import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'; import semaphore, { Semaphore } from 'semaphore'; import { find, flow, get, initial, last, partial, result, differenceBy, trimStart } from 'lodash'; import { map, filter } from 'lodash/fp'; import { getAllResponses, APIError, EditorialWorkflowError, flowAsync, localForage, onlySuccessfulPromises, resolvePromiseProperties, ResponseParser, } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util'; const CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX = 'cms'; const CURRENT_METADATA_VERSION = '1'; interface FetchError extends Error { status: number; } interface Config { api_root?: string; token?: string; branch?: string; useOpenAuthoring: boolean; repo?: string; originRepo?: string; squash_merges?: string; initialWorkflowStatus: string; } interface File { type: 'blob' | 'tree'; sha: string; path: string; remove?: boolean; raw?: string; } interface Entry extends File { slug: string; } interface TreeEntry { type: 'blob' | 'tree'; sha: string | null; path: string; mode: string; } interface CommitFields { parents: { sha: string }[]; sha: string; message: string; author: string; committer: string; tree: { sha: string }; } interface Commit extends CommitFields { commit?: CommitFields; } interface PR { number: number; head: string; } interface MetaDataObjects { entry: { path: string; sha: string }; files: MediaFile[]; } interface Metadata { type: string; objects: MetaDataObjects; branch: string; status: string; pr?: PR; collection: string; commitMessage: string; version?: string; user: string; title?: string; description?: string; timeStamp: string; } interface Branch { ref: string; } interface GitHubFile { sha: string; } interface GitHubUser { name?: string; login: string; } interface GitHubRepo { permissions: { push: boolean }; } interface BlobArgs { sha: string; repoURL: string; parseText: boolean; } interface ContentArgs { path: string; branch: string; repoURL: string; parseText: boolean; } type Param = string | number | undefined; type Options = RequestInit & { params?: Record> }; const replace404WithEmptyArray = (err: FetchError) => { if (err && err.status === 404) { console.log('This 404 was expected and handled appropriately.'); return []; } else { return Promise.reject(err); } }; type PersistOptions = { useWorkflow: boolean; commitMessage: string; collectionName: string; unpublished: boolean; parsedData?: { title: string; description: string }; status: string; hasAssetStore: boolean; }; type MediaFile = { sha: string; path: string; }; export default class API { api_root: string; token: string; branch: string; useOpenAuthoring: boolean; repo: string; originRepo: string; repoURL: string; originRepoURL: string; merge_method: string; initialWorkflowStatus: string; _userPromise?: Promise; _metadataSemaphore?: Semaphore; commitAuthor?: {}; constructor(config: Config) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase this.api_root = config.api_root || ''; this.token = config.token || ''; this.branch = config.branch || 'master'; this.useOpenAuthoring = config.useOpenAuthoring; this.repo = config.repo || ''; this.originRepo = config.originRepo || this.repo; this.repoURL = `/repos/${this.repo}`; // when not in 'useOpenAuthoring' mode originRepoURL === repoURL this.originRepoURL = `/repos/${this.originRepo}`; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase this.merge_method = config.squash_merges ? 'squash' : 'merge'; this.initialWorkflowStatus = config.initialWorkflowStatus; } static DEFAULT_COMMIT_MESSAGE = 'Automatically generated by Netlify CMS'; static DEFAULT_PR_BODY = 'Automatically generated by Netlify CMS'; user() { if (!this._userPromise) { this._userPromise = this.request('/user') as Promise; } return this._userPromise; } hasWriteAccess() { return this.request(this.repoURL) .then((repo: GitHubRepo) => repo.permissions.push) .catch((error: Error) => { console.error('Problem fetching repo data from GitHub'); throw error; }); } requestHeaders(headers = {}) { const baseHeader: Record = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', ...headers, }; if (this.token) { baseHeader.Authorization = `token ${this.token}`; return baseHeader; } return baseHeader; } parseJsonResponse(response: Response) { return response.json().then(json => { if (!response.ok) { return Promise.reject(json); } return json; }); } urlFor(path: string, options: Options) { const cacheBuster = new Date().getTime(); const params = [`ts=${cacheBuster}`]; if (options.params) { for (const key in options.params) { params.push(`${key}=${encodeURIComponent(options.params[key] as string)}`); } } if (params.length) { path += `?