/* eslint max-len:0 */ import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { padStart } from 'lodash'; import { Map } from 'immutable'; import MarkupIt from 'markup-it'; import markdownSyntax from 'markup-it/syntaxes/markdown'; import htmlSyntax from 'markup-it/syntaxes/html'; import reInline from 'markup-it/syntaxes/markdown/re/inline'; import MarkupItReactRenderer from '../'; function getAsset(path) { return path; } describe('MarkitupReactRenderer', () => { describe('basics', () => { it('should re-render properly after a value and syntax update', () => { const component = shallow( ); const tree1 = component.html(); component.setProps({ value: '


', syntax: htmlSyntax, }); const tree2 = component.html(); expect(tree1).toEqual(tree2); }); it('should not update the parser if syntax didn\'t change', () => { const component = shallow( ); const syntax1 = component.instance().props.syntax; component.setProps({ value: '## Title', }); const syntax2 = component.instance().props.syntax; expect(syntax1).toEqual(syntax2); }); }); describe('Markdown rendering', () => { describe('General', () => { it('should render markdown', () => { const value = ` # H1 Text with **bold** & _em_ elements ## H2 * ul item 1 * ul item 2 ### H3 1. ol item 1 1. ol item 2 1. ol item 3 #### H4 [link title](http://google.com) ##### H5 ![alt text](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/678903331176214528/TQTdqGwD.jpg) ###### H6 `; const component = shallow( ); expect(component.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('Headings', () => { for (const heading of [...Array(6).keys()]) { it(`should render Heading ${ heading + 1 }`, () => { const value = padStart(' Title', heading + 7, '#'); const component = shallow( ); expect(component.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); } }); describe('Lists', () => { it('should render lists', () => { const value = ` 1. ol item 1 1. ol item 2 * Sublist 1 * Sublist 2 * Sublist 3 1. Sub-Sublist 1 1. Sub-Sublist 2 1. Sub-Sublist 3 1. ol item 3 `; const component = shallow( ); expect(component.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('Links', () => { it('should render links', () => { const value = ` I get 10 times more traffic from [Google] [1] than from [Yahoo] [2] or [MSN] [3]. [1]: http://google.com/ "Google" [2]: http://search.yahoo.com/ "Yahoo Search" [3]: http://search.msn.com/ "MSN Search" `; const component = shallow( ); expect(component.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('Code', () => { it('should render code', () => { const value = 'Use the `printf()` function.'; const component = shallow( ); expect(component.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should render code 2', () => { const value = '``There is a literal backtick (`) here.``'; const component = shallow( ); expect(component.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('HTML', () => { it('should render HTML as is when using Markdown', () => { const value = ` # Title
Test HTML content
Testing HTML in Markdown


`; const component = shallow( ); expect(component.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); }); describe('custom elements', () => { it('should extend default renderers with custom ones', () => { const myRule = MarkupIt.Rule('mediaproxy') // eslint-disable-line .regExp(reInline.link, (state, match) => { if (match[0].charAt(0) !== '!') { return null; } return { data: Map({ alt: match[1], src: match[2], title: match[3], }).filter(Boolean), }; }); const myCustomSchema = { mediaproxy: ({ token }) => { //eslint-disable-line const src = token.getIn(['data', 'src']); const alt = token.getIn(['data', 'alt']); return {alt}; }, }; const myMarkdownSyntax = markdownSyntax.addInlineRules(myRule); const value = ` ## Title ![mediaproxy test](http://url.to.image) `; const component = shallow( ); expect(component.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('HTML rendering', () => { it('should render HTML', () => { const value = '

Paragraph with inline element

'; const component = shallow( ); expect(component.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); });