--- group: Configuration title: Beta Features! weight: 200 --- We run new functionality in an open beta format from time to time. That means that this functionality is totally available for use, and we *think* it might be ready for primetime, but it could break or change without notice. **Use these features at your own risk.** ## Working with a Local Git Repository You can connect Static CMS to a local Git repository, instead of working with a live repo. 1. Navigate to a local Git repository configured with the CMS. 2. Add the top-level property `local_backend` configuration to your `config.yml`: ```yaml backend: title: git-gateway # when using the default proxy server port local_backend: true ``` 3. Run `npx @staticcms/proxy-server` from the root directory of the above repository. * If the default port (8081) is in use, the proxy server won't start and you will see an error message. In this case, follow [these steps](#configure-the-@staticcms/proxy-server-port-number) before proceeding. 4. Start your local development server (e.g. run `gatsby develop`). 5. Open `http://localhost:<port>/admin` to verify that your can administer your content locally. Replace `<port>` with the port of your local development server. For example Gatsby's default port is `8000` **Note:** `@staticcms/proxy-server` runs an unauthenticated express server. As any client can send requests to the server, it should only be used for local development. ### Configure the Static CMS proxy server port number 1. Create a `.env` file in the project's root folder and define the PORT you'd like the proxy server to use ```ini PORT=8082 ``` 2. Update the `local_backend` object in `config.yml` and specify a `url` property to use your custom port number ```yaml backend: title: git-gateway local_backend: # when using a custom proxy server port url: http://localhost:8082/api/v1 # when accessing the local site from a host other than 'localhost' or '' allowed_hosts: [''] ``` ## i18n Support The CMS can provide a side by side interface for authoring content in multiple languages. Configuring the CMS for i18n support requires top level configuration, collection level configuration and field level configuration. ### Top level configuration ```yaml i18n: # Required and can be one of multiple_folders, multiple_files or single_file # multiple_folders - persists files in `<folder>/<locale>/<slug>.<extension>` # multiple_files - persists files in `<folder>/<slug>.<locale>.<extension>` # single_file - persists a single file in `<folder>/<slug>.<extension>` structure: multiple_folders # Required - a list of locales to show in the editor UI locales: [en, de, fr] # Optional, defaults to the first item in locales. # The locale to be used for fields validation and as a baseline for the entry. defaultLocale: en ``` ### Collection level configuration ```yaml collections: - title: i18n_content # same as the top level, but all fields are optional and defaults to the top level # can also be a boolean to accept the top level defaults i18n: true ``` When using a file collection, you must also enable i18n for each individual file: ```yaml collections: - title: pages label: Pages # Configure i18n for this collection. i18n: structure: single_file locales: [en, de, fr] files: - title: about label: About Page file: site/content/about.yml # Enable i18n for this file. i18n: true fields: - { label: Title, title: title, widget: string, i18n: true } ``` ### Field level configuration ```yaml fields: - label: Title title: title widget: string # same as 'i18n: translate'. Allows translation of the title field i18n: true - label: Date title: date widget: datetime # The date field will be duplicated from the default locale. i18n: duplicate - label: Body title: body # The markdown field will be omitted from the translation. widget: markdown ``` Example configuration: ```yaml i18n: structure: multiple_folders locales: [en, de, fr] collections: - title: posts label: Posts folder: content/posts create: true i18n: true fields: - label: Title title: title widget: string i18n: true - label: Date title: date widget: datetime i18n: duplicate - label: Body title: body widget: markdown ``` ### Limitations 1. File collections support only `structure: single_file`. 2. List widgets only support `i18n: true`. `i18n` configuration on sub fields is ignored. 