import { asyncLock } from './asyncLock'; import unsentRequest from './unsentRequest'; import APIError from './APIError'; import type { AsyncLock } from './asyncLock'; export interface FetchError extends Error { status: number; } interface API { rateLimiter?: AsyncLock; buildRequest: (req: ApiRequest) => ApiRequest | Promise; requestFunction?: (req: ApiRequest) => Promise; } export type ApiRequestObject = { url: string; params?: Record; method?: 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'PATCH'; headers?: Record; body?: string | FormData; cache?: 'no-store'; }; export type ApiRequest = ApiRequestObject | string; class RateLimitError extends Error { resetSeconds: number; constructor(message: string, resetSeconds: number) { super(message); if (resetSeconds < 0) { this.resetSeconds = 1; } else if (resetSeconds > 60 * 60) { this.resetSeconds = 60 * 60; } else { this.resetSeconds = resetSeconds; } } } export async function requestWithBackoff( api: API, req: ApiRequest, attempt = 1, ): Promise { if (api.rateLimiter) { await api.rateLimiter.acquire(); } try { const builtRequest = await api.buildRequest(req); const requestFunction = api.requestFunction || unsentRequest.performRequest; const response: Response = await requestFunction(builtRequest); if (response.status === 429) { // GitLab/Bitbucket too many requests const text = await response.text().catch(() => 'Too many requests'); throw new Error(text); } else if (response.status === 403) { // GitHub too many requests const json = await response.json().catch(() => ({ message: '' })); if (json.message.match('API rate limit exceeded')) { const now = new Date(); const nextWindowInSeconds = response.headers.has('X-RateLimit-Reset') ? parseInt(response.headers.get('X-RateLimit-Reset')!) : now.getTime() / 1000 + 60; throw new RateLimitError(json.message, nextWindowInSeconds); } response.json = () => Promise.resolve(json); } return response; } catch (err) { if (attempt > 5 || err.message === "Can't refresh access token when using implicit auth") { throw err; } else { if (!api.rateLimiter) { const timeout = err.resetSeconds || attempt * attempt; console.log( `Pausing requests for ${timeout} ${ attempt === 1 ? 'second' : 'seconds' } due to fetch failures:`, err.message, ); api.rateLimiter = asyncLock(); api.rateLimiter.acquire(); setTimeout(() => { api.rateLimiter?.release(); api.rateLimiter = undefined; console.log(`Done pausing requests`); }, 1000 * timeout); } return requestWithBackoff(api, req, attempt + 1); } } } export async function readFile( id: string | null | undefined, fetchContent: () => Promise, localForage: LocalForage, isText: boolean, ) { const key = id ? (isText ? `gh.${id}` : `gh.${id}.blob`) : null; const cached = key ? await localForage.getItem(key) : null; if (cached) { return cached; } const content = await fetchContent(); if (key) { await localForage.setItem(key, content); } return content; } export type FileMetadata = { author: string; updatedOn: string; }; function getFileMetadataKey(id: string) { return `gh.${id}.meta`; } export async function readFileMetadata( id: string | null | undefined, fetchMetadata: () => Promise, localForage: LocalForage, ) { const key = id ? getFileMetadataKey(id) : null; const cached = key && (await localForage.getItem(key)); if (cached) { return cached; } const metadata = await fetchMetadata(); if (key) { await localForage.setItem(key, metadata); } return metadata; } /** * Keywords for inferring a status that will provide a deploy preview URL. */ const PREVIEW_CONTEXT_KEYWORDS = ['deploy']; /** * Check a given status context string to determine if it provides a link to a * deploy preview. Checks for an exact match against `previewContext` if given, * otherwise checks for inclusion of a value from `PREVIEW_CONTEXT_KEYWORDS`. */ export function isPreviewContext(context: string, previewContext: string) { if (previewContext) { return context === previewContext; } return PREVIEW_CONTEXT_KEYWORDS.some(keyword => context.includes(keyword)); } export enum PreviewState { Other = 'other', Success = 'success', } /** * Retrieve a deploy preview URL from an array of statuses. By default, a * matching status is inferred via `isPreviewContext`. */ export function getPreviewStatus( statuses: { context: string; target_url: string; state: PreviewState; }[], previewContext: string, ) { return statuses.find(({ context }) => { return isPreviewContext(context, previewContext); }); } function getConflictingBranches(branchName: string) { // for cms/posts/post-1, conflicting branches are cms/posts, cms const parts = branchName.split('/'); parts.pop(); const conflictingBranches = parts.reduce((acc, _, index) => { acc = [...acc, parts.slice(0, index + 1).join('/')]; return acc; }, [] as string[]); return conflictingBranches; } export async function throwOnConflictingBranches( branchName: string, getBranch: (name: string) => Promise<{ name: string }>, apiName: string, ) { const possibleConflictingBranches = getConflictingBranches(branchName); const conflictingBranches = await Promise.all( => getBranch(b) .then(b => .catch(() => ''), ), ); const conflictingBranch = conflictingBranches.filter(Boolean)[0]; if (conflictingBranch) { throw new APIError( `Failed creating branch '${branchName}' since there is already a branch named '${conflictingBranch}'. Please delete the '${conflictingBranch}' branch and try again`, 500, apiName, ); } }