${params.join('&')}`; } return this.api_root + path; } parseResponse(response: Response) { const contentType = response.headers.get('Content-Type'); if (contentType && contentType.match(/json/)) { return this.parseJsonResponse(response); } const textPromise = response.text().then(text => { if (!response.ok) { return Promise.reject(text); } return text; }); return textPromise; } handleRequestError(error: FetchError, responseStatus: number) { throw new APIError(error.message, responseStatus, 'GitHub'); } async request( path: string, options: Options = {}, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any parser: ResponseParser = response => this.parseResponse(response), ) { // overriding classes can return a promise from requestHeaders const headers = await this.requestHeaders(options.headers || {}); const url = this.urlFor(path, options); let responseStatus: number; return fetch(url, { ...options, headers }) .then(response => { responseStatus = response.status; return parser(response); }) .catch(error => this.handleRequestError(error, responseStatus)); } async requestAllPages(url: string, options: Options = {}) { // overriding classes can return a promise from requestHeaders const headers = await this.requestHeaders(options.headers || {}); const processedURL = this.urlFor(url, options); const allResponses = await getAllResponses(processedURL, { ...options, headers }); const pages: T[][] = await Promise.all( Response) => this.parseResponse(res)), ); return ([] as T[]).concat(...pages); } generateContentKey(collectionName: string, slug: string) { if (!this.useOpenAuthoring) { return `${collectionName}/${slug}`; } return `${this.repo}/${collectionName}/${slug}`; } slugFromContentKey(contentKey: string, collectionName: string) { if (!this.useOpenAuthoring) { return contentKey.substring(collectionName.length + 1); } return contentKey.substring(this.repo.length + collectionName.length + 2); } generateBranchName(contentKey: string) { return `${CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX}/${contentKey}`; } branchNameFromRef(ref: string) { return ref.substring('refs/heads/'.length); } contentKeyFromRef(ref: string) { return ref.substring(`refs/heads/${CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX}/`.length); } checkMetadataRef() { return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/refs/meta/_netlify_cms`, { cache: 'no-store', }) .then(response => response.object) .catch(() => { // Meta ref doesn't exist const readme = { raw: '# Netlify CMS\n\nThis tree is used by the Netlify CMS to store metadata information for specific files and branches.', }; return this.uploadBlob(readme) .then(item => this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/trees`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ tree: [{ path: '', mode: '100644', type: 'blob', sha: item.sha }], }), }), ) .then(tree => this.commit('First Commit', tree)) .then(response => this.createRef('meta', '_netlify_cms', response.sha)) .then(response => response.object); }); } async storeMetadata(key: string, data: Metadata) { // semaphore ensures metadata updates are always ordered, even if // calls to storeMetadata are not. concurrent metadata updates // will result in the metadata branch being unable to update. if (!this._metadataSemaphore) { this._metadataSemaphore = semaphore(1); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => this._metadataSemaphore?.take(async () => { try { const branchData = await this.checkMetadataRef(); const file = { path: `${key}.json`, raw: JSON.stringify(data) }; await this.uploadBlob(file); const changeTree = await this.updateTree(branchData.sha, [file as File]); const { sha } = await this.commit(`Updating “${key}” metadata`, changeTree); await this.patchRef('meta', '_netlify_cms', sha); localForage.setItem(`gh.meta.${key}`, { expires: + 300000, // In 5 minutes data, }); this._metadataSemaphore?.leave(); resolve(); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }), ); } deleteMetadata(key: string) { if (!this._metadataSemaphore) { this._metadataSemaphore = semaphore(1); } return new Promise(resolve => this._metadataSemaphore?.take(async () => { try { const branchData = await this.checkMetadataRef(); const file = { path: `${key}.json`, sha: null }; const changeTree = await this.updateTree(branchData.sha, [file]); const { sha } = await this.commit(`Deleting “${key}” metadata`, changeTree); await this.patchRef('meta', '_netlify_cms', sha); this._metadataSemaphore?.leave(); resolve(); } catch (err) { this._metadataSemaphore?.leave(); resolve(); } }), ); } retrieveMetadata(key: string): Promise { const cache = localForage.getItem<{ data: Metadata; expires: number }>(`gh.meta.