535 lines
17 KiB

import { attempt, flatten, isError } from 'lodash';
import { Map } from 'immutable';
import fuzzy from 'fuzzy';
import { resolveFormat } from 'Formats/formats';
import { selectIntegration } from 'Reducers/integrations';
import {
} from 'Reducers/collections';
import { createEntry } from 'ValueObjects/Entry';
import { sanitizeSlug } from 'Lib/urlHelper';
import { getBackend } from 'Lib/registry';
import { Cursor, CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util';
import { EDITORIAL_WORKFLOW, status } from 'Constants/publishModes';
class LocalStorageAuthStore {
storageKey = 'netlify-cms-user';
retrieve() {
const data = window.localStorage.getItem(this.storageKey);
return data && JSON.parse(data);
store(userData) {
window.localStorage.setItem(this.storageKey, JSON.stringify(userData));
logout() {
const slugFormatter = (collection, entryData, slugConfig) => {
const template = collection.get('slug') || '{{slug}}';
const date = new Date();
const identifier = entryData.get(selectIdentifier(collection));
if (!identifier) {
throw new Error('Collection must have a field name that is a valid entry identifier');
const slug = template
.replace(/\{\{([^}]+)\}\}/g, (_, field) => {
switch (field) {
case 'year':
return date.getFullYear();
case 'month':
return `0${date.getMonth() + 1}`.slice(-2);
case 'day':
return `0${date.getDate()}`.slice(-2);
case 'hour':
return `0${date.getHours()}`.slice(-2);
case 'minute':
return `0${date.getMinutes()}`.slice(-2);
case 'second':
return `0${date.getSeconds()}`.slice(-2);
case 'slug':
return identifier.trim();
return entryData.get(field, '').trim();
// Convert slug to lower-case
// Replace periods with dashes.
.replace(/[.]/g, '-');
return sanitizeSlug(slug, slugConfig);
const commitMessageTemplates = Map({
create: 'Create {{collection}} “{{slug}}”',
update: 'Update {{collection}} “{{slug}}”',
delete: 'Delete {{collection}} “{{slug}}”',
uploadMedia: 'Upload “{{path}}”',
deleteMedia: 'Delete “{{path}}”',
const commitMessageFormatter = (type, config, { slug, path, collection }) => {
const templates = commitMessageTemplates.merge(
config.getIn(['backend', 'commit_messages'], Map()),
const messageTemplate = templates.get(type);
return messageTemplate.replace(/\{\{([^}]+)\}\}/g, (_, variable) => {
switch (variable) {
case 'slug':
return slug;
case 'path':
return path;
case 'collection':
return collection.get('label');
console.warn(`Ignoring unknown variable “${variable}” in commit message template.`);
return '';
const extractSearchFields = searchFields => entry =>
searchFields.reduce((acc, field) => {
const f = entry.data[field];
return f ? `${acc} ${f}` : acc;
}, '');
const sortByScore = (a, b) => {
if (a.score > b.score) return -1;
if (a.score < b.score) return 1;
return 0;
class Backend {
constructor(implementation, { backendName, authStore = null, config } = {}) {
this.implementation = implementation.init(config, {
useWorkflow: config.getIn(['publish_mode']) === EDITORIAL_WORKFLOW,
updateUserCredentials: this.updateUserCredentials,
initialWorkflowStatus: status.first(),
this.backendName = backendName;
this.authStore = authStore;
if (this.implementation === null) {
throw new Error('Cannot instantiate a Backend with no implementation');
currentUser() {
if (this.user) {
return this.user;
const stored = this.authStore && this.authStore.retrieve();
if (stored && stored.backendName === this.backendName) {
return Promise.resolve(this.implementation.restoreUser(stored)).then(user => {
const newUser = { ...user, backendName: this.backendName };
// return confirmed/rehydrated user object instead of stored
return newUser;
return Promise.resolve(null);
updateUserCredentials = updatedCredentials => {
const storedUser = this.authStore && this.authStore.retrieve();
if (storedUser && storedUser.backendName === this.backendName) {
const newUser = { ...storedUser, ...updatedCredentials };
return newUser;
authComponent() {
return this.implementation.authComponent();
authenticate(credentials) {
return this.implementation.authenticate(credentials).then(user => {
const newUser = { ...user, backendName: this.backendName };
if (this.authStore) {
return newUser;
logout() {
return Promise.resolve(this.implementation.logout()).then(() => {
if (this.authStore) {
getToken = () => this.implementation.getToken();
processEntries(loadedEntries, collection) {
const collectionFilter = collection.get('filter');
const entries = loadedEntries.map(loadedEntry =>
selectEntrySlug(collection, loadedEntry.file.path),
{ raw: loadedEntry.data || '', label: loadedEntry.file.label },
const formattedEntries = entries.map(this.entryWithFormat(collection));
// If this collection has a "filter" property, filter entries accordingly
const filteredEntries = collectionFilter
? this.filterEntries({ entries: formattedEntries }, collectionFilter)
: formattedEntries;
return filteredEntries;
listEntries(collection) {
const listMethod = this.implementation[selectListMethod(collection)];
const extension = selectFolderEntryExtension(collection);
return listMethod.call(this.implementation, collection, extension).then(loadedEntries => ({
entries: this.processEntries(loadedEntries, collection),
Wrap cursors so we can tell which collection the cursor is
from. This is done to prevent traverseCursor from requiring a
`collection` argument.
