2021-02-08 20:01:21 +02:00

179 lines
5.4 KiB

import { fromJS, Map, Set } from 'immutable';
type CursorStoreObject = {
actions: Set<string>;
data: Map<string, unknown>;
meta: Map<string, unknown>;
export type CursorStore = {
get<K extends keyof CursorStoreObject>(
key: K,
defaultValue?: CursorStoreObject[K],
): CursorStoreObject[K];
getIn<V>(path: string[]): V;
set<K extends keyof CursorStoreObject, V extends CursorStoreObject[K]>(
key: K,
value: V,
): CursorStoreObject[K];
setIn(path: string[], value: unknown): CursorStore;
hasIn(path: string[]): boolean;
mergeIn(path: string[], value: unknown): CursorStore;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
update: (...args: any[]) => CursorStore;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
updateIn: (...args: any[]) => CursorStore;
type ActionHandler = (action: string) => unknown;
function jsToMap(obj: {}) {
if (obj === undefined) {
return Map();
const immutableObj = fromJS(obj);
if (!Map.isMap(immutableObj)) {
throw new Error('Object must be equivalent to a Map.');
return immutableObj;
const knownMetaKeys = Set([
function filterUnknownMetaKeys(meta: Map<string, string>) {
return meta.filter((_v, k) => knownMetaKeys.has(k as string));
createCursorMap takes one of three signatures:
- () -> cursor with empty actions, data, and meta
- (cursorMap: <object/Map with optional actions, data, and meta keys>) -> cursor
- (actions: <array/List>, data: <object/Map>, meta: <optional object/Map>) -> cursor
function createCursorStore(...args: {}[]) {
const { actions, data, meta } =
args.length === 1
? jsToMap(args[0]).toObject()
: { actions: args[0], data: args[1], meta: args[2] };
return Map({
// actions are a Set, rather than a List, to ensure an efficient .has
actions: Set(actions),
// data and meta are Maps
data: jsToMap(data),
meta: jsToMap(meta).update(filterUnknownMetaKeys),
}) as CursorStore;
function hasAction(store: CursorStore, action: string) {
return store.hasIn(['actions', action]);
function getActionHandlers(store: CursorStore, handler: ActionHandler) {
return store
.get('actions', Set<string>())
.map(action => handler(action as string));
// The cursor logic is entirely functional, so this class simply
// provides a chainable interface
export default class Cursor {
store?: CursorStore;
actions?: Set<string>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
data?: Map<string, any>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
meta?: Map<string, any>;
static create(...args: {}[]) {
return new Cursor(...args);
constructor(...args: {}[]) {
if (args[0] instanceof Cursor) {
return args[0] as Cursor;
} = createCursorStore(...args);
this.actions ='actions'); ='data');
this.meta ='meta');
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
updateStore(...args: any[]) {
return new Cursor(!.update(...args));
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
updateInStore(...args: any[]) {
return new Cursor(!.updateIn(...args));
hasAction(action: string) {
return hasAction(!, action);
addAction(action: string) {
return this.updateStore('actions', (actions: Set<string>) => actions.add(action));
removeAction(action: string) {
return this.updateStore('actions', (actions: Set<string>) => actions.delete(action));
setActions(actions: Iterable<string>) {
return this.updateStore((store: CursorStore) => store.set('actions', Set<string>(actions)));
mergeActions(actions: Set<string>) {
return this.updateStore('actions', (oldActions: Set<string>) => oldActions.union(actions));
getActionHandlers(handler: ActionHandler) {
return getActionHandlers(!, handler);
setData(data: {}) {
return new Cursor(!.set('data', jsToMap(data)));
mergeData(data: {}) {
return new Cursor(!.mergeIn(['data'], jsToMap(data)));
wrapData(data: {}) {
return this.updateStore('data', (oldData: Map<string, unknown>) =>
jsToMap(data).set('wrapped_cursor_data', oldData),
unwrapData() {
return [!.get('data').delete('wrapped_cursor_data'),
this.updateStore('data', (data: Map<string, unknown>) => data.get('wrapped_cursor_data')),
] as [Map<string, unknown>, Cursor];
clearData() {
return this.updateStore('data', () => Map());
setMeta(meta: {}) {
return this.updateStore((store: CursorStore) => store.set('meta', jsToMap(meta)));
mergeMeta(meta: {}) {
return this.updateStore((store: CursorStore) =>
store.update('meta', (oldMeta: Map<string, unknown>) => oldMeta.merge(jsToMap(meta))),
// This is a temporary hack to allow cursors to be added to the
// interface between backend.js and backends without modifying old
// backends at all. This should be removed in favor of wrapping old
// backends with a compatibility layer, as part of the backend API
// refactor.
export const CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL = Symbol('cursor key for compatibility with old backends');