import { trimStart, trim } from 'lodash'; import semaphore, { Semaphore } from 'semaphore'; import AuthenticationPage from './AuthenticationPage'; import API, { API_NAME } from './API'; import { Credentials, Implementation, ImplementationFile, ImplementationMediaFile, DisplayURL, basename, Entry, AssetProxy, PersistOptions, getMediaDisplayURL, generateContentKey, getMediaAsBlob, Config, getPreviewStatus, asyncLock, AsyncLock, runWithLock, User, unpublishedEntries, UnpublishedEntryMediaFile, entriesByFiles, filterByExtension, branchFromContentKey, entriesByFolder, contentKeyFromBranch, getBlobSHA, } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util'; const MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS = 10; function parseAzureRepo(config: Config) { const { repo } = config.backend; if (typeof repo !== 'string') { throw new Error('The Azure backend needs a "repo" in the backend configuration.'); } const parts = repo.split('/'); if (parts.length !== 3) { throw new Error('The Azure backend must be in a the format of {org}/{project}/{repo}'); } const [org, project, repoName] = parts; return { org, project, repoName, }; } export default class Azure implements Implementation { lock: AsyncLock; api?: API; options: { initialWorkflowStatus: string; }; repo: { org: string; project: string; repoName: string; }; branch: string; apiRoot: string; apiVersion: string; token: string | null; squashMerges: boolean; cmsLabelPrefix: string; mediaFolder: string; previewContext: string; _mediaDisplayURLSem?: Semaphore; constructor(config: Config, options = {}) { this.options = { initialWorkflowStatus: '', ...options, }; this.repo = parseAzureRepo(config); this.branch = config.backend.branch || 'master'; this.apiRoot = config.backend.api_root || ''; this.apiVersion = config.backend.api_version || '6.1-preview'; this.token = ''; this.squashMerges = config.backend.squash_merges || false; this.cmsLabelPrefix = config.backend.cms_label_prefix || ''; this.mediaFolder = trim(config.media_folder, '/'); this.previewContext = config.backend.preview_context || ''; this.lock = asyncLock(); } isGitBackend() { return true; } async status() { const auth = (await this.api!.user() .then(user => !!user) .catch(e => { console.warn('Failed getting Azure user', e); return false; })) || false; return { auth: { status: auth }, api: { status: true, statusPage: '' } }; } authComponent() { return AuthenticationPage; } restoreUser(user: User) { return this.authenticate(user); } async authenticate(state: Credentials) { this.token = state.token as string; this.api = new API( { apiRoot: this.apiRoot, apiVersion: this.apiVersion, repo: this.repo, branch: this.branch, squashMerges: this.squashMerges, cmsLabelPrefix: this.cmsLabelPrefix, initialWorkflowStatus: this.options.initialWorkflowStatus, }, this.token, ); const user = await this.api.user(); return { token: state.token as string, ...user }; } /** * Log the user out by forgetting their access token. * TODO: *Actual* logout by redirecting to: *{tenantId}/oauth2/logout?client_id={clientId}&post_logout_redirect_uri={baseUrl} */ logout() { this.token = null; return; } getToken() { return Promise.resolve(this.token); } async entriesByFolder(folder: string, extension: string, depth: number) { const listFiles = async () => { const files = await this.api!.listFiles(folder, depth > 1); const filtered = files.filter(file => filterByExtension({ path: file.path }, extension)); return => ({ id:, path: file.path, })); }; const entries = await entriesByFolder( listFiles, this.api!.readFile.bind(this.api!), this.api!.readFileMetadata.bind(this.api), API_NAME, ); return entries; } entriesByFiles(files: ImplementationFile[]) { return entriesByFiles( files, this.api!.readFile.bind(this.api!), this.api!.readFileMetadata.bind(this.api), API_NAME, ); } async getEntry(path: string) { const data = (await this.api!.readFile(path)) as string; return { file: { path }, data, }; } async getMedia() { const files = await this.api!.listFiles(this.mediaFolder, false); const mediaFiles = await Promise.all( ({ id, path, name }) => { const blobUrl = await this.getMediaDisplayURL({ id, path }); return { id, name, displayURL: blobUrl, path }; }), ); return mediaFiles; } getMediaDisplayURL(displayURL: DisplayURL) { this._mediaDisplayURLSem = this._mediaDisplayURLSem || semaphore(MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS); return