValue = {
[key: string]: ValueOrNestedValue;
export type ValueOrNestedValue =
| string
| number
| boolean
| string[]
| null
| undefined
| ObjectValue
| ObjectValue[];
export type EntryData = ObjectValue | undefined | null;
export interface Entry {
collection: string;
slug: string;
path: string;
partial: boolean;
raw: string;
data: EntryData;
label: string | null;
isModification: boolean | null;
mediaFiles: MediaFile[];
author: string;
updatedOn: string;
status?: string;
newRecord?: boolean;
isFetching?: boolean;
isPersisting?: boolean;
isDeleting?: boolean;
error?: string;
i18n?: {
[locale: string]: {
data: EntryData;
export type Entities = Record<string, Entry>;
export interface FieldError {
type: string;
message?: string;
export interface FieldsErrors {
[field: string]: FieldError[];
export interface FieldValidationMethodProps<T = unknown, F extends Field = Field> {
field: F;
value: T | undefined | null;
t: t;
export type FieldValidationMethod<T = unknown, F extends Field = Field> = (
props: FieldValidationMethodProps<T, F>,
) => false | FieldError | Promise<false | FieldError>;
export interface EntryDraft {
entry: Entry;
fieldsErrors: FieldsErrors;
export interface FilterRule {
value: string;
field: string;
export interface CollectionFile {
name: string;
label: string;
file: string;
fields: Field[];
label_singular?: string;
description?: string;
media_folder?: string;
public_folder?: string;
i18n?: boolean | I18nInfo;
editor?: {
preview?: boolean;
interface Nested {
summary?: string;
depth: number;
export interface I18nSettings {
currentLocale: string;
defaultLocale: string;
locales: string[];
export type Format = keyof typeof formatExtensions;
export interface i18nCollection extends Omit<Collection, 'i18n'> {
i18n: Required<Collection>['i18n'];
export interface Collection {
name: string;
description?: string;
icon?: string;
folder?: string;
files?: CollectionFile[];
fields: Field[];
isFetching?: boolean;
media_folder?: string;
public_folder?: string;
preview_path?: string;
preview_path_date_field?: string;
summary?: string;
filter?: FilterRule;
type: 'file_based_collection' | 'folder_based_collection';
extension?: string;
format?: Format;
frontmatter_delimiter?: string | [string, string];
create?: boolean;
delete?: boolean;
identifier_field?: string;
path?: string;
slug?: string;
label_singular?: string;
label: string;
sortable_fields: SortableFields;
view_filters: ViewFilter[];
view_groups: ViewGroup[];
nested?: Nested;
i18n?: boolean | I18nInfo;
hide?: boolean;
editor?: {
preview?: boolean;
export type Collections = Record<string, Collection>;
export interface MediaLibraryInstance {
show: (args: {
id?: string;
value?: string | string[];
config: Record<string, unknown>;
allowMultiple?: boolean;
imagesOnly?: boolean;
}) => void;
hide?: () => void;
onClearControl?: (args: { id: string }) => void;
onRemoveControl?: (args: { id: string }) => void;
enableStandalone: () => boolean;
export type MediaFile = BackendMediaFile & { key?: string };
export interface DisplayURLState {
isFetching: boolean;
url?: string;
err?: Error;
export type Hook = string | boolean;
export type TranslatedProps<T> = T & ReactPolyglotTranslateProps;
export type GetAssetFunction = (path: string, field?: Field) => AssetProxy;
export interface WidgetControlProps<T, F extends Field = Field> {
clearFieldErrors: EditorControlProps['clearFieldErrors'];
clearSearch: EditorControlProps['clearSearch'];
collection: Collection;
config: Config;
