116 lines
6.9 KiB
116 lines
6.9 KiB
group: Widgets
title: Markdown
weight: 19
- **Name:** `markdown`
- **UI:** [Toast UI Editor](https://ui.toast.com/tui-editor) ([Docs](https://nhn.github.io/tui.editor/latest/))
- **Data type:** `markdown string`
The markdown widget provides a full fledged text editor allowing users to format text with features such as headings and blockquotes. Users can change their editing view with a handy toggle button.
_Please note:_ If you want to use your markdown editor to fill a markdown file contents after its frontmatter, you'll have to name the field `body` so the CMS recognizes it and saves the file accordingly.
## Widget Options
For common options, see [Common widget options](/docs/widgets#common-widget-options).
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------- | --------------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| default | string | `''` | _Optional_. The default value for the field. Accepts markdown content |
| media_library | Media Library Options | `{}` | _Optional_. Media library settings to apply when a media library is opened by the current widget. See [Media Library Options](#media-library-options) |
| media_folder | string | | _Optional_. Specifies the folder path where uploaded files should be saved, relative to the base of the repo |
| public_folder | string | | _Optional_. Specifies the folder path where the files uploaded by the media library will be accessed, relative to the base of the built site |
### Media Library Options
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| -------------- | ---------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| allow_multiple | boolean | `true` | _Optional_. When set to `false`, prevents multiple selection for any media library extension, but must be supported by the extension in use |
| config | string | `{}` | _Optional_. A configuration object that will be passed directly to the media library being used - available options are determined by the library |
| choose_url | string<br />\| boolean | `true` | _Optional_. When set to `false`, the "Insert from URL" button will be hidden |
## Example
name: body
label: Blog post content
widget: markdown
name: 'body',
label: 'Blog post content',
widget: 'markdown',
This would render as:

_Please note:_ The markdown widget outputs a raw markdown string. Your static site generator may or may not render the markdown to HTML automatically. Consult with your static site generator's documentation for more information about rendering markdown.
## Customization
Several customization options are available for the markdown editor. You can register the options by calling `setMarkdownEditorOptions` (also available on the global `window.CMS`).
### Available Options
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| --------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| initialEditType | 'markdown'<br />\| 'wysiwyg' | `'wysiwyg'` | _Optional_. Sets which editor view that is active when the editor is loaded |
| height | string | `'600px'` | _Optional_. Specify the height of the editor |
| toolbarItems | factory of list of strings | See [Toolbar Items](#toolbar-items) | _Optional_. See [Toolbar Items](#toolbar-items) |
| plugins | list of plugin factories | | _Optional_. See [Plugins](#plugins) |
### Toolbar Items
`toolbarItems` accepts a factory function that returns a list of toolbar buttons for the editor. See the [ToastUI Editor toolbar docs](https://github.com/nhn/tui.editor/blob/master/docs/en/toolbar.md).
#### Default Value
['heading', 'bold', 'italic', 'strike'],
['hr', 'quote'],
['ul', 'ol', 'task', 'indent', 'outdent'],
['table', imageToolbarButton, 'link'],
['code', 'codeblock'],
#### Factory Props
| Name | Type | Description |
| ------------------ | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| imageToolbarButton | ToolbarItemOptions | An image insert button tied into Static CMS's media library |
### Plugins
`plugins` accepts a list of factory functions that returns a plugin for the editor. See the [ToastUI Editor plugins docs](https://github.com/nhn/tui.editor/blob/master/docs/en/plugin.md).
#### Default Value
#### Factory Props
| Name | Type | Description |
| ------ | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| config | Config | The current Static CMS config. See [configuration options](/docs/configuration-options) |
| field | MarkdownField | The field configuration for the current Markdown widget. See [Widget Options](#widget-options) |
| media | MediaHolder | See [Media Holder](#media-holder) |
| mode | 'editor'<br />\| 'preview' | Specifies if your plugin is running in the markdown editor or the markdown preview |
##### Media Holder
Media holder is a javascript class that holds the loaded media assets (images or files) that are present in the markdown content. It exposes a method called `getMedia` that takes a `url` and returns the loaded image or file as an blob asset.
This is utilized by the `imagePlugin` to be able to render images present in the markdown that are currently only available in backend or are not yet persisted to the backend.