372 lines
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372 lines
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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
declare module 'netlify-cms-core' {
import React, { ComponentType } from 'react';
import { List, Map } from 'immutable';
export type CmsBackendType = 'git-gateway' | 'github' | 'gitlab' | 'bitbucket' | 'test-repo';
export type CmsMapWidgetType = 'Point' | 'LineString' | 'Polygon';
export type CmsMarkdownWidgetButton =
| 'bold'
| 'italic'
| 'code'
| 'link'
| 'heading-one'
| 'heading-two'
| 'heading-three'
| 'heading-four'
| 'heading-five'
| 'heading-six'
| 'quote'
| 'code-block'
| 'bulleted-list'
| 'numbered-list';
export interface CmsSelectWidgetOptionObject {
label: string;
value: any;
export type CmsCollectionFormatType =
| 'yml'
| 'yaml'
| 'toml'
| 'json'
| 'frontmatter'
| 'yaml-frontmatter'
| 'toml-frontmatter'
| 'json-frontmatter';
export type CmsAuthScope = 'repo' | 'public_repo';
export type CmsPublishMode = 'simple' | 'editorial_workflow';
export type CmsSlugEncoding = 'unicode' | 'ascii';
export interface CmsField {
name: string;
label?: string;
widget?: string;
required?: boolean;
hint?: string;
pattern?: [string, string];
default?: any;
/** If widget === "code" */
default_language?: string;
allow_language_selection?: boolean;
keys?: { code: string; lang: string };
output_code_only?: boolean;
/** If widget === "datetime" */
format?: string;
date_format?: boolean | string;
time_format?: boolean | string;
picker_utc?: boolean;
* @deprecated Use date_format instead
dateFormat?: boolean | string;
* @deprecated Use time_format instead
timeFormat?: boolean | string;
* @deprecated Use picker_utc instead
pickerUtc?: boolean;
/** If widget === "file" || widget === "image" */
media_library?: CmsMediaLibrary;
allow_multiple?: boolean;
config?: any;
/** If widget === "object" || widget === "list" */
fields?: CmsField[];
collapsed?: boolean;
/** If widget === "list" */
field?: CmsField;
allow_add?: boolean;
summary?: string;
minimize_collapsed?: boolean;
label_singular?: string;
types?: CmsField[];
/** If widget === "map" */
decimals?: number;
type?: CmsMapWidgetType;
/** If widget === "markdown" */
minimal?: boolean;
buttons?: CmsMarkdownWidgetButton[];
editor_components?: string[];
* @deprecated Use editor_components instead
editorComponents?: string[];
/** If widget === "number" */
value_type?: 'int' | 'float' | string;
step?: number;
* @deprecated Use valueType instead
valueType?: 'int' | 'float' | string;
/** If widget === "number" || widget === "select" */
min?: number;
max?: number;
/** If widget === "relation" || widget === "select" */
multiple?: boolean;
/** If widget === "relation" */
collection?: string;
value_field?: string;
search_fields?: string[];
file?: string;
display_fields?: string[];
options_length?: number;
* @deprecated Use value_field instead
valueField?: string;
* @deprecated Use search_fields instead
searchFields?: string[];
* @deprecated Use display_fields instead
displayFields?: string[];
* @deprecated Use options_length instead
optionsLength?: number;
/** If widget === "select" */
options?: string[] | CmsSelectWidgetOptionObject[];
export interface CmsCollectionFile {
name: string;
label: string;
file: string;
fields: CmsField[];
label_singular?: string;
description?: string;
export interface CmsCollection {
name: string;
label: string;
label_singular?: string;
description?: string;
folder?: string;
files?: CmsCollectionFile[];
identifier_field?: string;
summary?: string;
slug?: string;
preview_path?: string;
preview_path_date_field?: string;
create?: boolean;
delete?: boolean;
editor?: {
preview?: boolean;
* It accepts the following values: yml, yaml, toml, json, md, markdown, html
* You may also specify a custom extension not included in the list above, by specifying the format value.
