423 lines
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423 lines
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import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
import { produce } from 'immer';
import trim from 'lodash/trim';
import trimStart from 'lodash/trimStart';
import yaml from 'yaml';
import { resolveBackend } from '@staticcms/core/backend';
import { CONFIG_FAILURE, CONFIG_REQUEST, CONFIG_SUCCESS } from '../constants';
import validateConfig from '../constants/configSchema';
import {
} from '../lib/i18n';
import { selectDefaultSortableFields } from '../lib/util/collection.util';
import type { AnyAction } from 'redux';
import type { ThunkDispatch } from 'redux-thunk';
import type {
} from '../interface';
import type { RootState } from '../store';
function traverseFields(fields: Field[], updater: (field: Field) => Field): Field[] {
return fields.map(field => {
const newField = updater(field);
if ('fields' in newField && newField.fields) {
return { ...newField, fields: traverseFields(newField.fields, updater) } as Field;
} else if (newField.widget === 'list' && newField.types) {
return { ...newField, types: traverseFields(newField.types, updater) } as Field;
return newField as Field;
function getConfigUrl() {
const validTypes: { [type: string]: string } = {
'text/yaml': 'yaml',
'application/x-yaml': 'yaml',
const configLinkEl = document.querySelector<HTMLLinkElement>('link[rel="cms-config-url"]');
if (configLinkEl && validTypes[configLinkEl.type] && configLinkEl.href) {
console.info(`[StaticCMS] Using config file path: "${configLinkEl.href}"`);
return configLinkEl.href;
return `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname.slice(
const setFieldDefaults =
(collection: Collection, collectionFile?: CollectionFile) => (field: Field) => {
if ('media_folder' in field && !('public_folder' in field)) {
return { ...field, public_folder: field.media_folder };
if (field.widget === 'image' || field.widget === 'file' || field.widget === 'markdown') {
field.media_library = {
...((collectionFile ?? collection).media_library ?? {}),
...(field.media_library ?? {}),
return field;
function setI18nField<T extends BaseField = UnknownField>(field: T) {
if (field[I18N] === true) {
return { ...field, [I18N]: I18N_FIELD_TRANSLATE };
} else if (field[I18N] === false || !field[I18N]) {
return { ...field, [I18N]: I18N_FIELD_NONE };
return field;
function getI18nDefaults(collectionOrFileI18n: boolean | I18nInfo, defaultI18n: I18nInfo) {
if (typeof collectionOrFileI18n === 'boolean') {
return defaultI18n;
} else {
const locales = collectionOrFileI18n.locales || defaultI18n.locales;
const defaultLocale = collectionOrFileI18n.defaultLocale || locales[0];
const mergedI18n: I18nInfo = deepmerge(defaultI18n, collectionOrFileI18n);
mergedI18n.locales = locales;
mergedI18n.defaultLocale = defaultLocale;
return mergedI18n;
function setI18nDefaultsForFields(collectionOrFileFields: Field[], hasI18n: boolean) {
if (hasI18n) {
return traverseFields(collectionOrFileFields, setI18nField);
} else {
return traverseFields(collectionOrFileFields, field => {
const newField = { ...field };
delete newField[I18N];
return newField;
function throwOnInvalidFileCollectionStructure(i18n?: I18nInfo) {
if (i18n && i18n.structure !== I18N_STRUCTURE_SINGLE_FILE) {
throw new Error(
`i18n configuration for files collections is limited to ${I18N_STRUCTURE_SINGLE_FILE} structure`,
function throwOnMissingDefaultLocale(i18n?: I18nInfo) {
if (i18n && i18n.defaultLocale && !i18n.locales.includes(i18n.defaultLocale)) {
throw new Error(
`i18n locales '${i18n.locales.join(', ')}' are missing the default locale ${
export function applyDefaults<EF extends BaseField = UnknownField>(
originalConfig: Config<EF>,
): Config<EF> {
return produce(originalConfig, (config: Config) => {
config.slug = config.slug || {};
config.collections = config.collections || [];
// Use `site_url` as default `display_url`.
if (!config.display_url && config.site_url) {
config.display_url = config.site_url;
// Use media_folder as default public_folder.