${key}`); return cache.then(cached => { if (cached && cached.expires > { return as Metadata; } console.log( '%c Checking for MetaData files', 'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold', ); const metadataRequestOptions = { params: { ref: 'refs/meta/_netlify_cms' }, headers: { Accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3.raw' }, cache: 'no-store' as RequestCache, }; const errorHandler = (err: Error) => { if (err.message === 'Not Found') { console.log( '%c %s does not have metadata', 'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold', key, ); } throw err; }; if (!this.useOpenAuthoring) { return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/contents/${key}.json`, metadataRequestOptions) .then((response: string) => JSON.parse(response)) .catch(errorHandler); } const [user, repo] = key.split('/'); return this.request(`/repos/${user}/${repo}/contents/${key}.json`, metadataRequestOptions) .then((response: string) => JSON.parse(response)) .catch(errorHandler); }); } retrieveContent({ path, branch, repoURL, parseText }: ContentArgs) { return this.request(`${repoURL}/contents/${path}`, { params: { ref: branch }, cache: 'no-store', }).then((file: GitHubFile) => this.getBlob({ sha: file.sha, repoURL, parseText })); } readFile( path: string, sha: string | null, { branch = this.branch, repoURL = this.repoURL, parseText = true, }: { branch?: string; repoURL?: string; parseText?: boolean; } = {}, ) { if (sha) { return this.getBlob({ sha, repoURL, parseText }); } else { return this.retrieveContent({ path, branch, repoURL, parseText }); } } async fetchBlobContent({ sha, repoURL, parseText }: BlobArgs) { const result = await this.request(`${repoURL}/git/blobs/${sha}`); if (parseText) { // treat content as a utf-8 string const content = Base64.decode(result.content); return content; } else { // treat content as binary and convert to blob const content = Base64.atob(result.content); const byteArray = new Uint8Array(content.length); for (let i = 0; i < content.length; i++) { byteArray[i] = content.charCodeAt(i); } const blob = new Blob([byteArray]); return blob; } } async getMediaAsBlob(sha: string | null, path: string) { let blob: Blob; if (path.match(/.svg$/)) { const text = (await this.readFile(path, sha, { parseText: true })) as string; blob = new Blob([text], { type: 'image/svg+xml' }); } else { blob = (await this.readFile(path, sha, { parseText: false })) as Blob; } return blob; } async getMediaDisplayURL(sha: string, path: string) { const blob = await this.getMediaAsBlob(sha, path); return URL.createObjectURL(blob); } getBlob({ sha, repoURL = this.repoURL, parseText = true }: BlobArgs) { const key = parseText ? `gh.${sha}` : `gh.${sha}.blob`; return localForage.getItem(key).then(cached => { if (cached) { return cached; } return this.fetchBlobContent({ sha, repoURL, parseText }).then(result => { localForage.setItem(key, result); return result; }); }); } async listFiles(path: string, { repoURL = this.repoURL, branch = this.branch } = {}) { const folderPath = path.replace(/\/$/, ''); return this.request(`${repoURL}/git/trees/${branch}:${folderPath}`, { params: { recursive: 10 }, }) .then(res => res.tree .filter((file: File) => file.type === 'blob') .map((file: File) => ({ ...file, name: file.path, path: `${folderPath}/${file.path}`, })), ) .catch(replace404WithEmptyArray); // handle non existent folders } readUnpublishedBranchFile(contentKey: string) { const metaDataPromise = this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey).then(data => data.objects.entry.path ? data : Promise.reject(null), ); const repoURL = this.useOpenAuthoring ? `/repos/${contentKey .split('/') .slice(0, 2) .join('/')}` : this.repoURL; return resolvePromiseProperties({ metaData: metaDataPromise, fileData: metaDataPromise.then(data => this.readFile(data.objects.entry.path, null, { branch: data.branch, repoURL, }), ), isModification: metaDataPromise.then(data => this.isUnpublishedEntryModification(data.objects.entry.path, this.branch), ), }).catch(() => { throw new EditorialWorkflowError('content is not under editorial workflow', true); }); } isUnpublishedEntryModification(path: string, branch: string) { return this.readFile(path, null, { branch, repoURL: this.originRepoURL, }) .then(() => true) .catch((err: Error) => { if (err.message && err.message === 'Not Found') { return false; } throw err; }); } getPRsForBranchName = (branchName: string) => { // Get PRs with a `head` of `branchName`. Note that this is a // substring match, so we need to check that the `head.ref` of // at least one of the returned objects matches `branchName`. return this.requestAllPages<{ head: { ref: string } }>(`${this.repoURL}/pulls`, { params: { head: branchName, state: 'open', base: this.branch, }, }); }; getUpdatedOpenAuthoringMetadata = async ( contentKey: string, { metadata: metadataArg }: { metadata?: Metadata } = {}, ) => { const metadata = metadataArg || (await this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey)) || {}; const { pr: prMetadata, status } = metadata; // Set the status to draft if no corresponding PR is recorded if (!prMetadata && status !