68 lines
1.9 KiB
68 lines
1.9 KiB
import { Block, Text } from 'slate';
export default onKeyDown;
function onKeyDown(e, data, state) {
const createDefaultBlock = () => {
return Block.create({
type: 'paragraph',
nodes: [Text.createFromString('')]
if (data.key === 'enter') {
* If "Enter" is pressed while a single void block is selected, a new
* paragraph should be added above or below it, and the current selection
* should be collapsed to the start of the new paragraph.
* If the selected block is the first block in the document, create the
* new block above it. If not, create the new block below it.
const { document: doc, selection, anchorBlock, focusBlock } = state;
const singleBlockSelected = anchorBlock === focusBlock;
if (!singleBlockSelected || !focusBlock.isVoid) return;
const focusBlockParent = doc.getParent(focusBlock.key);
const focusBlockIndex = focusBlockParent.nodes.indexOf(focusBlock);
const focusBlockIsFirstChild = focusBlockIndex === 0;
const newBlock = createDefaultBlock();
const newBlockIndex = focusBlockIsFirstChild ? 0 : focusBlockIndex + 1;
return state.transform()
.insertNodeByKey(focusBlockParent.key, newBlockIndex, newBlock)
if (data.isMod) {
if (data.key === 'y') {
return state.transform().redo().focus().apply({ save: false });
if (data.key === 'z') {
return state.transform()[data.isShift ? 'redo' : 'undo']().focus().apply({ save: false });
const marks = {
b: 'bold',
i: 'italic',
u: 'underlined',
s: 'strikethrough',
'`': 'code',
const mark = marks[data.key];
if (mark) {
return state.transform().toggleMark(mark).apply();