const defaultPublicFolder = `/${trimStart(config.media_folder, '/')}`;
if (!('public_folder' in config)) {
config.public_folder = defaultPublicFolder;
// default values for the slug config
if (!('encoding' in config.slug)) {
config.slug.encoding = 'unicode';
if (!('clean_accents' in config.slug)) {
config.slug.clean_accents = false;
if (!('sanitize_replacement' in config.slug)) {
config.slug.sanitize_replacement = '-';
const i18n = config[I18N];
if (i18n) {
i18n.defaultLocale = i18n.defaultLocale || i18n.locales[0];
const backend = resolveBackend(config);
for (const collection of config.collections) {
let collectionI18n = collection[I18N];
if (config.editor && !collection.editor) {
collection.editor = config.editor;
collection.media_library = {
...(config.media_library ?? {}),
...(collection.media_library ?? {}),
if (i18n && collectionI18n) {
collectionI18n = getI18nDefaults(collectionI18n, i18n);
collection[I18N] = collectionI18n;
} else {
collectionI18n = undefined;
delete collection[I18N];
if ('fields' in collection && collection.fields) {
collection.fields = setI18nDefaultsForFields(collection.fields, Boolean(collectionI18n));
const { view_filters, view_groups } = collection;
if ('folder' in collection && collection.folder) {
if (collection.path && !collection.media_folder) {
// default value for media folder when using the path config
collection.media_folder = '';
if ('media_folder' in collection && !('public_folder' in collection)) {
collection.public_folder = collection.media_folder;
if ('fields' in collection && collection.fields) {
collection.fields = traverseFields(collection.fields, setFieldDefaults(collection));
collection.folder = trim(collection.folder, '/');
if ('files' in collection && collection.files) {
for (const file of collection.files) {
file.file = trimStart(file.file, '/');
if ('media_folder' in file && !('public_folder' in file)) {
file.public_folder = file.media_folder;
file.media_library = {
...(collection.media_library ?? {}),
...(file.media_library ?? {}),
if (file.fields) {
file.fields = traverseFields(file.fields, setFieldDefaults(collection, file));
let fileI18n = file[I18N];
if (fileI18n && collectionI18n) {
fileI18n = getI18nDefaults(fileI18n, collectionI18n);
file[I18N] = fileI18n;
} else {
fileI18n = undefined;
delete file[I18N];
if (file.fields) {
file.fields = setI18nDefaultsForFields(file.fields, Boolean(fileI18n));
if (collection.editor && !file.editor) {
file.editor = collection.editor;
if (!collection.sortable_fields) {
collection.sortable_fields = {
fields: selectDefaultSortableFields(collection, backend),
collection.view_filters = (view_filters || []).map(filter => {
return {
id: `${filter.field}__${filter.pattern}`,
collection.view_groups = (view_groups || []).map(group => {
return {
id: `${group.field}__${group.pattern}`,
export function parseConfig(data: string) {
const config = yaml.parse(data, { maxAliasCount: -1, prettyErrors: true, merge: true });
if (
typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
typeof window.CMS_ENV === 'string' &&
) {
const configKeys = Object.keys(config[window.CMS_ENV]) as ReadonlyArray<keyof Config>;
for (const key of configKeys) {
config[key] = config[window.CMS_ENV][key] as Config[keyof Config];
return config as Config;
async function getConfigYaml(file: string): Promise<Config> {
const response = await fetch(file, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).catch(error => error as Error);
if (response instanceof Error || response.status !== 200) {
const message = response instanceof Error ? response.message : response.status;
throw new Error(`Failed to load config.yml (${message})`);
const contentType = response.headers.get('Content-Type') ?? 'Not-Found';
const isYaml = contentType.indexOf('yaml') !== -1;
if (!isYaml) {
console.info(`[StaticCMS] Response for ${file} was not yaml. (Content-Type: ${contentType})`);
return parseConfig(await response.text());
export function configLoaded(config: Config) {
return {
payload: config,
} as const;
export function configLoading() {
return {
} as const;
export function configFailed(err: Error) {
return {
error: 'Error loading config',
payload: err,
} as const;
export async function detectProxyServer(localBackend?: boolean | LocalBackend) {
const allowedHosts = [
...(typeof localBackend === 'boolean' ? [] : localBackend?.allowed_hosts || []),
if (!allowedHosts.includes(location.hostname) || !localBackend) {
return {};
const defaultUrl = 'http://localhost:8081/api/v1';
const proxyUrl =
localBackend === true
? defaultUrl
: localBackend.url || defaultUrl.replace('localhost', location.hostname);
try {
console.info(`[StaticCMS] Looking for Static CMS Proxy Server at '${proxyUrl}'`);
const res = await fetch(`${proxyUrl}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ action: 'info' }),
const { repo, type } = (await res.json()) as {
repo?: string;
type?: string;
if (typeof repo === 'string' && typeof type === 'string') {
`[StaticCMS] Detected Static CMS Proxy Server at '${proxyUrl}' with repo: '${repo}'`,
return { proxyUrl, type };
} else {
console.info(`[StaticCMS] Static CMS Proxy Server not detected at '${proxyUrl}'`);
return {};
} catch {
console.info(`[StaticCMS] Static CMS Proxy Server not detected at '${proxyUrl}'`);
return {};
export async function handleLocalBackend(originalConfig: Config) {
if (!originalConfig.local_backend) {
return originalConfig;
const { proxyUrl } = await detectProxyServer(originalConfig.local_backend);
if (!proxyUrl) {
return originalConfig;
return produce(originalConfig, config => {
config.backend.name = 'proxy';
config.backend.proxy_url = proxyUrl;
export function loadConfig(manualConfig: Config | undefined, onLoad: (config: Config) => unknown) {
if (window.CMS_CONFIG) {
return configLoaded(window.CMS_CONFIG);
return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch<RootState, {}, AnyAction>) => {
try {
const configUrl = getConfigUrl();
const mergedConfig = manualConfig ? manualConfig : await getConfigYaml(configUrl);
const withLocalBackend = await handleLocalBackend(mergedConfig);
const config = applyDefaults(withLocalBackend);
if (typeof onLoad === 'function') {
} catch (error: unknown) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
throw error;
export type ConfigAction = ReturnType<
typeof configLoading | typeof configLoaded | typeof configFailed