import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'; import { get, isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import { Editor as Slate, Raw, Block, Text } from 'slate'; import { slateToRemark, remarkToSlate, htmlToSlate } from '../../unified'; import registry from '../../../../../lib/registry'; import Toolbar from '../Toolbar/Toolbar'; import { Sticky } from '../../../../UI/Sticky/Sticky'; import { MARK_COMPONENTS, NODE_COMPONENTS } from './components'; import RULES from './rules'; import plugins, { EditListConfigured } from './plugins'; import onKeyDown from './keys'; import styles from './index.css'; export default class Editor extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const emptyBlock = Block.create({ kind: 'block', type: 'paragraph'}); const emptyRaw = { nodes: [emptyBlock] }; const mdast = this.props.value && remarkToSlate(this.props.value); const mdastHasNodes = !isEmpty(get(mdast, 'nodes')) const editorState = Raw.deserialize(mdastHasNodes ? mdast : emptyRaw, { terse: true }); this.state = { editorState, schema: { nodes: NODE_COMPONENTS, marks: MARK_COMPONENTS, rules: RULES, }, shortcodePlugins: registry.getEditorComponents(), }; } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return !this.state.editorState.equals(nextState.editorState); } handlePaste = (e, data, state) => { if (data.type !== 'html' || data.isShift) { return; } const ast = htmlToSlate(data.html); const { document: doc } = Raw.deserialize(ast, { terse: true }); return state.transform().insertFragment(doc).apply(); } handleDocumentChange = (doc, editorState) => { const raw = Raw.serialize(editorState, { terse: true }); const plugins = this.state.shortcodePlugins; const mdast = slateToRemark(raw, plugins); this.props.onChange(mdast); }; hasMark = type => this.state.editorState.marks.some(mark => mark.type === type); hasBlock = type => this.state.editorState.blocks.some(node => node.type === type); handleMarkClick = (event, type) => { event.preventDefault(); const resolvedState = this.state.editorState.transform().focus().toggleMark(type).apply(); this.ref.onChange(resolvedState); this.setState({ editorState: resolvedState }); }; handleBlockClick = (event, type) => { event.preventDefault(); let { editorState } = this.state; const { document: doc, selection } = editorState; const transform = editorState.transform(); // Handle everything except list buttons. if (!['bulleted-list', 'numbered-list'].includes(type)) { const isActive = this.hasBlock(type); const transformed = transform.setBlock(isActive ? 'paragraph' : type); } // Handle the extra wrapping required for list buttons. else { const isSameListType = editorState.blocks.some(block => { return !!doc.getClosest(block.key, parent => parent.type === type); }); const isInList = EditListConfigured.utils.isSelectionInList(editorState); if (isInList && isSameListType) { EditListConfigured.transforms.unwrapList(transform, type); } else if (isInList) { const currentListType = type === 'bulleted-list' ? 'numbered-list' : 'bulleted-list'; EditListConfigured.transforms.unwrapList(transform, currentListType); EditListConfigured.transforms.wrapInList(transform, type); } else { EditListConfigured.transforms.wrapInList(transform, type); } } const resolvedState = transform.focus().apply(); this.ref.onChange(resolvedState); this.setState({ editorState: resolvedState }); }; hasLinks = () => { return this.state.editorState.inlines.some(inline => inline.type === 'link'); }; handleLink = () => { let { editorState } = this.state; // If the current selection contains links, clicking the "link" button // should simply unlink them. if (this.hasLinks()) { editorState = editorState.transform().unwrapInline('link').apply(); } else { const url = window.prompt('Enter the URL of the link'); // If nothing is entered in the URL prompt, do nothing. if (!url) return; let transform = editorState.transform(); // If no text is selected, use the entered URL as text. if (editorState.isCollapsed) { transform = transform .insertText(url) .extend(0 - url.length); } editorState = transform .wrapInline({ type: 'link', data: { url } }) .collapseToEnd() .apply(); } this.ref.onChange(editorState); this.setState({ editorState }); }; handlePluginSubmit = (plugin, shortcodeData) => { const { editorState } = this.state; const data = { shortcode:, shortcodeData, }; const nodes = [Text.createFromString('')]; const block = { kind: 'block', type: 'shortcode', data, isVoid: true, nodes }; const resolvedState = editorState.transform().insertBlock(block).focus().apply(); this.ref.onChange(resolvedState); this.setState({ editorState: resolvedState }); }; handleToggle = () => { this.props.onMode('raw'); }; getButtonProps = (type, opts = {}) => { const { isBlock } = opts; const handler = opts.handler || (isBlock ? this.handleBlockClick: this.handleMarkClick); const isActive = opts.isActive || (isBlock ? this.hasBlock : this.hasMark); return { onAction: e => handler(e, type), active: isActive(type) }; }; render() { const { onAddAsset, onRemoveAsset, getAsset } = this.props; return (