cursor: Cursor.create(loadedEntries[CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL]).wrapData({
cursorType: 'collectionEntries',
// The same as listEntries, except that if a cursor with the "next"
// action available is returned, it calls "next" on the cursor and
// repeats the process. Once there is no available "next" action, it
// returns all the collected entries. Used to retrieve all entries
// for local searches and queries.
async listAllEntries(collection) {
if (collection.get('folder') && this.implementation.allEntriesByFolder) {
const extension = selectFolderEntryExtension(collection);
return this.implementation
.allEntriesByFolder(collection, extension)
.then(entries => this.processEntries(entries, collection));
const response = await this.listEntries(collection);
const { entries } = response;
let { cursor } = response;
while (cursor && cursor.actions.includes('next')) {
const { entries: newEntries, cursor: newCursor } = await this.traverseCursor(cursor, 'next');
cursor = newCursor;
return entries;
async search(collections, searchTerm) {
// Perform a local search by requesting all entries. For each
// collection, load it, search, and call onCollectionResults with
// its results.
const errors = [];
const collectionEntriesRequests = collections
.map(async collection => {
// TODO: pass search fields in as an argument
const searchFields = [
selectInferedField(collection, 'title'),
selectInferedField(collection, 'shortTitle'),
selectInferedField(collection, 'author'),
const collectionEntries = await this.listAllEntries(collection);
return fuzzy.filter(searchTerm, collectionEntries, {
extract: extractSearchFields(searchFields),
.map(p => p.catch(err => errors.push(err) && []));
const entries = await Promise.all(collectionEntriesRequests).then(arrs => flatten(arrs));
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw new Error({ message: 'Errors ocurred while searching entries locally!', errors });
const hits = entries
.filter(({ score }) => score > 5)
.map(f => f.original);
return { entries: hits };
async query(collection, searchFields, searchTerm) {
const entries = await this.listAllEntries(collection);
const hits = fuzzy
.filter(searchTerm, entries, { extract: extractSearchFields(searchFields) })
.filter(entry => entry.score > 5)
.map(f => f.original);
return { query: searchTerm, hits };
traverseCursor(cursor, action) {
const [data, unwrappedCursor] = cursor.unwrapData();
// TODO: stop assuming all cursors are for collections
const collection = data.get('collection');
return this.implementation
.traverseCursor(unwrappedCursor, action)
.then(async ({ entries, cursor: newCursor }) => ({
entries: this.processEntries(entries, collection),
cursor: Cursor.create(newCursor).wrapData({
cursorType: 'collectionEntries',
getEntry(collection, slug) {
return this.implementation
.getEntry(collection, slug, selectEntryPath(collection, slug))
.then(loadedEntry =>
this.entryWithFormat(collection, slug)(
createEntry(collection.get('name'), slug, loadedEntry.file.path, {
raw: loadedEntry.data,
label: loadedEntry.file.label,
getMedia() {
return this.implementation.getMedia();
entryWithFormat(collectionOrEntity) {
return entry => {
const format = resolveFormat(collectionOrEntity, entry);
if (entry && entry.raw !== undefined) {
const data = (format && attempt(format.fromFile.bind(format, entry.raw))) || {};
if (isError(data)) console.error(data);
return Object.assign(entry, { data: isError(data) ? {} : data });
return format.fromFile(entry);
unpublishedEntries(collections) {
return this.implementation
.then(loadedEntries => loadedEntries.filter(entry => entry !== null))
.then(entries =>
entries.map(loadedEntry => {
const entry = createEntry(
raw: loadedEntry.data,
isModification: loadedEntry.isModification,
entry.metaData = loadedEntry.metaData;
return entry;
.then(entries => ({
pagination: 0,
entries: entries.reduce((acc, entry) => {
const collection = collections.get(entry.collection);
if (collection) {
return acc;
}, []),
unpublishedEntry(collection, slug) {
return this.implementation
.unpublishedEntry(collection, slug)
.then(loadedEntry => {
const entry = createEntry('draft', loadedEntry.slug, loadedEntry.file.path, {
raw: loadedEntry.data,
isModification: loadedEntry.isModification,
entry.metaData = loadedEntry.metaData;
return entry;