== 'draft') { const newMetadata = { ...metadata, status: 'draft' }; this.storeMetadata(contentKey, newMetadata); return newMetadata; } // If no status is recorded, but there is a PR, check if the PR is // closed or not and update the status accordingly. if (prMetadata) { const { number: prNumber } = prMetadata; const originPRInfo = await this.getPullRequest(prNumber); const { state: currentState, merged_at: mergedAt } = originPRInfo; if (currentState === 'closed' && mergedAt) { // The PR has been merged; delete the unpublished entry const { collection } = metadata; const slug = this.slugFromContentKey(contentKey, collection); this.deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug); return; } else if (currentState === 'closed' && !mergedAt) { if (status !== 'draft') { const newMetadata = { ...metadata, status: 'draft' }; await this.storeMetadata(contentKey, newMetadata); return newMetadata; } } else { if (status !== 'pending_review') { // PR is open and has not been merged const newMetadata = { ...metadata, status: 'pending_review' }; await this.storeMetadata(contentKey, newMetadata); return newMetadata; } } } return metadata; }; async migrateToVersion1(branch: Branch, metaData: Metadata) { // hard code key/branch generation logic to ignore future changes const oldContentKey = branch.ref.substring(`refs/heads/cms/`.length); const newContentKey = `${metaData.collection}/${oldContentKey}`; const newBranchName = `cms/${newContentKey}`; // create new branch and pull request in new format const newBranch = await this.createBranch(newBranchName, ( as PR).head); const pr = await this.createPR(metaData.commitMessage, newBranchName); // store new metadata await this.storeMetadata(newContentKey, { ...metaData, pr: { number: pr.number, head: pr.head.sha, }, branch: newBranchName, version: '1', }); // remove old data await this.closePR( as PR); await this.deleteBranch(metaData.branch); await this.deleteMetadata(oldContentKey); return newBranch; } async migrateBranch(branch: Branch) { const metadata = await this.retrieveMetadata(this.contentKeyFromRef(branch.ref)); if (!metadata.version) { // migrate branch from cms/slug to cms/collection/slug branch = await this.migrateToVersion1(branch, metadata); } return branch; } async listUnpublishedBranches() { console.log( '%c Checking for Unpublished entries', 'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold', ); try { const branches: Branch[] = await this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/refs/heads/cms`).catch( replace404WithEmptyArray, ); let filterFunction; if (this.useOpenAuthoring) { const getUpdatedOpenAuthoringBranches = flow([ map(async (branch: Branch) => { const contentKey = this.contentKeyFromRef(branch.ref); const metadata = await this.getUpdatedOpenAuthoringMetadata(contentKey); // filter out removed entries if (!metadata) { return Promise.reject('Unpublished entry was removed'); } return branch; }), onlySuccessfulPromises, ]); filterFunction = getUpdatedOpenAuthoringBranches; } else { const prs = await this.getPRsForBranchName(CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX); const onlyBranchesWithOpenPRs = flowAsync([ filter(({ ref }: Branch) => prs.some(pr => pr.head.ref === this.branchNameFromRef(ref))), map((branch: Branch) => this.migrateBranch(branch)), onlySuccessfulPromises, ]); filterFunction = onlyBranchesWithOpenPRs; } return await filterFunction(branches); } catch (err) { console.log( '%c No Unpublished entries', 'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold', ); throw err; } } /** * Retrieve statuses for a given SHA. Unrelated to the editorial workflow * concept of entry "status". Useful for things like deploy preview links. */ async getStatuses(sha: string) { try { const resp = await this.request(`${this.originRepoURL}/commits/${sha}/status`); return resp.statuses; } catch (err) { if (err && err.message && err.message === 'Ref not