entry: Entry;
field: F;
fieldsErrors: FieldsErrors;
submitted: boolean;
forList: boolean;
getAsset: GetAssetFunction;
isDisabled: boolean;
isEditorComponent: boolean;
isFetching: boolean;
isFieldDuplicate: EditorControlProps['isFieldDuplicate'];
isFieldHidden: EditorControlProps['isFieldHidden'];
isNewEditorComponent: boolean;
label: string;
loadEntry: EditorControlProps['loadEntry'];
locale: string | undefined;
mediaPaths: Record<string, string | string[]>;
onChange: (value: T | null | undefined) => void;
clearMediaControl: EditorControlProps['clearMediaControl'];
openMediaLibrary: EditorControlProps['openMediaLibrary'];
removeInsertedMedia: EditorControlProps['removeInsertedMedia'];
removeMediaControl: EditorControlProps['removeMediaControl'];
i18n: I18nSettings | undefined;
hasErrors: boolean;
path: string;
query: EditorControlProps['query'];
t: t;
value: T | undefined | null;
export interface WidgetPreviewProps<T = unknown, F extends Field = Field> {
entry: Entry;
field: F;
getAsset: GetAssetFunction;
getRemarkPlugins: () => Pluggable[];
resolveWidget: <W = unknown, WF extends Field = Field>(name: string) => Widget<W, WF>;
value: T | undefined | null;
export type WidgetPreviewComponent<T = unknown, F extends Field = Field> =
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
| React.ReactElement<unknown, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>>
| ComponentType<WidgetPreviewProps<T, F>>;
export interface TemplatePreviewProps {
collection: Collection;
fields: Field[];
entry: Entry;
getAsset: GetAssetFunction;
widgetFor: (name: string) => ReactNode;
widgetsFor: (name: string) =>
| {
data: EntryData | null;
widgets: Record<string, React.ReactNode>;
| {
data: EntryData | null;
widgets: Record<string, React.ReactNode>;
export type TemplatePreviewComponent =
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
| React.ReactElement<unknown, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>>
| ComponentType<TemplatePreviewProps>;
export interface WidgetOptions<T = unknown, F extends Field = Field> {
validator?: Widget<T, F>['validator'];
getValidValue?: Widget<T, F>['getValidValue'];
schema?: Widget<T, F>['schema'];
allowMapValue?: boolean;
export interface Widget<T = unknown, F extends Field = Field> {
control: ComponentType<WidgetControlProps<T, F>>;
preview?: WidgetPreviewComponent<T, F>;
validator: FieldValidationMethod<T, F>;
getValidValue: (value: T | undefined | null) => T | undefined | null;
schema?: PropertiesSchema<unknown>;
allowMapValue?: boolean;
export interface WidgetParam<T = unknown, F extends Field = Field> {
name: string;
controlComponent: Widget<T, F>['control'];
previewComponent?: Widget<T, F>['preview'];
options?: WidgetOptions<T, F>;
export interface PreviewTemplateComponentProps {
entry: Entry;
collection: Collection;
widgetFor: (name: string) => ReactNode;
widgetsFor: (name: string) =>
| {
data: EntryData | null;
widgets: Record<string, React.ReactNode>;
| {
data: EntryData | null;
widgets: Record<string, React.ReactNode>;
getAsset: GetAssetFunction;
boundGetAsset: (collection: Collection, path: string) => GetAssetFunction;
config: Config;
fields: Field[];
isLoadingAsset: boolean;
window: Window;
document: Document;
export interface PersistOptions {
newEntry?: boolean;
commitMessage: string;
collectionName?: string;
status?: string;
export interface ImplementationEntry {
data: string;
file: { path: string; label?: string; id?: string | null; author?: string; updatedOn?: string };