.then(this.entryWithFormat(collection, slug));
persistEntry(config, collection, entryDraft, MediaFiles, integrations, options = {}) {
const newEntry = entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'newRecord']) || false;
const parsedData = {
title: entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'data', 'title'], 'No Title'),
description: entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'data', 'description'], 'No Description!'),
let entryObj;
if (newEntry) {
if (!selectAllowNewEntries(collection)) {
throw new Error('Not allowed to create new entries in this collection');
const slug = slugFormatter(
entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'data']),
const path = selectEntryPath(collection, slug);
entryObj = {
raw: this.entryToRaw(collection, entryDraft.get('entry')),
} else {
const path = entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'path']);
const slug = entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'slug']);
entryObj = {
raw: this.entryToRaw(collection, entryDraft.get('entry')),
const commitMessage = commitMessageFormatter(newEntry ? 'create' : 'update', config, {
slug: entryObj.slug,
path: entryObj.path,
const useWorkflow = config.getIn(['publish_mode']) === EDITORIAL_WORKFLOW;
const collectionName = collection.get('name');
* Determine whether an asset store integration is in use.
const hasAssetStore = integrations && !!selectIntegration(integrations, null, 'assetStore');
const updatedOptions = { ...options, hasAssetStore };
const opts = {
return this.implementation.persistEntry(entryObj, MediaFiles, opts).then(() => entryObj.slug);
persistMedia(config, file) {
const options = {
commitMessage: commitMessageFormatter('uploadMedia', config, { path: file.path }),
return this.implementation.persistMedia(file, options);
deleteEntry(config, collection, slug) {
const path = selectEntryPath(collection, slug);
if (!selectAllowDeletion(collection)) {
throw new Error('Not allowed to delete entries in this collection');
const commitMessage = commitMessageFormatter('delete', config, { collection, slug, path });
return this.implementation.deleteFile(path, commitMessage);
deleteMedia(config, path) {
const commitMessage = commitMessageFormatter('deleteMedia', config, { path });
return this.implementation.deleteFile(path, commitMessage);
persistUnpublishedEntry(...args) {
return this.persistEntry(...args, { unpublished: true });
updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus) {
return this.implementation.updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus);
publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug) {
return this.implementation.publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug);
deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug) {
return this.implementation.deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug);
entryToRaw(collection, entry) {
const format = resolveFormat(collection, entry.toJS());
const fieldsOrder = this.fieldsOrder(collection, entry);
return format && format.toFile(entry.get('data').toJS(), fieldsOrder);
fieldsOrder(collection, entry) {
const fields = collection.get('fields');
if (fields) {
return collection
.map(f => f.get('name'))
const files = collection.get('files');
const file = (files || []).filter(f => f.get('name') === entry.get('slug')).get(0);
if (file == null) {
throw new Error(`No file found for ${entry.get('slug')} in ${collection.get('name')}`);
return file
.map(f => f.get('name'))
filterEntries(collection, filterRule) {
return collection.entries.filter(entry => {
const fieldValue = entry.data[filterRule.get('field')];
if (Array.isArray(fieldValue)) {
return fieldValue.includes(filterRule.get('value'));
return fieldValue === filterRule.get('value');
export function resolveBackend(config) {
const name = config.getIn(['backend', 'name']);
if (name == null) {
throw new Error('No backend defined in configuration');
const authStore = new LocalStorageAuthStore();
if (!getBackend(name)) {
throw new Error(`Backend not found: ${name}`);
} else {
return new Backend(getBackend(name), { backendName: name, authStore, config });
export const currentBackend = (function() {
let backend = null;
return config => {
if (backend) {
return backend;
if (config.get('backend')) {
return (backend = resolveBackend(config));