import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'; import { partial, result, trim, trimStart } from 'lodash'; import { localForage, APIError, ApiRequest, unsentRequest, requestWithBackoff, responseParser, AssetProxy, PersistOptions, readFile, DEFAULT_PR_BODY, MERGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE, generateContentKey, parseContentKey, labelToStatus, isCMSLabel, EditorialWorkflowError, statusToLabel, PreviewState, readFileMetadata, DataFile, branchFromContentKey, } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util'; import { Map } from 'immutable'; import { dirname, basename } from 'path'; export const API_NAME = 'Azure DevOps'; const API_VERSION = 'api-version'; type AzureUser = { coreAttributes?: { Avatar?: { value?: { value?: string } }; DisplayName?: { value?: string }; EmailAddress?: { value?: string }; }; }; type AzureGitItem = { objectId: string; gitObjectType: AzureObjectType; path: string; }; // type AzureWebApiTagDefinition = { active: boolean; id: string; name: string; url: string; }; type AzurePullRequest = { title: string; artifactId: string; closedDate: string; creationDate: string; isDraft: string; status: AzurePullRequestStatus; lastMergeSourceCommit: AzureGitChangeItem; mergeStatus: AzureAsyncPullRequestStatus; pullRequestId: number; labels: AzureWebApiTagDefinition[]; sourceRefName: string; }; type AzurePullRequestCommit = { commitId: string }; enum AzureCommitStatusState { ERROR = 'error', FAILED = 'failed', NOT_APPLICABLE = 'notApplicable', NOT_SET = 'notSet', PENDING = 'pending', SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded', } type AzureCommitStatus = { context: { genre?: string | null; name: string }; state: AzureCommitStatusState; targetUrl: string; }; // This does not match Azure documentation, but it is what comes back from some calls // PullRequest as an example is documented as returning PullRequest[], but it actually // returns that inside of this value prop in the json interface AzureArray { value: T[]; } enum AzureCommitChangeType { ADD = 'add', DELETE = 'delete', RENAME = 'rename', EDIT = 'edit', } enum AzureItemContentType { BASE64 = 'base64encoded', } enum AzurePullRequestStatus { ACTIVE = 'active', COMPLETED = 'completed', ABANDONED = 'abandoned', } enum AzureAsyncPullRequestStatus { CONFLICTS = 'conflicts', FAILURE = 'failure', QUEUED = 'queued', REJECTED = 'rejectedByPolicy', SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded', } enum AzureObjectType { BLOB = 'blob', TREE = 'tree', } // interface AzureGitCommitDiffs { changes: AzureGitChange[]; } // interface AzureGitChange { changeId: number; item: AzureGitChangeItem; changeType: AzureCommitChangeType; originalPath: string; url: string; } interface AzureGitChangeItem { objectId: string; originalObjectId: string; gitObjectType: string; commitId: string; path: string; isFolder: string; url: string; } type AzureRef = { name: string; objectId: string; }; type AzureCommit = { author: { date: string; email: string; name: string; }; }; function delay(ms: number) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } function getChangeItem(item: AzureCommitItem) { switch (item.action) { case AzureCommitChangeType.ADD: return { changeType: AzureCommitChangeType.ADD, item: { path: item.path }, newContent: { content: item.base64Content, contentType: AzureItemContentType.BASE64, }, }; case AzureCommitChangeType.EDIT: return { changeType: AzureCommitChangeType.EDIT, item: { path: item.path }, newContent: { content: item.base64Content, contentType: AzureItemContentType.BASE64, }, }; case AzureCommitChangeType.DELETE: return { changeType: AzureCommitChangeType.DELETE, item: { path: item.path }, }; case AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME: return { changeType: AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME, item: { path: item.path }, sourceServerItem: item.oldPath, }; default: return {}; } } type AzureCommitItem = { action: AzureCommitChangeType; base64Content?: string; text?: string; path: string; oldPath?: string; }; interface AzureApiConfig { apiRoot: string; repo: { org: string; project: string; repoName: string }; branch: string; squashMerges: boolean; initialWorkflowStatus: string; cmsLabelPrefix: string; apiVersion: string; } export default class API { apiVersion: string; token: string; branch: string; mergeStrategy: string; endpointUrl: string; initialWorkflowStatus: string; cmsLabelPrefix: string; constructor(config: AzureApiConfig, token: string) { const { repo } = config; const apiRoot = trim(config.apiRoot, '/'); this.endpointUrl = `${apiRoot}/${}/${repo.project}/_apis/git/repositories/${repo.repoName}`; this.token = token; this.branch = config.branch; this.mergeStrategy = config.squashMerges ? 