found') { return []; } throw err; } } async persistFiles(entry: Entry, mediaFiles: File[], options: PersistOptions) { const files = entry ? mediaFiles.concat(entry) : mediaFiles; const uploadPromises = => this.uploadBlob(file)); await Promise.all(uploadPromises); if (!options.useWorkflow) { return this.getBranch() .then(branchData => this.updateTree(branchData.commit.sha, files)) .then(changeTree => this.commit(options.commitMessage, changeTree)) .then(response => this.patchBranch(this.branch, response.sha)); } else { const mediaFilesList ={ sha, path }) => ({ path: trimStart(path, '/'), sha, })); return this.editorialWorkflowGit(files, entry, mediaFilesList, options); } } getFileSha(path: string, branch: string) { /** * We need to request the tree first to get the SHA. We use extended SHA-1 * syntax (:) to get a blob from a tree without having to recurse * through the tree. */ const pathArray = path.split('/'); const filename = last(pathArray); const directory = initial(pathArray).join('/'); const fileDataPath = encodeURIComponent(directory); const fileDataURL = `${this.repoURL}/git/trees/${branch}:${fileDataPath}`; return this.request(fileDataURL, { cache: 'no-store' }).then(resp => { const { sha } = resp.tree.find((file: File) => file.path === filename); return sha; }); } deleteFile(path: string, message: string, options: { branch?: string } = {}) { if (this.useOpenAuthoring) { return Promise.reject('Cannot delete published entries as an Open Authoring user!'); } const branch = options.branch || this.branch; return this.getFileSha(path, branch).then(sha => { const params: { sha: string; message: string; branch: string; author?: { date: string } } = { sha, message, branch, }; const opts = { method: 'DELETE', params }; if (this.commitAuthor) { = { ...this.commitAuthor, date: new Date().toISOString(), }; } const fileURL = `${this.repoURL}/contents/${path}`; return this.request(fileURL, opts); }); } async createBranchAndPullRequest(branchName: string, sha: string, commitMessage: string) { await this.createBranch(branchName, sha); return this.createPR(commitMessage, branchName); } async editorialWorkflowGit( files: File[], entry: Entry, mediaFilesList: MediaFile[], options: PersistOptions, ) { const contentKey = this.generateContentKey(options.collectionName, entry.slug); const branchName = this.generateBranchName(contentKey); const unpublished = options.unpublished || false; if (!unpublished) { // Open new editorial review workflow for this entry - Create new metadata and commit to new branch const userPromise = this.user(); const branchData = await this.getBranch(); const changeTree = await this.updateTree(branchData.commit.sha, files); const commitResponse = await this.commit(options.commitMessage, changeTree); let pr; if (this.useOpenAuthoring) { await this.createBranch(branchName, commitResponse.sha); } else { pr = await this.createBranchAndPullRequest( branchName, commitResponse.sha, options.commitMessage, ); } const user = await userPromise; return this.storeMetadata(contentKey, { type: 'PR', pr: pr ? { number: pr.number, head: pr.head && pr.head.sha, } : undefined, user: || user.login, status: options.status || this.initialWorkflowStatus, branch: branchName, collection: options.collectionName, commitMessage: options.commitMessage, title: options.parsedData && options.parsedData.title, description: options.parsedData && options.parsedData.description, objects: { entry: { path: entry.path, sha: entry.sha, }, files: mediaFilesList, }, timeStamp: new Date().toISOString(), version: CURRENT_METADATA_VERSION, }); } else { // Entry is already on editorial review workflow - just update metadata and commit to existing branch const metadata = await this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey); // mark media files to remove const metadataMediaFiles: MediaFile[] = get(metadata, 'objects.files', []); const mediaFilesToRemove: File[] = differenceBy( metadataMediaFiles, mediaFilesList, 'path', ).map(file => ({ ...file, remove: true, type: 'blob' })); const branchData = await this.getBranch(branchName); const changeTree = await this.updateTree( branchData.commit.sha, files.concat(mediaFilesToRemove), ); const commit = await this.commit(options.commitMessage, changeTree); const { title, description } = options.parsedData || {}; const pr = ? {, head: commit.sha } : undefined; const objects = { entry: { path: entry.path, sha: entry.sha }, files: mediaFilesList, }; const updatedMetadata = { ...metadata, pr, title, description, objects }; if (options.hasAssetStore) { await this.storeMetadata(contentKey, updatedMetadata); return