3. Object widgets only support `i18n: true` and `i18n` configuration should be done per field: ```yaml - label: 'Object' title: 'object' widget: 'object' i18n: true fields: - { label: 'String', title: 'string', widget: 'string', i18n: true } - { label: 'Date', title: 'date', widget: 'datetime', i18n: duplicate } - { label: 'Boolean', title: 'boolean', widget: 'boolean', i18n: duplicate } - { label: 'Object', title: 'object', widget: 'object', i18n: true, field: { label: 'String', title: 'string', widget: 'string', i18n: duplicate }, } ``` ## Folder Collections Path By default the CMS stores folder collection content under the folder specified in the collection setting. For example configuring `folder: posts` for a collection will save the content under `posts/post-title.md`. You can now specify an additional `path` template (similar to the `slug` template) to control the content destination. This allows saving content in subfolders, e.g. configuring `path: '{{year}}/{{slug}}'` will save the content under `posts/2019/post-title.md`. ## Folder Collections Media and Public Folder By default the CMS stores media files for all collections under a global `media_folder` directory as specified in the configuration. When using the global `media_folder` directory any entry field that points to a media file will use the absolute path to the published file as designated by the `public_folder` configuration. For example configuring: ```yaml media_folder: static/media public_folder: /media ``` And saving an entry with an image named `image.png` will result in the image being saved under `static/media/image.png` and relevant entry fields populated with the value of `/media/image.png`. Some static site generators (e.g. Gatsby) work best when using relative image paths. This can now be achieved using a per collection `media_folder` configuration which specifies a relative media folder for the collection. For example, the following configuration will result in media files being saved in the same directory as the entry, and the image field being populated with the relative path to the image. ```yaml media_folder: static/media public_folder: /media collections: - title: posts label: Posts label_singular: 'Post' folder: content/posts path: '{{slug}}/index' media_folder: '' public_folder: '' fields: - label: Title title: title widget: string - label: 'Cover Image' title: 'image' widget: 'image' ``` More specifically, saving an entry with a title of `example post` with an image named `image.png` will result in a directory structure of: ```bash content posts example-post index.md image.png ``` And for the image field being populated with a value of `image.png`. **Note: When specifying a `path` on a folder collection, `media_folder` defaults to an empty string.** **Available template tags:** Supports all of the [`slug` templates](/docs/configuration-options#slug) and: * `{{dirname}}` The path to the file's parent directory, relative to the collection's `folder`. * `{{filename}}` The file name without the extension part. * `{{extension}}` The file extension. * `{{media_folder}}` The global `media_folder`. * `{{public_folder}}` The global `public_folder`. ## List Widget: Variable Types Before this feature, the [list widget](/docs/widgets/#list) allowed a set of fields to be repeated, but every list item had the same set of fields available. With variable types, multiple named sets of fields can be defined, which opens the door to highly flexible content authoring (even page building) in Static CMS. **Note: this feature does not yet support default previews and requires [registering a preview template](/docs/customization#registerpreviewtemplate) in order to show up in the preview pane.** To use variable types in the list widget, update your field configuration as follows: 1. Instead of defining your list fields under `fields` or `field`, define them under `types`. Similar to `fields`, `types` must be an array of field definition objects. 2. Each field definition under `types` must use the `object` widget (this is the default value for `widget`). ### Additional list widget options * `types`: a nested list of object widgets. All widgets must be of type `object`. Every object widget may define different set of fields. * `typeKey`: the name of the field that will be added to every item in list representing the name of the object widget that item belongs to. Ignored if `types` is not defined. Default is `type`. * `summary`: allows customization of a collapsed list item object in a similar way to a [collection summary](/docs/configuration-options/?