'squash' : 'noFastForward'; this.initialWorkflowStatus = config.initialWorkflowStatus; this.apiVersion = config.apiVersion; this.cmsLabelPrefix = config.cmsLabelPrefix; } withHeaders = (req: ApiRequest) => { const withHeaders = unsentRequest.withHeaders( { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.token}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', }, req, ); return withHeaders; }; withAzureFeatures = (req: Map>) => { if (req.hasIn(['params', API_VERSION])) { return req; } const withParams = unsentRequest.withParams( { [API_VERSION]: `${this.apiVersion}`, }, req, ); return withParams; }; buildRequest = (req: ApiRequest) => { const withHeaders = this.withHeaders(req); const withAzureFeatures = this.withAzureFeatures(withHeaders); if (withAzureFeatures.has('cache')) { return withAzureFeatures; } else { const withNoCache = unsentRequest.withNoCache(withAzureFeatures); return withNoCache; } }; request = (req: ApiRequest): Promise => { try { return requestWithBackoff(this, req); } catch (err) { throw new APIError(err.message, null, API_NAME); } }; responseToJSON = responseParser({ format: 'json', apiName: API_NAME }); responseToBlob = responseParser({ format: 'blob', apiName: API_NAME }); responseToText = responseParser({ format: 'text', apiName: API_NAME }); requestJSON = (req: ApiRequest) => this.request(req).then(this.responseToJSON) as Promise; requestText = (req: ApiRequest) => this.request(req).then(this.responseToText) as Promise; toBase64 = (str: string) => Promise.resolve(Base64.encode(str)); fromBase64 = (str: string) => Base64.decode(str); branchToRef = (branch: string): string => `refs/heads/${branch}`; refToBranch = (ref: string): string => ref.substr('refs/heads/'.length); user = async () => { const result = await this.requestJSON({ url: '', params: { [API_VERSION]: '6.1-preview.2' }, }); const name = result.coreAttributes?.DisplayName?.value; const email = result.coreAttributes?.EmailAddress?.value; const url = result.coreAttributes?.Avatar?.value?.value; const user = { name: name || email || '', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase avatar_url: `data:image/png;base64,${url}`, email, }; return user; }; async readFileMetadata( path: string, sha: string | null | undefined, { branch = this.branch } = {}, ) { const fetchFileMetadata = async () => { try { const { value } = await this.requestJSON>({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/commits/`, params: { 'searchCriteria.itemPath': path, 'searchCriteria.itemVersion.version': branch, 'searchCriteria.$top': 1, }, }); const [commit] = value; return { author: ||, updatedOn:, }; } catch (error) { return { author: '', updatedOn: '' }; } }; const fileMetadata = await readFileMetadata(sha, fetchFileMetadata, localForage); return fileMetadata; } readFile = ( path: string, sha?: string | null, { parseText = true, branch = this.branch } = {}, ) => { const fetchContent = () => { return this.request({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/items/`, params: { version: branch, path }, cache: 'no-store', }).then(parseText ? this.responseToText : this.responseToBlob); }; return readFile(sha, fetchContent, localForage, parseText); }; listFiles = async (path: string, recursive: boolean, branch = this.branch) => { try { const { value: items } = await this.requestJSON>({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/items/`, params: { version: branch, scopePath: path, recursionLevel: recursive ? 'full' : 'oneLevel', }, }); const files = items .filter(item => item.gitObjectType === AzureObjectType.BLOB) .map(file => ({ id: file.objectId, path: trimStart(file.path, '/'), name: basename(file.path), })); return files; } catch (err) { if (err && err.status === 404) { console.log('This 404 was expected and handled appropriately.'); return []; } else { throw err; } } }; async getRef(branch: string = this.branch) { const { value: refs } = await this.requestJSON>({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/refs`, params: { $top: '1', // There's only one ref, so keep the payload small filter: 'heads/' + branch, }, }); return refs.find(b => == this.branchToRef(branch))!; } async deleteRef(ref: AzureRef): Promise { const deleteBranchPayload = [ { name:, oldObjectId: ref.objectId, newObjectId: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', }, ]; await this.requestJSON({ method: 'POST', url: `${this.endpointUrl}/refs`, body: JSON.stringify(deleteBranchPayload), }); } async uploadAndCommit( items: AzureCommitItem[], comment: string, branch: string, newBranch: boolean, ) { const ref = await this.getRef(newBranch ? this.branch : branch); const refUpdate = [ { name: this.branchToRef(branch), oldObjectId: ref.objectId, }, ]; const changes = => getChangeItem(item)); const commits = [{ comment, changes }]; const push = { refUpdates: refUpdate, commits, }; return