import semaphore from 'semaphore'; import { createEntry } from '../../valueObjects/Entry'; import AuthenticationPage from './AuthenticationPage'; import API from './API'; const MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS = 10; export default class GitHub { constructor(config) { this.config = config; if (config.getIn(['backend', 'repo']) == null) { throw 'The GitHub backend needs a "repo" in the backend configuration.'; } this.repo = config.getIn(['backend', 'repo']); this.branch = config.getIn(['backend', 'branch']) || 'master'; } authComponent() { return AuthenticationPage; } setUser(user) { this.api = new API(user.token, this.repo, this.branch || 'master'); } authenticate(state) { this.api = new API(state.token, this.repo, this.branch || 'master'); return this.api.user().then((user) => { user.token = state.token; return user; }); } entries(collection) { return this.api.listFiles(collection.get('folder')).then((files) => { const sem = semaphore(MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS); const promises = []; => { promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return sem.take(() => this.api.readFile(file.path, file.sha).then((data) => { resolve(createEntry(collection.get('name'), file.path.split('/').pop().replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, ''), file.path, { raw: data })); sem.leave(); }).catch((err) => { sem.leave(); reject(err); })); })); }); return Promise.all(promises); }).then(entries => ({ pagination: 0, entries, })); } // Will fetch the entire list of entries from github. lookupEntry(collection, slug) { return this.entries(collection).then(response => ( response.entries.filter(entry => entry.slug === slug)[0] )); } // Fetches a single entry. getEntry(collection, slug, path) { return this.api.readFile(path).then(data => createEntry(collection, slug, path, { raw: data })); } persistEntry(entry, mediaFiles = [], options = {}) { return this.api.persistFiles(entry, mediaFiles, options); } unpublishedEntries() { return this.api.listUnpublishedBranches().then((branches) => { const sem = semaphore(MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS); const promises = []; => { promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const contentKey = branch.ref.split('refs/heads/cms/').pop(); return sem.take(() => this.api.readUnpublishedBranchFile(contentKey).then((data) => { const entryPath = data.metaData.objects.entry; const entry = createEntry('draft', entryPath.split('/').pop().replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, ''), entryPath, { raw: data.file }); entry.metaData = data.metaData; resolve(entry); sem.leave(); }).catch((err) => { sem.leave(); reject(err); })); })); }); return Promise.all(promises); }).then((entries) => { return { pagination: {}, entries, }; }); } unpublishedEntry(collection, slug) { return this.unpublishedEntries().then(response => ( response.entries.filter(entry => ( entry.metaData && entry.metaData.collection === collection.get('name') && entry.slug === slug ))[0] )); } updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus) { return this.api.updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus); } publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug, status) { return this.api.publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug, status); } }