export interface DisplayURLObject {
id: string;
path: string;
export type DisplayURL = DisplayURLObject | string;
export interface ImplementationMediaFile {
name: string;
id: string;
size?: number;
displayURL?: DisplayURL;
path: string;
draft?: boolean;
url?: string;
file?: File;
field?: Field;
export interface DataFile {
path: string;
slug: string;
raw: string;
newPath?: string;
export interface BackendEntry {
dataFiles: DataFile[];
assets: AssetProxy[];
export type DeleteOptions = {};
export interface Credentials {
token: string | {};
refresh_token?: string;
export type User = Credentials & {
backendName?: string;
login?: string;
name?: string;
avatar_url?: string;
export interface ImplementationFile {
id?: string | null | undefined;
label?: string;
path: string;
export interface AuthenticatorConfig {
site_id?: string;
base_url?: string;
auth_endpoint?: string;
auth_token_endpoint?: string;
auth_url?: string;
app_id?: string;
clearHash?: () => void;
export abstract class BackendClass {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
constructor(_config: Config, _options: BackendInitializerOptions) {}
abstract authComponent(): (props: TranslatedProps<AuthenticationPageProps>) => JSX.Element;
abstract restoreUser(user: User): Promise<User>;
abstract authenticate(credentials: Credentials): Promise<User>;
abstract logout(): Promise<void> | void | null;
abstract getToken(): Promise<string | null>;
abstract getEntry(path: string): Promise<ImplementationEntry>;
abstract entriesByFolder(
folder: string,
extension: string,
depth: number,
): Promise<ImplementationEntry[]>;
abstract entriesByFiles(files: ImplementationFile[]): Promise<ImplementationEntry[]>;
abstract getMediaDisplayURL(displayURL: DisplayURL): Promise<string>;
abstract getMedia(folder?: string): Promise<ImplementationMediaFile[]>;
abstract getMediaFile(path: string): Promise<ImplementationMediaFile>;
abstract persistEntry(entry: BackendEntry, opts: PersistOptions): Promise<void>;
abstract persistMedia(file: AssetProxy, opts: PersistOptions): Promise<ImplementationMediaFile>;
abstract deleteFiles(paths: string[], commitMessage: string): Promise<unknown>;
abstract allEntriesByFolder(
folder: string,
extension: string,
depth: number,
): Promise<ImplementationEntry[]>;
abstract traverseCursor(
cursor: Cursor,
action: string,
): Promise<{ entries: ImplementationEntry[]; cursor: Cursor }>;
abstract isGitBackend(): boolean;
abstract status(): Promise<{
auth: { status: boolean };
api: { status: boolean; statusPage: string };
export interface LocalePhrasesRoot {
[property: string]: LocalePhrases;
export type LocalePhrases = string | { [property: string]: LocalePhrases };
export type CustomIcon = () => JSX.Element;
export type WidgetValueSerializer = {
serialize: (value: ValueOrNestedValue) => ValueOrNestedValue;
deserialize: (value: ValueOrNestedValue) => ValueOrNestedValue;
export type MediaLibraryOptions = Record<string, unknown>;
export interface MediaLibraryInitOptions {
options: Record<string, unknown> | undefined;
handleInsert: (url: string | string[]) => void;
export interface MediaLibraryExternalLibrary {
name: string;
config?: MediaLibraryOptions;
init: ({ options, handleInsert }: MediaLibraryInitOptions) => Promise<MediaLibraryInstance>;
export interface MediaLibraryInternalOptions {
allow_multiple?: boolean;
choose_url?: boolean;
export type MediaLibrary = MediaLibraryExternalLibrary | MediaLibraryInternalOptions;