this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pushes`, method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(push), }); } async retrieveUnpublishedEntryData(contentKey: string) { const { collection, slug } = parseContentKey(contentKey); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch); const diffs = await this.getDifferences(pullRequest.sourceRefName); const diffsWithIds = await Promise.all( d => { const path = trimStart(d.item.path, '/'); const newFile = d.changeType === AzureCommitChangeType.ADD; const id = d.item.objectId; return { id, path, newFile }; }), ); const label = pullRequest.labels.find(l => isCMSLabel(, this.cmsLabelPrefix)); const labelName = label && ? : this.cmsLabelPrefix; const status = labelToStatus(labelName, this.cmsLabelPrefix); // Uses creationDate, as we do not have direct access to the updated date const updatedAt = pullRequest.closedDate ? pullRequest.closedDate : pullRequest.creationDate; return { collection, slug, status, diffs: diffsWithIds, updatedAt, }; } async getPullRequestStatues(pullRequest: AzurePullRequest) { const { value: commits } = await this.requestJSON>({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${pullRequest.pullRequestId}/commits`, params: { $top: 1, }, }); const { value: statuses } = await this.requestJSON>({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/commits/${commits[0].commitId}/statuses`, params: { latestOnly: true }, }); return statuses; } async getStatuses(collection: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collection, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch); const statuses = await this.getPullRequestStatues(pullRequest); return{ context, state, targetUrl }) => ({ context:, state: state === AzureCommitStatusState.SUCCEEDED ? PreviewState.Success : PreviewState.Other, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase target_url: targetUrl, })); } async getCommitItems(files: { path: string; newPath?: string }[], branch: string) { const items = await Promise.all( file => { const [base64Content, fileExists] = await Promise.all([ result(file, 'toBase64', partial(this.toBase64, (file as DataFile).raw)), this.isFileExists(file.path, branch), ]); const path = file.newPath || file.path; const oldPath = file.path; const renameOrEdit = path !== oldPath ? AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME : AzureCommitChangeType.EDIT; const action = fileExists ? renameOrEdit : AzureCommitChangeType.ADD; return { action, base64Content, path, oldPath, } as AzureCommitItem; }), ); // move children for (const item of items.filter(i => i.oldPath && i.action === AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME)) { const sourceDir = dirname(item.oldPath as string); const destDir = dirname(item.path); const children = await this.listFiles(sourceDir, true, branch); children .filter(file => file.path !== item.oldPath) .forEach(file => { items.push({ action: AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME, path: file.path.replace(sourceDir, destDir), oldPath: file.path, }); }); } return items; } async persistFiles(dataFiles: DataFile[], mediaFiles: AssetProxy[], options: PersistOptions) { const files = [...dataFiles, ...mediaFiles]; if (options.useWorkflow) { const slug = dataFiles[0].slug; return this.editorialWorkflowGit(files, slug, options); } else { const items = await this.getCommitItems(files, this.branch); return this.uploadAndCommit(items, options.commitMessage, this.branch, true); } } async deleteFiles(paths: string[], comment: string) { const ref = await this.getRef(this.branch); const refUpdate = { name:, oldObjectId: ref.objectId, }; const changes = => getChangeItem({ action: AzureCommitChangeType.DELETE, path }), ); const commits = [{ comment, changes }]; const push = { refUpdates: [refUpdate], commits, }; return this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pushes`, method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(push), }); } async getPullRequests(sourceBranch?: string) { const { value: pullRequests } = await this.requestJSON>({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests`, params: { 'searchCriteria.status': 'active', 'searchCriteria.targetRefName': this.branchToRef(this.branch), 'searchCriteria.includeLinks': false, ...