#summary) ### Example Configuration The example configuration below imagines a scenario where the editor can add two "types" of content, either a "carousel" or a "spotlight". Each type has a unique name and set of fields. ```yaml - label: 'Home Section' title: 'sections' widget: 'list' types: - label: 'Carousel' title: 'carousel' widget: object summary: '{{fields.header}}' fields: - { label: Header, title: header, widget: string, default: 'Image Gallery' } - { label: Template, title: template, widget: string, default: 'carousel.html' } - label: Images title: images widget: list field: { label: Image, title: image, widget: image } - label: 'Spotlight' title: 'spotlight' widget: object fields: - { label: Header, title: header, widget: string, default: 'Spotlight' } - { label: Template, title: template, widget: string, default: 'spotlight.html' } - { label: Text, title: text, widget: text, default: 'Hello World' } ``` ### Example Output The output for the list widget will be an array of objects, and each object will have a `type` key with the name of the type used for the list item. The `type` key name can be customized via the `typeKey` property in the list configuration. If the above example configuration were used to create a carousel, a spotlight, and another carousel, the output could look like this: ```yaml title: Home sections: - type: carousel header: Image Gallery template: carousel.html images: - images/image01.png - images/image02.png - images/image03.png - type: spotlight header: Spotlight template: spotlight.html text: Hello World - type: carousel header: Image Gallery template: carousel.html images: - images/image04.png - images/image05.png - images/image06.png ``` ## Custom Mount Element Static CMS always creates its own DOM element for mounting the application, which means it always takes over the entire page, and is generally inflexible if you're trying to do something creative, like injecting it into a shared context. You can now provide your own element for Static CMS to mount in by setting the target element's ID as `nc-root`. If Static CMS finds an element with this ID during initialization, it will mount within that element instead of creating its own. ## Manual Initialization Static CMS can now be manually initialized, rather than automatically loading up the moment you import it. The whole point of this at the moment is to inject configuration into Static CMS before it loads, bypassing need for an actual Static CMS `config.yml`. This is important, for example, when creating tight integrations with static site generators. Manual initialization works by setting `window.CMS_MANUAL_INIT = true` **before importing the CMS**: ```js // This global flag enables manual initialization. window.CMS_MANUAL_INIT = true // Usage with import from npm package import CMS, { init } from '@staticcms/core' // Usage with script tag const { CMS, initCMS: init } = window /** * Initialize without passing in config - equivalent to just importing * Static CMS the old way. */ init() /** * Optionally pass in a config object. This object will be merged into * `config.yml` if it exists, and any portion that conflicts with * `config.yml` will be overwritten. Arrays will be replaced during merge, * not concatenated. * * For example, the code below contains an incomplete config, but using it, * your `config.yml` can be missing its backend property, allowing you * to set this property at runtime. */ init({ config: { backend: { title: 'git-gateway', }, }, }) /** * Optionally pass in a complete config object and set a flag * (`load_config_file: false`) to ignore the `config.yml`. * * For example, the code below contains a complete config. The * `config.yml` will be ignored when setting `load_config_file` to false. * It is not required if the `config.yml` file is missing to set * `load_config_file`, but will improve performance and avoid a load error. */ init({ config: { backend: { title: 'git-gateway', }, load_config_file: false, media_folder: "static/images/uploads", public_folder: "/images/uploads", collections: [ { label: "Blog", title: "blog", folder: "_posts/blog", create: true, fields: [ { label: "Title", title: "title", widget: "string" }, { label: "Publish Date", title: "date", widget: "datetime" }, { label: "Featured Image", title: "thumbnail", widget: "image" }, { label: "Body", title: "body", widget: "markdown" }, ]}, ], }, }) // The registry works as expected, and can be used before or after init. CMS.registerPreviewTemplate(...); ``` ## Commit Message Templates You can customize the templates used by Static CMS to generate commit messages by setting the `commit_messages` option under `backend` in your Static CMS `config.yml`. Template tags wrapped in curly braces will be expanded to include information about the file changed by the commit. For example, `{{path}}` will include the full path to the file changed. Setting up your Static CMS `config.yml` to recreate the default values would look like this: ```yaml backend: commit_messages: create: Create {{collection}} “{{slug}}” update: Update {{collection}} “{{slug}}” delete: Delete {{collection}} “{{slug}}” uploadMedia: Upload “{{path}}” deleteMedia: Delete “{{path}}” ``` Static CMS generates the following commit types: | Commit type | When is it triggered? | Available template tags | | --------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | `create` | A new entry is created | `slug`, `path`, `collection`, `author-login`, `author-name` | | `update` | An existing entry is changed | `slug`, `path`, `collection`, `author-login`, `author-name` | | `delete` | An existing entry is deleted | `slug`, `path`, `collection`, `author-login`, `author-name` | | `uploadMedia` | A media file is uploaded | `path`, `author-login`, `author-name` | | `deleteMedia` | A media file is deleted | `path`, `author-login`, `author-name` | Template tags produce the following output: * `{{slug}}`: the url-safe filename of the entry changed * `{{collection}}`: the name of the collection containing the entry changed * `{{path}}`: the full path to the file changed * `{{message}}`: the relevant message based on the current change (e.g. the `create` message when an entry is created) * `{{author-login}}`: the login/username of the author * `{{author-name}}`: the full name of the author (might be empty based on the user's profile) ## Image widget file size limit You can set a limit to as what the maximum file size of a file is that users can upload directly into a image field. Example config: ```yaml - label: 'Featured Image' title: 'thumbnail' widget: 'image' default: '/uploads/chocolate-dogecoin.jpg' media_library: config: max_file_size: 512000 # in bytes, only for default media library ``` ## Summary string template transformations You can apply transformations on fields in a summary string template using filter notation syntax. Example config: ```yaml collections: - title: 'posts' label: 'Posts' folder: '_posts' summary: "{{title | upper}} - {{date | date('YYYY-MM-DD')}} – {{body | truncate(20, '***')}}" fields: - { label: 'Title', title: 'title', widget: 'string' } - { label: 'Publish Date', title: 'date', widget: 'datetime' } - { label: 'Body', title: 'body', widget: 'markdown' } ``` The above config will transform the title field to uppercase and format the date field using `YYYY-MM-DD` format. Available transformations are `upper`, `lower`, `date('<format>')`, `default('defaultValue')`, `ternary('valueForTrue','valueForFalse')` and `truncate(<number>)`/`truncate(<number>, '<string>')` ## Registering to CMS Events You can execute a function when a specific CMS event occurs. Example usage: ```javascript CMS.registerEventListener({ title: 'prePublish', handler: ({ author, entry }) => console.info(JSON.stringify({ author, data: entry.data })), }); ``` Supported events are `prePublish`, `postPublish`, `preSave` and `postSave`. The `preSave` hook can be used to modify the entry data like so: ```javascript CMS.registerEventListener({ title: 'preSave', handler: ({ entry }) => { return entry.data.set('title', 'new title'); }, }); ``` ## Dynamic Default Values When linking to `/admin/#/collections/posts/new` you can pass URL parameters to pre-populate an entry. For example given the configuration: ```yaml collections: - title: posts label: Posts folder: content/posts create: true fields: - label: Title title: title widget: string - label: Object title: object widget: object fields: - label: Title title: title widget: string - label: body title: body widget: markdown ``` clicking the following link: `/#/collections/posts/new?title=first&object.title=second&body=%23%20content` will open the editor for a new post with the `title` field populated with `first`, the nested `object.title` field with `second` and the markdown `body` field with `# content`. **Note:** URL Encoding might be required for certain values (e.g. in the previous example the value for `body` is URL encoded). ## Nested Collections Allows a folder collection to show a nested structure of entries and edit the locations of the entries. Example configuration: ```yaml collections: - title: pages label: Pages label_singular: 'Page' folder: content/pages create: true # adding a nested object will show the collection folder structure nested: depth: 100 # max depth to show in the collection tree summary: '{{title}}' # optional summary for a tree node, defaults to the inferred title field fields: - label: Title title: title widget: string - label: Body title: body widget: markdown ``` Nested collections expect the following directory structure: ```bash content └── pages ├── authors │ ├── author-1 │ │ └── index.md │ └── index.md ├── index.md └── posts ├── hello-world │ └── index.md └── index.md ```