this.patchBranch(branchName, commit.sha); } if (pr) { return this.rebasePullRequest(pr.number, branchName, contentKey, updatedMetadata, commit); } else if (this.useOpenAuthoring) { // if a PR hasn't been created yet for the forked repo, just patch the branch await this.patchBranch(branchName, commit.sha, { force: true }); } return this.storeMetadata(contentKey, updatedMetadata); } } /** * Rebase a pull request onto the latest HEAD of it's target base branch * (should generally be the configured backend branch). Only rebases changes * in the entry file. */ async rebasePullRequest( prNumber: number, branchName: string, contentKey: string, metadata: Metadata, head: Commit, ) { const { path } = metadata.objects.entry; try { /** * Get the published branch and create new commits over it. If the pull * request is up to date, no rebase will occur. */ const [baseBranch, commits] = await Promise.all([ this.getBranch(), this.getPullRequestCommits(prNumber), ]); /** * Sometimes the list of commits for a pull request isn't updated * immediately after the PR branch is patched. There's also the possibility * that the branch has changed unexpectedly. We account for both by adding * the head if it's missing, or else throwing an error if the PR head is * neither the head we expect nor its parent. */ const finalCommits = this.assertHead(commits, head); const rebasedHead = await this.rebaseSingleBlobCommits(baseBranch.commit, finalCommits, path); /** * Update metadata, then force update the pull request branch head. */ const pr = { ...( as PR), head: rebasedHead.sha }; const timeStamp = new Date().toISOString(); const updatedMetadata = { ...metadata, pr, timeStamp }; await this.storeMetadata(contentKey, updatedMetadata); return this.patchBranch(branchName, rebasedHead.sha, { force: true }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw error; } } /** * Rebase an array of commits one-by-one, starting from a given base SHA. Can * accept an array of commits as received from the GitHub API. All commits are * expected to change the same, single blob. */ rebaseSingleBlobCommits(baseCommit: Commit, commits: Commit[], pathToBlob: string) { /** * If the parent of the first commit already matches the target base, * return commits as is. */ if (commits.length === 0 || commits[0].parents[0].sha === baseCommit.sha) { return Promise.resolve(last(commits) as Commit); } /** * Re-create each commit over the new base, applying each to the previous, * changing only the parent SHA and tree for each, but retaining all other * info, such as the author/committer data. */ const newHeadPromise = commits.reduce((lastCommitPromise, commit) => { return lastCommitPromise.then(newParent => { /** * Normalize commit data to ensure it's not nested in `commit.commit`. */ const parent = this.normalizeCommit(newParent); const commitToRebase = this.normalizeCommit(commit); return this.rebaseSingleBlobCommit(parent, commitToRebase, pathToBlob); }); }, Promise.resolve(baseCommit)); /** * Return a promise that resolves when all commits have been created. */ return newHeadPromise; } /** * Rebase a commit that changes a single blob. Also handles updating the tree. */ rebaseSingleBlobCommit( baseCommit: Commit, commit: { message: string; author: string; committer: string; tree: { sha: string } }, pathToBlob: string, ) { /** * Retain original commit metadata. */ const { message, author, committer } = commit; /** * Set the base commit as the parent. */ const parent = [baseCommit.sha]; /** * Get the blob data by path. */ return ( this.getBlobInTree(commit.tree.sha, pathToBlob) /** * Create a new tree consisting of the base tree and the single updated * blob. Use the full path to indicate nesting, GitHub will take care of * subtree creation. */ .then(blob => this.createTree(baseCommit.tree.sha, [{ ...blob, path: pathToBlob }])) /** * Create a new commit with the updated tree and original commit metadata. */ .then(tree => this.createCommit(message, tree.sha, parent, author, committer)) ); } /** * Get a pull request by PR number. */ getPullRequest(prNumber: number) { return this.request(`${this.originRepoURL}/pulls/${prNumber} }`); } /** * Get the list of commits for a given pull request. */ getPullRequestCommits(prNumber: number) { return this.requestAllPages(`${this.originRepoURL}/pulls/${prNumber}/commits`); } /** * Returns `commits` with `headToAssert` appended if it's the child of the * last commit in `commits`. Returns `commits` unaltered if `headToAssert` is * already the last commit in `commits`. Otherwise throws an error. */ assertHead(commits: Commit[], headToAssert: Commit) { const headIsMissing = headToAssert.parents[0].sha === last(commits)?.sha; const headIsNotMissing = headToAssert.sha === last(commits)?.sha; if (headIsMissing) { return commits.concat(headToAssert); } else if (headIsNotMissing) { return commits; } throw Error('Editorial workflow branch changed unexpectedly.'); } async updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collectionName: string, slug: string, status: string) { const contentKey = this.generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const metadata = await this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey); if (!this.useOpenAuthoring) { return this.storeMetadata(contentKey, { ...metadata, status, }); } if (status === 'pending_publish') { throw new Error('Open Authoring entries may not be set to the status "pending_publish".'); } const { pr: prMetadata } = metadata; if (prMetadata) { const { number: prNumber } = prMetadata; const originPRInfo = await this.getPullRequest(prNumber); const { state } = originPRInfo; if (state === 'open' && status === 'draft') { await this.closePR(prMetadata); return this.storeMetadata(contentKey, { ...metadata, status, }); } if (state === 'closed' && status === 'pending_review') { await this.openPR(prMetadata); return this.storeMetadata(contentKey, { ...metadata, status, }); } } if (!prMetadata && status === 'pending_review') { const branchName = this.generateBranchName(contentKey); const commitMessage = metadata.commitMessage || API.DEFAULT_COMMIT_MESSAGE; const { number, head } = await this.createPR(commitMessage, branchName); return this.storeMetadata(contentKey, { ...metadata, pr: { number, head }, status, }); } } async deleteUnpublishedEntry(collectionName: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = this.generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const branchName = this.generateBranchName(contentKey); return this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey) .then(metadata => (metadata && ? this.closePR( : Promise.resolve())) .then(() => this.deleteBranch(branchName)) .then(() => this.deleteMetadata(contentKey)); } async publishUnpublishedEntry(collectionName: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = this.generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const branchName = this.generateBranchName(contentKey); const metadata = await this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey); await this.mergePR( as PR, metadata.objects); await this.deleteBranch(branchName); await this.deleteMetadata(contentKey); return metadata; } createRef(type: string, name: string, sha: string) { return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/refs`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ ref: `refs/${type}/${name}`, sha }), }); } patchRef(type: string, name: string, sha: string, opts: { force?: boolean } = {}) { const force = opts.force || false; return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/refs/${type}/${encodeURIComponent(name)}`, { method: 'PATCH', body: JSON.stringify({ sha, force }), }); } deleteRef(type: string, name: string) { return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/refs/${type}/${encodeURIComponent(name)}`, { method: 'DELETE', }); } getBranch(branch = this.branch) { return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/branches/${encodeURIComponent(branch)}`); } createBranch(branchName: string, sha: string) { return this.createRef('heads', branchName, sha); } assertCmsBranch(branchName: string) { return branchName.startsWith(`${CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX}/`); } patchBranch(branchName: string, sha: string, opts: { force?: boolean } = {}) { const force = opts.force || false; if (force && !this.assertCmsBranch(branchName)) { throw Error(`Only CMS branches can be force updated, cannot force update ${branchName}`); } return this.patchRef('heads', branchName, sha, { force }); } deleteBranch(branchName: string) { return this.deleteRef('heads', branchName).catch((err: Error) => { // If the branch doesn't exist, then it has already been deleted - // deletion should be idempotent, so we can consider this a // success. if (err.message === 'Reference does not exist') { return Promise.resolve(); } console.error(err); return Promise.reject(err); }); } async createPR(title: string, head: string) { const headReference = this.useOpenAuthoring ? `${(await this.user()).login}:${head}` : head; return this.request(`${this.originRepoURL}/pulls`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ title, body: API.DEFAULT_PR_BODY, head: headReference, base: this.branch, }), }); } async openPR(pullRequest: PR) { const { number } = pullRequest; console.log('%c Re-opening PR', 'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold'); return this.request(`${this.originRepoURL}/pulls/${number}`, { method: 'PATCH', body: JSON.stringify({ state: 'open', }), }); } closePR(pullRequest: PR) { const { number } = pullRequest; console.log('%c Deleting PR', 'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold'); return this.request(`${this.originRepoURL}/pulls/${number}`, { method: 'PATCH', body: JSON.stringify({ state: 'closed', }), }); } mergePR(pullrequest: PR, objects: MetaDataObjects) { const { head: headSha, number } = pullrequest; console.log('%c Merging PR', 'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold'); return this.request(`${this.originRepoURL}/pulls/${number}/merge`, { method: 'PUT', body: JSON.stringify({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase commit_message: 'Automatically generated. Merged on Netlify CMS.', sha: headSha, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase merge_method: this.merge_method, }), }).catch(error => { if (error instanceof APIError && error.status === 405) { return this.forceMergePR(objects); } else { throw error; } }); } forceMergePR(objects: MetaDataObjects) { const files = objects.files.concat(objects.entry); let commitMessage = 'Automatically generated. Merged on Netlify CMS\n\nForce merge of:'; files.forEach(file => { commitMessage += `\n* "${file.path}"`; }); console.log( '%c Automatic merge not possible - Forcing merge.', 'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold', ); return this.getBranch() .then(branchData => this.updateTree(branchData.commit.sha, files)) .then(changeTree => this.commit(commitMessage, changeTree)) .then(response => this.patchBranch(this.branch, response.sha)); } getTree(sha: string | null) { if (sha) { return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/trees/${sha}`); } return Promise.resolve({ tree: [] }); } /** * Get a blob from a tree. Requests individual subtrees recursively if blob is * nested within one or more directories. */ getBlobInTree(treeSha: string, pathToBlob: string) { const pathSegments = pathToBlob.split('/').filter(val => val); const directories = pathSegments.slice(0, -1); const filename = pathSegments.slice(-1)[0]; const baseTree = this.getTree(treeSha); const subTreePromise = directories.reduce((treePromise, segment) => { return treePromise.then(tree => { const subTreeSha = find(tree.tree, { path: segment }).sha; return this.getTree(subTreeSha); }); }, baseTree); return subTreePromise.then(subTree => find(subTree.tree, { path: filename })); } toBase64(str: string) { return Promise.resolve(Base64.encode(str)); } uploadBlob(item: { raw?: string; sha?: string }) { const content = result(item, 'toBase64', partial(this.toBase64, item.raw as string)); return content.then(contentBase64 => this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/blobs`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ content: contentBase64, encoding: 'base64', }), }).then(response => { item.sha = response.sha; return item; }), ); } async updateTree(sha: string, files: { path: string; sha: string | null; remove?: boolean }[]) { const tree: TreeEntry[] = => ({ path: trimStart(file.path, '/'), mode: '100644', type: 'blob', sha: file.remove ? null : file.sha, })); const newTree = await this.createTree(sha, tree); newTree.parentSha = sha; return newTree; } createTree(baseSha: string, tree: TreeEntry[]) { return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/trees`, { method: 'POST', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase body: JSON.stringify({ base_tree: baseSha, tree }), }); } /** * Some GitHub API calls return commit data in a nested `commit` property, * with the SHA outside of the nested property, while others return a * flatter object with no nested `commit` property. This normalizes a commit * to resemble the latter. */ normalizeCommit(commit: Commit) { if (commit.commit) { return { ...commit.commit, sha: commit.sha }; } return commit; } commit(message: string, changeTree: { parentSha?: string; sha: string }) { const parents = changeTree.parentSha ? [changeTree.parentSha] : []; return this.createCommit(message, changeTree.sha, parents); } createCommit( message: string, treeSha: string, parents: string[], author?: string, committer?: string, ) { return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/commits`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ message, tree: treeSha, parents, author, committer }), }); } }