233 lines
8.7 KiB
233 lines
8.7 KiB
import { localForage, unsentRequest, then, APIError, Cursor } from "netlify-cms-lib-util";
import { Base64 } from "js-base64";
import { List, Map } from "immutable";
import { flow, partial, pick, get, result } from "lodash";
export default class API {
constructor(config) {
this.api_root = config.api_root || "https://gitlab.com/api/v4";
this.token = config.token || false;
this.branch = config.branch || "master";
this.repo = config.repo || "";
this.repoURL = `/projects/${ encodeURIComponent(this.repo) }`;
withAuthorizationHeaders = req => (
unsentRequest.withHeaders(this.token ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${ this.token }` } : {}, req)
buildRequest = req => flow([
request = async req => flow([
p => p.catch(err => Promise.reject(new APIError(err.message, null, "GitLab"))),
parseResponse = async (res, { expectingOk=true, expectingFormat=false }) => {
const contentType = res.headers.get("Content-Type");
const isJSON = contentType === "application/json";
let body;
try {
body = await ((expectingFormat === "json" || isJSON) ? res.json() : res.text());
} catch (err) {
throw new APIError(err.message, res.status, "GitLab");
if (expectingOk && !res.ok) {
throw new APIError((isJSON && body.message) ? body.message : body, res.status, "GitLab");
return body;
responseToJSON = res => this.parseResponse(res, { expectingFormat: "json" });
responseToText = res => this.parseResponse(res, { expectingFormat: "text" });
requestJSON = req => this.request(req).then(this.responseToJSON);
requestText = req => this.request(req).then(this.responseToText);
user = () => this.requestJSON("/user");
hasWriteAccess = () => this.requestJSON(this.repoURL).then(({ permissions }) => {
const { project_access, group_access } = permissions;
if (project_access && (project_access.access_level >= this.WRITE_ACCESS)) {
return true;
if (group_access && (group_access.access_level >= this.WRITE_ACCESS)) {
return true;
return false;
readFile = async (path, sha, ref=this.branch) => {
const cachedFile = sha ? await localForage.getItem(`gl.${ sha }`) : null;
if (cachedFile) { return cachedFile; }
const result = await this.requestText({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/files/${ encodeURIComponent(path) }/raw`,
params: { ref },
cache: "no-store",
if (sha) { localForage.setItem(`gl.${ sha }`, result) }
return result;
fileDownloadURL = (path, ref=this.branch) => unsentRequest.toURL(this.buildRequest({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/files/${ encodeURIComponent(path) }/raw`,
params: { ref },
getCursorFromHeaders = headers => {
// indices and page counts are assumed to be zero-based, but the
// indices and page counts returned from GitLab are one-based
const index = parseInt(headers.get("X-Page"), 10) - 1;
const pageCount = parseInt(headers.get("X-Total-Pages"), 10) - 1;
const pageSize = parseInt(headers.get("X-Per-Page"), 10);
const count = parseInt(headers.get("X-Total"), 10);
const linksRaw = headers.get("Link");
const links = List(linksRaw.split(","))
.map(str => str.trim().split(";"))
.map(([linkStr, keyStr]) => [
.update(list => Map(list));
const actions = links.keySeq().flatMap(key => (
(key === "prev" && index > 0) ||
(key === "next" && index < pageCount) ||
(key === "first" && index > 0) ||
(key === "last" && index < pageCount)
) ? [key] : []);
return Cursor.create({
meta: { index, count, pageSize, pageCount },
data: { links },
getCursor = ({ headers }) => this.getCursorFromHeaders(headers);
// Gets a cursor without retrieving the entries by using a HEAD
// request
fetchCursor = req => flow([unsentRequest.withMethod("HEAD"), this.request, then(this.getCursor)])(req);
fetchCursorAndEntries = req => flow([
p => Promise.all([p.then(this.getCursor), p.then(this.responseToJSON)]),
then(([cursor, entries]) => ({ cursor, entries })),
fetchRelativeCursor = async (cursor, action) => this.fetchCursor(cursor.data.links[action]);
reversableActions = Map({
first: "last",
last: "first",
next: "prev",
prev: "next",
reverseCursor = cursor => {
const pageCount = cursor.meta.get("pageCount", 0);
const currentIndex = cursor.meta.get("index", 0);
const newIndex = pageCount - currentIndex;
const links = cursor.data.get("links", Map());
const reversedLinks = links.mapEntries(([k, v]) => [this.reversableActions.get(k) || k, v]);
const reversedActions = cursor.actions.map(action => this.reversableActions.get(action) || action);
return cursor.updateStore(store => store
.setIn(["meta", "index"], newIndex)
.setIn(["data", "links"], reversedLinks)
.set("actions", reversedActions));
// The exported listFiles and traverseCursor reverse the direction
// of the cursors, since GitLab's pagination sorts the opposite way
// we want to sort by default (it sorts by filename _descending_,
// while the CMS defaults to sorting by filename _ascending_, at
// least in the current GitHub backend). This should eventually be
// refactored.
listFiles = async path => {
const firstPageCursor = await this.fetchCursor({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/tree`,
params: { path, ref: this.branch },
const lastPageLink = firstPageCursor.data.getIn(["links", "last"]);
const { entries, cursor } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries(lastPageLink);
return { files: entries.filter(({ type }) => type === "blob").reverse(), cursor: this.reverseCursor(cursor) };
traverseCursor = async (cursor, action) => {
const link = cursor.data.getIn(["links", action]);
const { entries, cursor: newCursor } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries(link);
return { entries: entries.reverse(), cursor: this.reverseCursor(newCursor) };
listAllFiles = async path => {
const entries = [];
let { cursor, entries: initialEntries } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/tree`,
// Get the maximum number of entries per page
params: { path, ref: this.branch, per_page: 100 },
while (cursor && cursor.actions.has("next")) {
const link = cursor.data.getIn(["links", "next"]);
const { cursor: newCursor, entries: newEntries } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries(link);
cursor = newCursor;
return entries.filter(({ type }) => type === "blob");
toBase64 = str => Promise.resolve(Base64.encode(str));
fromBase64 = str => Base64.decode(str);
uploadAndCommit = async (item, { commitMessage, updateFile = false, branch = this.branch, author = this.commitAuthor }) => {
const content = await result(item, 'toBase64', partial(this.toBase64, item.raw));
const file_path = item.path.replace(/^\//, "");
const action = (updateFile ? "update" : "create");
const encoding = "base64";
const commitParams = {
commit_message: commitMessage,
actions: [{ action, file_path, content, encoding }],
if (author) {
const { name, email } = author;
commitParams.author_name = name;
commitParams.author_email = email;
await this.request({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/commits`,
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify(commitParams),
return { ...item, uploaded: true };
persistFiles = (files, { commitMessage, newEntry }) =>
Promise.all(files.map(file => this.uploadAndCommit(file, { commitMessage, updateFile: newEntry === false })));
deleteFile = (path, commit_message, options = {}) => {
const branch = options.branch || this.branch;
const commitParams = { commit_message, branch };
if (this.commitAuthor) {
const { name, email } = this.commitAuthor;
commitParams.author_name = name;
commitParams.author_email = email;
return flow([
// TODO: only send author params if they are defined.
])(`${ this.repoURL }/repository/files/${ encodeURIComponent(path) }`);