export type BackendType =
| 'azure'
| 'git-gateway'
| 'github'
| 'gitlab'
| 'bitbucket'
| 'test-repo'
| 'proxy';
export type MapWidgetType = 'Point' | 'LineString' | 'Polygon';
export type MarkdownWidgetButton =
| 'bold'
| 'italic'
| 'code'
| 'link'
| 'heading-one'
| 'heading-two'
| 'heading-three'
| 'heading-four'
| 'heading-five'
| 'heading-six'
| 'quote'
| 'code-block'
| 'bulleted-list'
| 'numbered-list';
export interface SelectWidgetOptionObject {
label: string;
value: string;
export type AuthScope = 'repo' | 'public_repo';
export type SlugEncoding = 'unicode' | 'ascii';
export interface BaseField {
name: string;
label?: string;
required?: boolean;
hint?: string;
pattern?: [string, string];
i18n?: boolean | 'translate' | 'duplicate' | 'none';
media_folder?: string;
public_folder?: string;
comment?: string;
export interface BooleanField extends BaseField {
widget: 'boolean';
default?: boolean;
export interface CodeField extends BaseField {
widget: 'code';
default?: string | { [key: string]: string };
default_language?: string;
allow_language_selection?: boolean;
keys?: { code: string; lang: string };
output_code_only?: boolean;
code_mirror_config: {
extra_keys?: Record<string, string>;
} & Record<string, unknown>;
export interface ColorField extends BaseField {
widget: 'color';
default?: string;
allow_input?: boolean;
enable_alpha?: boolean;
export interface DateTimeField extends BaseField {
widget: 'datetime';
default?: string;
format?: string;
date_format?: boolean | string;
time_format?: boolean | string;
picker_utc?: boolean; // TODO Reimplement
export interface FileOrImageField extends BaseField {
widget: 'file' | 'image';
default?: string;
media_library?: MediaLibrary;
private?: boolean;
export interface ObjectField extends BaseField {
widget: 'object';
default?: ObjectValue;
collapsed?: boolean;
summary?: string;
fields: Field[];
export interface ListField extends BaseField {
widget: 'list';
default?: ObjectValue[];
allow_add?: boolean;
collapsed?: boolean;
summary?: string;
minimize_collapsed?: boolean;
label_singular?: string;
fields?: Field[];
max?: number;
min?: number;
add_to_top?: boolean;
types?: ObjectField[];
typeKey?: string;
export interface MapField extends BaseField {
widget: 'map';
default?: string;
decimals?: number;
type?: MapWidgetType;
height?: string;
export interface MarkdownField extends BaseField {
widget: 'markdown';
default?: string;
minimal?: boolean;
buttons?: MarkdownWidgetButton[];
editor_components?: string[];
sanitize_preview?: boolean;
media_library?: MediaLibrary;
media_folder?: string;
public_folder?: string;
export interface NumberField extends BaseField {
widget: 'number';
default?: string | number;
value_type?: 'int' | 'float' | string;
min?: number;
max?: number;
step?: number;
export interface SelectField extends BaseField {
widget: 'select';
default?: string | string[];
options: string[] | SelectWidgetOptionObject[];
multiple?: boolean;
min?: number;
max?: number;
export interface RelationField extends BaseField {
widget: 'relation';
default?: string | string[];
collection: string;
value_field: string;
search_fields: string[];
file?: string;
display_fields?: string[];
multiple?: boolean;
min?: number;
max?: number;
options_length?: number;
export interface HiddenField extends BaseField {
widget: 'hidden';
default?: ValueOrNestedValue;
export interface StringOrTextField extends BaseField {
// This is the default widget, so declaring its type is optional.
