
88 lines
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import { pick } from 'lodash';
import { loadScript } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util';
const defaultOptions = {
use_secure_url: true,
use_transformations: true,
output_filename_only: false,
* This configuration hash cannot be overriden, as the values here are required
* for the integration to work properly.
const enforcedConfig = {
button_class: undefined,
inline_container: undefined,
insert_transformation: false,
z_index: '99999',
const defaultConfig = {
multiple: false,
function getAssetUrl(asset, { use_secure_url, use_transformations, output_filename_only }) {
* Allow output of the file name only, in which case the rest of the url (including)
* transformations) can be handled by the static site generator.
if (output_filename_only) {
return `${asset.public_id}.${asset.format}`;
* Get url from `derived` property if it exists. This property contains the
* transformed version of image if transformations have been applied.
const urlObject = asset.derived && use_transformations ? asset.derived[0] : asset;
* Retrieve the `https` variant of the image url if the `useSecureUrl` option
* is set to `true` (this is the default setting).
const urlKey = use_secure_url ? 'secure_url' : 'url';
return urlObject[urlKey];
async function init({ options = {}, handleInsert } = {}) {
* Configuration is specific to Cloudinary, while options are specific to this
* integration.
const { config: providedConfig = {}, ...integrationOptions } = options;
const resolvedOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...integrationOptions };
const cloudinaryConfig = { ...defaultConfig, ...providedConfig, ...enforcedConfig };
const cloudinaryBehaviorConfigKeys = ['default_transformations', 'max_files', 'multiple'];
const cloudinaryBehaviorConfig = pick(cloudinaryConfig, cloudinaryBehaviorConfigKeys);
await loadScript('');
const insertHandler = data => {
const assets = => getAssetUrl(asset, resolvedOptions));
handleInsert(assets.length > 1 ? assets : assets[0]);
const mediaLibrary = window.cloudinary.createMediaLibrary(cloudinaryConfig, { insertHandler });
return {
show: ({ config: instanceConfig = {}, allowMultiple } = {}) => {
* Ensure multiple selection is not available if the field is configured
* to disallow it.
if (allowMultiple === false) {
instanceConfig.multiple = false;
return{ ...cloudinaryBehaviorConfig, ...instanceConfig });
hide: () => mediaLibrary.hide(),
enableStandalone: () => true,
const cloudinaryMediaLibrary = { name: 'cloudinary', init };
export const NetlifyCmsMediaLibraryCloudinary = cloudinaryMediaLibrary;
export default cloudinaryMediaLibrary;