const crypto = require('crypto'); const axios = require('axios'); const verifySignature = event => { const timestamp = Number(event.headers['x-slack-request-timestamp']); const time = Math.floor( / 1000); if (time - timestamp > 60 * 5) { throw new Error(`Failed verifying signature. Timestamp too old '${timestamp}'`); } const body = event.body; const sigString = `v0:${timestamp}:${body}`; const actualSignature = event.headers['x-slack-signature']; const secret = process.env.SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET; const hash = crypto .createHmac('sha256', secret) .update(sigString, 'utf8') .digest('hex'); const expectedSignature = `v0=${hash}`; const signaturesMatch = crypto.timingSafeEqual( Buffer.from(actualSignature, 'utf8'), Buffer.from(expectedSignature, 'utf8'), ); if (!signaturesMatch) { throw new Error( `Signatures don't match. Expected: '${expectedSignature}', actual: '${actualSignature}'`, ); } }; exports.handler = async function(event) { try { JSON.stringify( { event, env: { PUBLISH_COMMAND: process.env.PUBLISH_COMMAND, ALLOWED_USERS: process.env.ALLOWED_USERS, GITHUB_REPO: process.env.GITHUB_REPO, }, }, null, 2, ), ); verifySignature(event); const params = new URLSearchParams(event.body); const command = params.get('command'); const userId = params.get('user_id'); const allowedUsers = (process.env.ALLOWED_USERS || '').split(','); if (!allowedUsers.includes(userId)) { throw new Error(`User '${params.get('user_name')}' is not allowed to run command`); } const expectedCommand = process.env.PUBLISH_COMMAND; if (expectedCommand && expectedCommand == command) { const githubToken = process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN; const repo = process.env.GITHUB_REPO; await axios({ headers: { Authorization: `token ${githubToken}` }, method: 'post', url: `${repo}/dispatches`, data: { event_type: 'on-demand-github-action' }, }); const message = 'Dispatched event to GitHub'; return { status: 200, body: message }; } else { throw new Error(`Command is not allowed. Expected: ${expectedCommand}. Actual: ${command}`); } } catch (e) {; const response = { body: 'Unauthorized', status: 401, }; return response; } };