widget?: 'string' | 'text';
default?: string;
export type Field =
| BooleanField
| CodeField
| ColorField
| DateTimeField
| FileOrImageField
| ListField
| MapField
| MarkdownField
| NumberField
| ObjectField
| RelationField
| SelectField
| HiddenField
| StringOrTextField;
export interface ViewFilter {
id: string;
label: string;
field: string;
pattern: string;
export interface ViewGroup {
id: string;
label: string;
field: string;
pattern?: string;
export enum SortDirection {
Ascending = 'Ascending',
Descending = 'Descending',
None = 'None',
export interface SortableFieldsDefault {
field: string;
direction?: SortDirection;
export interface SortableFields {
default?: SortableFieldsDefault;
fields: string[];
export interface Backend {
name: BackendType;
auth_scope?: AuthScope;
repo?: string;
branch?: string;
api_root?: string;
api_version?: string;
tenant_id?: string;
site_domain?: string;
base_url?: string;
auth_endpoint?: string;
app_id?: string;
auth_type?: 'implicit' | 'pkce';
proxy_url?: string;
large_media_url?: string;
login?: boolean;
use_large_media_transforms_in_media_library?: boolean;
identity_url?: string;
gateway_url?: string;
commit_messages?: {
create?: string;
update?: string;
delete?: string;
uploadMedia?: string;
deleteMedia?: string;
export interface Slug {
encoding?: SlugEncoding;
clean_accents?: boolean;
sanitize_replacement?: string;
export interface LocalBackend {
url?: string;
allowed_hosts?: string[];
export interface Config {
backend: Backend;
collections: Collection[];
locale?: string;
site_id?: string;
site_url?: string;
display_url?: string;
base_url?: string;
logo_url?: string;
media_folder?: string;
public_folder?: string;
media_folder_relative?: boolean;
media_library?: MediaLibrary;
load_config_file?: boolean;
integrations?: Integration[];
slug?: Slug;
i18n?: I18nInfo;
local_backend?: boolean | LocalBackend;
editor?: {
preview?: boolean;
search?: boolean;
export interface InitOptions {
config: Config;
export interface BackendInitializerOptions {
updateUserCredentials: (credentials: Credentials) => void;
export interface BackendInitializer {
init: (config: Config, options: BackendInitializerOptions) => BackendClass;
export interface EditorComponentWidgetOptions {
id: string;
label: string;
widget?: string;
type: string;
export interface EditorComponentManualOptions<T = EntryData> {
id: string;
label: string;
fields: Field[];
pattern: RegExp;
allow_add?: boolean;
fromBlock: (match: RegExpMatchArray) => T;
toBlock: (data: T) => string;
toPreview: (data: T, getAsset: GetAssetFunction, fields: Field[]) => ReactNode;
export function isEditorComponentWidgetOptions(
options: EditorComponentOptions,
): options is EditorComponentWidgetOptions {
return 'widget' in options;
export type EditorComponentOptions<T = EntryData> =
| EditorComponentManualOptions<T>
| EditorComponentWidgetOptions;
export interface EventData {
entry: Entry;
author: { login: string | undefined; name: string };
export interface EventListener {
name: AllowedEvent;
handler: (
data: EventData,
options: Record<string, unknown>,
) => Promise<EntryData | undefined | null | void>;
export type EventListenerOptions = Record<string, unknown>;
export interface AdditionalLink {
id: string;
title: string;
data: string | (() => JSX.Element);
options?: {
iconName?: string;
export interface AuthenticationPageProps {
onLogin: (user: User) => void;
inProgress?: boolean;
base_url?: string;
siteId?: string;
authEndpoint?: string;
config: Config;
error?: string | undefined;
clearHash?: () => void;
export type Integration = {
collections?: '*' | string[];
} & (AlgoliaIntegration | AssetStoreIntegration);
export type IntegrationProvider = Integration['provider'];
export type SearchIntegrationProvider = 'algolia';
export type MediaIntegrationProvider = 'assetStore';
export interface AlgoliaIntegration extends AlgoliaConfig {
provider: 'algolia';
export interface AlgoliaConfig {
hooks: ['search' | 'listEntries'];
applicationID: string;
apiKey: string;
indexPrefix?: string;
export interface AssetStoreIntegration extends AssetStoreConfig {
provider: 'assetStore';
export interface AssetStoreConfig {
hooks: ['assetStore'];
shouldConfirmUpload?: boolean;
getSignedFormURL: string;
export interface SearchResponse {
entries: Entry[];
pagination: number;
export interface SearchQueryResponse {
hits: Entry[];
query: string;
export interface EditorPersistOptions {
createNew?: boolean;
duplicate?: boolean;
export interface I18nInfo {
locales: string[];
defaultLocale: string;
structure?: I18N_STRUCTURE;
export interface ProcessedCodeLanguage {
label: string;
identifiers: string[];
codemirror_mode: string;
codemirror_mime_type: string;
export type FileMetadata = {
author: string;
updatedOn: string;