2023-01-28 17:37:47 -05:00

433 lines
12 KiB

import get from 'lodash/get';
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { COMMIT_AUTHOR, COMMIT_DATE } from '@staticcms/core/constants/commitProps';
import {
} from '@staticcms/core/constants/fieldInference';
import { formatExtensions } from '@staticcms/core/formats/formats';
import consoleError from '../consoleError';
import { summaryFormatter } from '../formatters';
import { keyToPathArray } from '../widgets/stringTemplate';
import { selectField } from './field.util';
import { selectMediaFolder } from './media.util';
import type { Backend } from '@staticcms/core/backend';
import type {
} from '@staticcms/core/interface';
function fileForEntry(collection: FilesCollection, slug?: string) {
const files = collection.files;
if (!slug) {
return files?.[0];
return files && files.filter(f => f?.name === slug)?.[0];
export function selectFields(collection: Collection, slug?: string) {
if ('fields' in collection) {
return collection.fields;
const file = fileForEntry(collection, slug);
return file && file.fields;
export function selectFolderEntryExtension(collection: Collection) {
return (collection.extension || formatExtensions[collection.format ?? 'frontmatter']).replace(
export function selectFileEntryLabel(collection: Collection, slug: string) {
if ('fields' in collection) {
return undefined;
const file = fileForEntry(collection, slug);
return file && file.label;
export function selectEntryPath(collection: Collection, slug: string) {
if ('fields' in collection) {
const folder = collection.folder.replace(/\/$/, '');
return `${folder}/${slug}.${selectFolderEntryExtension(collection)}`;
const file = fileForEntry(collection, slug);
return file && file.file;
export function selectEntrySlug(collection: Collection, path: string) {
if ('fields' in collection) {
const folder = (collection.folder as string).replace(/\/$/, '');
const slug = path
.split(folder + '/')
?.replace(new RegExp(`\\.${selectFolderEntryExtension(collection)}$`), '');
return slug;
const file = collection.files.filter(f => f?.file === path)?.[0];
return file &&;
export function selectAllowNewEntries(collection: Collection) {
if ('fields' in collection) {
return collection.create ?? true;
return false;
export function selectAllowDeletion(collection: Collection) {
if ('fields' in collection) {
return collection.delete ?? true;
return false;
export function selectTemplateName(collection: Collection, slug: string) {
if ('fields' in collection) {
return slug;
export function selectEntryCollectionTitle(collection: Collection, entry: Entry): string {
// prefer formatted summary over everything else
const summaryTemplate = collection.summary;
if (summaryTemplate) {
return summaryFormatter(summaryTemplate, entry, collection);
// if the collection is a file collection return the label of the entry
if ('files' in collection && collection.files) {
const label = selectFileEntryLabel(collection, entry.slug);
if (label) {
return label;
// try to infer a title field from the entry data
const entryData =;
const titleField = selectInferredField(collection, 'title');
const result = titleField && get(entryData, keyToPathArray(titleField));
// if the custom field does not yield a result, fallback to 'title'
if (!result && titleField !== 'title') {
return get(entryData, keyToPathArray('title'));
return result;
export function selectDefaultSortableFields(collection: Collection, backend: Backend) {
let defaultSortable = string) => {
const field = selectInferredField(collection, type);
if (backend.isGitBackend() && type === 'author' && !field) {
// default to commit author if not author field is found
return field;
if (backend.isGitBackend()) {
// always have commit date by default
defaultSortable = [COMMIT_DATE, ...defaultSortable];
return defaultSortable as string[];
export function selectSortableFields(
collection: Collection,
t: (key: string) => string,
): SortableField[] {
const fields = (collection.sortable_fields?.fields ?? [])
.map(key => {
if (key === COMMIT_DATE) {
return { key, field: { name: key, label: t('collection.defaultFields.updatedOn.label') } };
const field = selectField(collection, key);
if (key === COMMIT_AUTHOR && !field) {
return { key, field: { name: key, label: t('') } };
return { key, field };
.filter(item => !!item.field)
.map(item => ({ ...item.field, key: item.key })) as SortableField[];
return fields;
export function selectViewFilters(collection: Collection) {
return collection.view_filters;
export function selectViewGroups(collection: Collection) {
return collection.view_groups;
export function selectFieldsComments(collection: Collection, entryMap: Entry) {
let fields: Field[] = [];
if ('folder' in collection) {
fields = collection.fields;
} else if ('files' in collection) {
const file = collection.files!.find(f => f?.name === entryMap.slug);
if (file) {
fields = file.fields;
const comments: Record<string, string> = {};
const names = getFieldsNames(fields);
names.forEach(name => {
const field = selectField(collection, name);
if (field && 'comment' in field) {
comments[name] = field.comment!;
return comments;
function getFieldsWithMediaFolders(fields: Field[]) {
const fieldsWithMediaFolders = fields.reduce((acc, f) => {
if ('media_folder' in f) {
acc = [...acc, f];
if ('fields' in f) {
const fields = f.fields ?? [];
acc = [...acc, ...getFieldsWithMediaFolders(fields)];
} else if ('types' in f) {
const types = f.types ?? [];
acc = [...acc, ...getFieldsWithMediaFolders(types)];
return acc;
}, [] as Field[]);
return fieldsWithMediaFolders;
