import { Map } from 'immutable'; import trim from 'lodash/trim'; import trimEnd from 'lodash/trimEnd'; import { createNonce, validateNonce, isInsecureProtocol } from './utils'; export default class ImplicitAuthenticator { constructor(config = {}) { const baseURL = trimEnd(config.base_url, '/'); const authEndpoint = trim(config.auth_endpoint, '/'); this.auth_url = `${baseURL}/${authEndpoint}`; this.appID = config.app_id; this.clearHash = config.clearHash; } authenticate(options, cb) { if (isInsecureProtocol()) { return cb(new Error('Cannot authenticate over insecure protocol!')); } const authURL = new URL(this.auth_url); authURL.searchParams.set('client_id', this.appID); authURL.searchParams.set('redirect_uri', document.location.origin + document.location.pathname); authURL.searchParams.set('response_type', 'token'); authURL.searchParams.set('scope', options.scope); if (options.prompt != null && options.prompt != undefined) { authURL.searchParams.set('prompt', options.prompt); } if (options.resource != null && options.resource != undefined) { authURL.searchParams.set('resource', options.resource); } const state = JSON.stringify({ auth_type: 'implicit', nonce: createNonce() }); authURL.searchParams.set('state', state); document.location.assign(authURL.href); } /** * Complete authentication if we were redirected back to from the provider. */ completeAuth(cb) { const hashParams = new URLSearchParams(document.location.hash.replace(/^#?\/?/, '')); if (!hashParams.has('access_token') && !hashParams.has('error')) { return; } // Remove tokens from hash so that token does not remain in browser history. this.clearHash(); const params = Map(hashParams.entries()); const { nonce } = JSON.parse(params.get('state')); const validNonce = validateNonce(nonce); if (!validNonce) { return cb(new Error('Invalid nonce')); } if (params.has('error')) { return cb(new Error(`${params.get('error')}: ${params.get('error_description')}`)); } if (params.has('access_token')) { const { access_token: token, } = params.toJS(); cb(null, { token, }); } } }