(sourceBranch ? { 'searchCriteria.sourceRefName': this.branchToRef(sourceBranch) } : {}), }, }); const filtered = pullRequests.filter(pr => { return pr.labels.some(label => isCMSLabel(, this.cmsLabelPrefix)); }); return filtered; } async listUnpublishedBranches(): Promise { const pullRequests = await this.getPullRequests(); const branches = => this.refToBranch(pr.sourceRefName)); return branches; } async isFileExists(path: string, branch: string) { try { await this.requestText({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/items/`, params: { version: branch, path }, cache: 'no-store', }); return true; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof APIError && error.status === 404) { return false; } throw error; } } async createPullRequest(branch: string, commitMessage: string, status: string) { const pr = { sourceRefName: this.branchToRef(branch), targetRefName: this.branchToRef(this.branch), title: commitMessage, description: DEFAULT_PR_BODY, labels: [ { name: statusToLabel(status, this.cmsLabelPrefix), }, ], }; await this.requestJSON({ method: 'POST', url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests`, params: { supportsIterations: false, }, body: JSON.stringify(pr), }); } async getBranchPullRequest(branch: string) { const pullRequests = await this.getPullRequests(branch); if (pullRequests.length <= 0) { throw new EditorialWorkflowError('content is not under editorial workflow', true); } return pullRequests[0]; } async getDifferences(to: string) { const result = await this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/diffs/commits`, params: { baseVersion: this.branch, targetVersion: this.refToBranch(to), }, }); return result.changes.filter( d => d.item.gitObjectType === AzureObjectType.BLOB && Object.values(AzureCommitChangeType).includes(d.changeType), ); } async editorialWorkflowGit( files: (DataFile | AssetProxy)[], slug: string, options: PersistOptions, ) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(options.collectionName as string, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const unpublished = options.unpublished || false; if (!unpublished) { const items = await this.getCommitItems(files, this.branch); await this.uploadAndCommit(items, options.commitMessage, branch, true); await this.createPullRequest( branch, options.commitMessage, options.status || this.initialWorkflowStatus, ); } else { const items = await this.getCommitItems(files, branch); await this.uploadAndCommit(items, options.commitMessage, branch, false); } } async updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection: string, slug: string, newStatus: string) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collection, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch); const nonCmsLabels = pullRequest.labels .filter(label => !isCMSLabel(, this.cmsLabelPrefix)) .map(label =>; const labels = [...nonCmsLabels, statusToLabel(newStatus, this.cmsLabelPrefix)]; await this.updatePullRequestLabels(pullRequest, labels); } async deleteUnpublishedEntry(collectionName: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch); await this.abandonPullRequest(pullRequest); } async publishUnpublishedEntry(collectionName: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch); await this.completePullRequest(pullRequest); } async updatePullRequestLabels(pullRequest: AzurePullRequest, labels: string[]) { const cmsLabels = pullRequest.labels.filter(l => isCMSLabel(, this.cmsLabelPrefix)); await Promise.all( => { return this.requestText({ method: 'DELETE', url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent( pullRequest.pullRequestId, )}/labels/${encodeURIComponent(}`, }); }), ); await Promise.all( => { return this.requestText({ method: 'POST', url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent( pullRequest.pullRequestId, )}/labels`, body: JSON.stringify({ name: l }), }); }), ); } async completePullRequest(pullRequest: AzurePullRequest) { const pullRequestCompletion = { status: AzurePullRequestStatus.COMPLETED, lastMergeSourceCommit: pullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit, completionOptions: { deleteSourceBranch: true, mergeCommitMessage: MERGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE, mergeStrategy: this.mergeStrategy, }, }; let response = await this.requestJSON({ method: 'PATCH', url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent(pullRequest.pullRequestId)}`, body: JSON.stringify(pullRequestCompletion), }); // We need to wait for Azure to complete the pull request to actually complete // Sometimes this is instant, but frequently it is 1-3 seconds const DELAY_MILLISECONDS = 500; const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10; let attempt = 1; while (response.mergeStatus === AzureAsyncPullRequestStatus.QUEUED && attempt <= MAX_ATTEMPTS) { await delay(DELAY_MILLISECONDS); response = await this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent(pullRequest.pullRequestId)}`, }); attempt = attempt + 1; } } async abandonPullRequest(pullRequest: AzurePullRequest) { const pullRequestAbandon = { status: AzurePullRequestStatus.ABANDONED, }; await this.requestJSON({ method: 'PATCH', url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent(pullRequest.pullRequestId)}`, body: JSON.stringify(pullRequestAbandon), }); await this.deleteRef({ name: pullRequest.sourceRefName, objectId: pullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.commitId, }); } }