export function getFileFromSlug(collection: FilesCollection, slug: string) {
return collection.files?.find(f => === slug);
export function selectFieldsWithMediaFolders(collection: Collection, slug: string) {
if ('folder' in collection) {
const fields = collection.fields;
return getFieldsWithMediaFolders(fields);
} else {
const fields = getFileFromSlug(collection, slug)?.fields || [];
return getFieldsWithMediaFolders(fields);
return [];
export function selectMediaFolders(config: Config, collection: Collection, entry: Entry) {
const fields = selectFieldsWithMediaFolders(collection, entry.slug);
const folders = => selectMediaFolder(config, collection, entry, f));
if ('files' in collection) {
const file = getFileFromSlug(collection, entry.slug);
if (file) {
folders.unshift(selectMediaFolder(config, collection, entry, undefined));
} else if ('media_folder' in collection) {
// stop evaluating media folders at collection level
const newCollection = { ...collection };
folders.unshift(selectMediaFolder(config, newCollection, entry, undefined));
return [ Set(folders)];
export function getFieldsNames(fields: Field[] | undefined, prefix = '') {
let names = fields?.map(f => `${prefix}${}`) ?? [];
fields?.forEach((f, index) => {
if ('fields' in f) {
const fields = f.fields;
names = [...names, ...getFieldsNames(fields, `${names[index]}.`)];
} else if ('types' in f) {
const types = f.types;
names = [...names, ...getFieldsNames(types, `${names[index]}.`)];
return names;
export function traverseFields(
fields: Field[],
updater: (field: Field) => Field,
done = () => false,
) {
if (done()) {
return fields;
return => {
const field = updater(f as Field);
if (done()) {
return field;
} else if ('fields' in field) {
field.fields = traverseFields(field.fields ?? [], updater, done);
return field;
} else if ('types' in field) {
field.types = traverseFields(field.types ?? [], updater, done) as ObjectField[];
return field;
} else {
return field;
export function updateFieldByKey(
collection: Collection,
key: string,
updater: (field: Field) => Field,
): Collection {
const selected = selectField(collection, key);
if (!selected) {
return collection;
let updated = false;
function updateAndBreak(f: Field) {
const field = f as Field;
if (field === selected) {
updated = true;
return updater(field);
} else {
return field;
if ('fields' in collection) {
collection.fields = traverseFields(collection.fields ?? [], updateAndBreak, () => updated);
return collection;
export function selectIdentifier(collection: Collection) {
const identifier = collection.identifier_field;
const identifierFields = identifier ? [identifier, ...IDENTIFIER_FIELDS] : [...IDENTIFIER_FIELDS];
const fieldNames = getFieldsNames('fields' in collection ? collection.fields ?? [] : []);
return identifierFields.find(id =>
fieldNames.find(name => name.toLowerCase().trim() === id.toLowerCase().trim()),
export function selectInferredField(collection: Collection, fieldName: string) {
if (fieldName === 'title' && collection.identifier_field) {
return selectIdentifier(collection);
const inferableField = (
type: string;
synonyms: string[];
secondaryTypes: string[];
fallbackToFirstField: boolean;
showError: boolean;
const fields = 'fields' in collection ? collection.fields ?? [] : undefined;
let field;
// If collection has no fields or fieldName is not defined within inferables list, return null
if (!fields || !inferableField) {
return null;
// Try to return a field of the specified type with one of the synonyms
const mainTypeFields = fields
.filter((f: Field | Field) => (f.widget ?? 'string') === inferableField.type)
.map(f => f?.name);
field = mainTypeFields.filter(f => inferableField.synonyms.indexOf(f as string) !== -1);
if (field && field.length > 0) {
return field[0];
// Try to return a field for each of the specified secondary types
const secondaryTypeFields = fields
.filter(f => inferableField.secondaryTypes.indexOf(f.widget ?? 'string') !== -1)
.map(f => f?.name);
field = secondaryTypeFields.filter(f => inferableField.synonyms.indexOf(f as string) !== -1);
if (field && field.length > 0) {
return field[0];
// Try to return the first field of the specified type
if (inferableField.fallbackToFirstField && mainTypeFields.length > 0) {
return mainTypeFields[0];
// Coundn't infer the field. Show error and return null.
if (inferableField.showError) {
`The Field ${fieldName} is missing for the collection “${}`,
`Static CMS tries to infer the entry ${fieldName} automatically, but one couldn't be found for entries of the collection “${}”. Please check your site configuration.`,
return null;
export function useInferredFields(collection: Collection) {
return useMemo(() => {
const titleField = selectInferredField(collection, 'title');
const shortTitleField = selectInferredField(collection, 'shortTitle');
const authorField = selectInferredField(collection, 'author');
const iFields: Record<string, InferredField> = {};
if (titleField) {
iFields[titleField] = INFERABLE_FIELDS.title;
if (shortTitleField) {
iFields[shortTitleField] = INFERABLE_FIELDS.shortTitle;
if (authorField) {
iFields[authorField] =;
return iFields;
}, [collection]);
export function getDefaultPath(collections: Collections) {
if (Object.keys(collections).length === 0) {
throw new Error('No collections found');
let options = Object.values(collections).filter(
collection =>
collection.hide !== true && (!('files' in collection) || (collection.files?.length ?? 0) > 1),
if (options.length === 0) {
options = Object.values(collections);
return `/collections/${options[0].name}`;