import { fromJS, List, Map } from 'immutable'; import curry from 'lodash/curry'; import flow from 'lodash/flow'; import isString from 'lodash/isString'; function isAbortControllerSupported() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { return !!window.AbortController; } return false; } const timeout = 60; function fetchWithTimeout(input, init) { if ((init && init.signal) || !isAbortControllerSupported()) { return fetch(input, init); } const controller = new AbortController(); const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), timeout * 1000); return fetch(input, { ...init, signal: controller.signal }) .then(res => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); return res; }) .catch(e => { if ( === 'AbortError' || === 'DOMException') { throw new Error(`Request timed out after ${timeout} seconds`); } throw e; }); } function decodeParams(paramsString) { return List(paramsString.split('&')) .map(s => List(s.split('=')).map(decodeURIComponent)) .update(Map); } function fromURL(wholeURL) { const [url, allParamsString] = wholeURL.split('?'); return Map({ url, ...(allParamsString ? { params: decodeParams(allParamsString) } : {}) }); } function fromFetchArguments(wholeURL, options) { return fromURL(wholeURL).merge( (options ? fromJS(options) : Map()).remove('url').remove('params'), ); } function encodeParams(params) { return params .entrySeq() .map(([k, v]) => `${encodeURIComponent(k)}=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`) .join('&'); } function toURL(req) { return `${req.get('url')}${req.get('params') ? `?${encodeParams(req.get('params'))}` : ''}`; } function toFetchArguments(req) { return [toURL(req), req.remove('url').remove('params').toJS()]; } function maybeRequestArg(req) { if (isString(req)) { return fromURL(req); } if (req) { return fromJS(req); } return Map(); } function ensureRequestArg(func) { return req => func(maybeRequestArg(req)); } function ensureRequestArg2(func) { return (arg, req) => func(arg, maybeRequestArg(req)); } // This actually performs the built request object const performRequest = ensureRequestArg(req => { const args = toFetchArguments(req); return fetchWithTimeout(...args); }); // Each of the following functions takes options and returns another // function that performs the requested action on a request. const getCurriedRequestProcessor = flow([ensureRequestArg2, curry]); function getPropSetFunction(path) { return getCurriedRequestProcessor((val, req) => req.setIn(path, val)); } function getPropMergeFunction(path) { return getCurriedRequestProcessor((obj, req) => req.updateIn(path, (p = Map()) => p.merge(obj))); } const withMethod = getPropSetFunction(['method']); const withBody = getPropSetFunction(['body']); const withNoCache = getPropSetFunction(['cache'])('no-cache'); const withParams = getPropMergeFunction(['params']); const withHeaders = getPropMergeFunction(['headers']); // withRoot sets a root URL, unless the URL is already absolute const absolutePath = new RegExp('^(?:[a-z]+:)?//', 'i'); const withRoot = getCurriedRequestProcessor((root, req) => req.update('url', p => { if (absolutePath.test(p)) { return p; } return root && p && p[0] !== '/' && root[root.length - 1] !== '/' ? `${root}/${p}` : `${root}${p}`; }), ); export default { toURL, fromURL, fromFetchArguments, performRequest, withMethod, withBody, withHeaders, withParams, withRoot, withNoCache, fetchWithTimeout, };