getMediaDisplayURL( displayURL, this.api!.readFile.bind(this.api!), this._mediaDisplayURLSem, ); } async getMediaFile(path: string) { const name = basename(path); const blob = await getMediaAsBlob(path, null, this.api!.readFile.bind(this.api!)); const fileObj = new File([blob], name); const url = URL.createObjectURL(fileObj); const id = await getBlobSHA(blob); return { id, displayURL: url, path, name, size: fileObj.size, file: fileObj, url, }; } async persistEntry(entry: Entry, options: PersistOptions): Promise { const mediaFiles: AssetProxy[] = entry.assets; await this.api!.persistFiles(entry.dataFiles, mediaFiles, options); } async persistMedia( mediaFile: AssetProxy, options: PersistOptions, ): Promise { const fileObj = mediaFile.fileObj as File; const [id] = await Promise.all([ getBlobSHA(fileObj), this.api!.persistFiles([], [mediaFile], options), ]); const { path } = mediaFile; const url = URL.createObjectURL(fileObj); return { displayURL: url, path: trimStart(path, '/'), name: fileObj!.name, size: fileObj!.size, file: fileObj, url, id: id as string, }; } async deleteFiles(paths: string[], commitMessage: string) { await this.api!.deleteFiles(paths, commitMessage); } async loadMediaFile(branch: string, file: UnpublishedEntryMediaFile) { const readFile = ( path: string, id: string | null | undefined, { parseText }: { parseText: boolean }, ) => this.api!.readFile(path, id, { branch, parseText }); const blob = await getMediaAsBlob(file.path, null, readFile); const name = basename(file.path); const fileObj = new File([blob], name); return { id: file.path, displayURL: URL.createObjectURL(fileObj), path: file.path, name, size: fileObj.size, file: fileObj, }; } async loadEntryMediaFiles(branch: string, files: UnpublishedEntryMediaFile[]) { const mediaFiles = await Promise.all( => this.loadMediaFile(branch, file))); return mediaFiles; } async unpublishedEntries() { const listEntriesKeys = () => this.api!.listUnpublishedBranches().then(branches => => contentKeyFromBranch(branch)), ); const ids = await unpublishedEntries(listEntriesKeys); return ids; } async unpublishedEntry({ id, collection, slug, }: { id?: string; collection?: string; slug?: string; }) { if (id) { const data = await this.api!.retrieveUnpublishedEntryData(id); return data; } else if (collection && slug) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collection, slug); const data = await this.api!.retrieveUnpublishedEntryData(contentKey); return data; } else { throw new Error('Missing unpublished entry id or collection and slug'); } } getBranch(collection: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collection, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); return branch; } async unpublishedEntryMediaFile(collection: string, slug: string, path: string, id: string) { const branch = this.getBranch(collection, slug); const mediaFile = await this.loadMediaFile(branch, { path, id }); return mediaFile; } async unpublishedEntryDataFile(collection: string, slug: string, path: string, id: string) { const branch = this.getBranch(collection, slug); const data = (await this.api!.readFile(path, id, { branch })) as string; return data; } updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection: string, slug: string, newStatus: string) { // updateUnpublishedEntryStatus is a transactional operation return runWithLock( this.lock, () => this.api!.updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus), 'Failed to acquire update entry status lock', ); } deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection: string, slug: string) { // deleteUnpublishedEntry is a transactional operation return runWithLock( this.lock, () => this.api!.deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug), 'Failed to acquire delete entry lock', ); } publishUnpublishedEntry(collection: string, slug: string) { // publishUnpublishedEntry is a transactional operation return runWithLock( this.lock, () => this.api!.publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug), 'Failed to acquire publish entry lock', ); } async getDeployPreview(collection: string, slug: string) { try { const statuses = await this.api!.getStatuses(collection, slug); const deployStatus = getPreviewStatus(statuses, this.previewContext); if (deployStatus) { const { target_url: url, state } = deployStatus; return { url, status: state }; } else { return null; } } catch (e) { return null; } } }