BREAKING_CHANGES - Card preview only is used for card view (viewStyle prop removed, theme prop added). Field preview can be used in table view. - Deprecated stuff removed (getAsset, createReactClass, isFieldDuplicate, isFieldHidden) - widget prop `isDisabled` renamed to `disabled` - widget prop `isDuplicate` renamed to `duplicate` - widget prop `isHidden` renamed to `hidden` - useMediaInsert now requires collection to be passed - media path changed from `string | string[]` to `{ path: string | string[], alt?: string }` - Nested collections, meta config moved into nested config. CHANGES - Default styles are now provided in the preview frame. If you provide your own via `registerPreviewStyle`, then these default styles will not be included. ADDED - `forSingleList` - Allows for changing styles for single list items TODO - Docs on table columns - Docs on field previews - Re-add collection description OR document as breaking change