extension?: string;
format?: CmsCollectionFormatType;
frontmatter_delimiter?: string[] | string;
fields?: CmsField[];
filter?: { field: string; value: any };
path?: string;
media_folder?: string;
public_folder?: string;
sortable_fields?: string[];
* @deprecated Use sortable_fields instead
sortableFields?: string[];
export interface CmsBackend {
name: CmsBackendType;
auth_scope?: CmsAuthScope;
open_authoring?: boolean;
repo?: string;
branch?: string;
api_root?: string;
site_domain?: string;
base_url?: string;
auth_endpoint?: string;
cms_label_prefix?: string;
export interface CmsSlug {
encoding?: CmsSlugEncoding;
clean_accents?: boolean;
export interface CmsConfig {
backend: CmsBackend;
collections: CmsCollection[];
locale?: string;
site_url?: string;
display_url?: string;
logo_url?: string;
show_preview_links?: boolean;
media_folder?: string;
public_folder?: string;
media_folder_relative?: boolean;
media_library?: CmsMediaLibrary;
publish_mode?: CmsPublishMode;
slug?: CmsSlug;
export interface InitOptions {
config: CmsConfig;
export interface EditorComponentField {
name: string;
label: string;
widget: string;
export interface EditorComponentOptions {
id: string;
label: string;
fields: EditorComponentField[];
pattern: RegExp;
allow_add?: boolean;
fromBlock: (match: RegExpMatchArray) => any;
toBlock: (data: any) => string;
toPreview: (data: any) => string;
export interface PreviewStyleOptions {
raw: boolean;
export interface PreviewStyle extends PreviewStyleOptions {
value: string;
export type CmsBackendClass = any; // TODO: type properly
export interface CmsRegistryBackend {
init: (args: any) => CmsBackendClass;
export interface CmsWidgetParam {
name: string;
controlComponent: ComponentType<any>;
previewComponent?: ComponentType<any>;
globalStyles: any;
export interface CmsWidget {
control: ComponentType<any>;
preview?: ComponentType<any>;
globalStyles?: any;
export type CmsWidgetValueSerializer = any; // TODO: type properly
export type CmsMediaLibraryOptions = any; // TODO: type properly
export interface CmsMediaLibrary {
name: string;
config?: CmsMediaLibraryOptions;
export type CmsLocalePhrases = any; // TODO: type properly
export interface CmsRegistry {
backends: {
[name: string]: CmsRegistryBackend;
templates: {
[name: string]: ComponentType<any>;
previewStyles: PreviewStyle[];
widgets: {
[name: string]: CmsWidget;
editorComponents: Map<string, ComponentType<any>>;
widgetValueSerializers: {
[name: string]: CmsWidgetValueSerializer;
mediaLibraries: CmsMediaLibrary[];
locales: {
[name: string]: CmsLocalePhrases;
type GetAssetFunction = (
asset: string,
) => { url: string; path: string; field?: any; fileObj: File };
export type PreviewTemplateComponentProps = {
entry: Map<string, any>;
collection: Map<string, any>;
widgetFor: (name: any, fields?: any, values?: any, fieldsMetaData?: any) => JSX.Element | null;
widgetsFor: (name: any) => any;
getAsset: GetAssetFunction;
boundGetAsset: (collection: any, path: any) => GetAssetFunction;
fieldsMetaData: Map<string, any>;
config: Map<string, any>;
fields: List<Map<string, any>>;
isLoadingAsset: boolean;
export interface CMS {
getBackend: (name: string) => CmsRegistryBackend | undefined;
getEditorComponents: () => Map<string, ComponentType<any>>;
getLocale: (locale: string) => CmsLocalePhrases | undefined;
getMediaLibrary: (name: string) => CmsMediaLibrary | undefined;
getPreviewStyles: () => PreviewStyle[];
getPreviewTemplate: (name: string) => ComponentType<PreviewTemplateComponentProps> | undefined;
getWidget: (name: string) => CmsWidget | undefined;
getWidgetValueSerializer: (widgetName: string) => CmsWidgetValueSerializer | undefined;
init: (options?: InitOptions) => void;
registerBackend: (name: string, backendClass: CmsBackendClass) => void;
registerEditorComponent: (options: EditorComponentOptions) => void;
registerLocale: (locale: string, phrases: CmsLocalePhrases) => void;
registerMediaLibrary: (mediaLibrary: CmsMediaLibrary, options?: CmsMediaLibraryOptions) => void;
registerPreviewStyle: (filePath: string, options?: PreviewStyleOptions) => void;
registerPreviewTemplate: (
name: string,
component: ComponentType<PreviewTemplateComponentProps>,
) => void;
registerWidget: (
widget: string | CmsWidgetParam,
control?: ComponentType<any>,
preview?: ComponentType<any>,
) => void;
registerWidgetValueSerializer: (
widgetName: string,
serializer: CmsWidgetValueSerializer,
) => void;
resolveWidget: (name: string) => CmsWidget | undefined;
export const NetlifyCmsCore: CMS;
export default NetlifyCmsCore;