import { Map, List, fromJS, OrderedMap } from 'immutable'; import { dirname, join } from 'path'; import { ENTRY_REQUEST, ENTRY_SUCCESS, ENTRY_FAILURE, ENTRIES_REQUEST, ENTRIES_SUCCESS, ENTRIES_FAILURE, ENTRY_DELETE_SUCCESS, SORT_ENTRIES_REQUEST, SORT_ENTRIES_SUCCESS, SORT_ENTRIES_FAILURE, FILTER_ENTRIES_REQUEST, FILTER_ENTRIES_SUCCESS, FILTER_ENTRIES_FAILURE, } from '../actions/entries'; import { SEARCH_ENTRIES_SUCCESS } from '../actions/search'; import { EntriesAction, EntryRequestPayload, EntrySuccessPayload, EntriesSuccessPayload, EntryObject, Entries, Config, Collection, EntryFailurePayload, EntryDeletePayload, EntriesRequestPayload, EntryDraft, EntryMap, EntryField, CollectionFiles, EntriesSortRequestPayload, EntriesSortFailurePayload, SortMap, SortObject, Sort, SortDirection, Filter, FilterMap, EntriesFilterRequestPayload, EntriesFilterFailurePayload, } from '../types/redux'; import { folderFormatter } from '../lib/formatters'; import { isAbsolutePath, basename } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util'; import { trim, once, sortBy, set, orderBy } from 'lodash'; import { selectSortDataPath } from './collections'; import { stringTemplate } from 'netlify-cms-lib-widgets'; const { keyToPathArray } = stringTemplate; let collection: string; let loadedEntries: EntryObject[]; let append: boolean; let page: number; let slug: string; const storageSortKey = 'netlify-cms.entries.sort'; type StorageSortObject = SortObject & { index: number }; type StorageSort = { [collection: string]: { [key: string]: StorageSortObject } }; const loadSort = once(() => { const sortString = localStorage.getItem(storageSortKey); if (sortString) { try { const sort: StorageSort = JSON.parse(sortString); let map = Map() as Sort; Object.entries(sort).forEach(([collection, sort]) => { let orderedMap = OrderedMap() as SortMap; sortBy(Object.values(sort), ['index']).forEach(value => { const { key, direction } = value; orderedMap = orderedMap.set(key, fromJS({ key, direction })); }); map = map.set(collection, orderedMap); }); return map; } catch (e) { return Map() as Sort; } } return Map() as Sort; }); const clearSort = () => { localStorage.removeItem(storageSortKey); }; const persistSort = (sort: Sort | undefined) => { if (sort) { const storageSort: StorageSort = {}; sort.keySeq().forEach(key => { const collection = key as string; const sortObjects = (sort .get(collection) .valueSeq() .toJS() as SortObject[]).map((value, index) => ({ ...value, index })); sortObjects.forEach(value => { set(storageSort, [collection, value.key], value); }); }); localStorage.setItem(storageSortKey, JSON.stringify(storageSort)); } else { clearSort(); } }; const entries = ( state = Map({ entities: Map(), pages: Map(), sort: loadSort() }), action: EntriesAction, ) => { switch (action.type) { case ENTRY_REQUEST: { const payload = action.payload as EntryRequestPayload; return state.setIn(['entities', `${payload.collection}.${payload.slug}`, 'isFetching'], true); } case ENTRY_SUCCESS: { const payload = action.payload as EntrySuccessPayload; collection = payload.collection; slug = payload.entry.slug; return state.withMutations(map => { map.setIn(['entities', `${collection}.${slug}`], fromJS(payload.entry)); const ids = map.getIn(['pages', collection, 'ids'], List()); if (!ids.includes(slug)) { map.setIn(['pages', collection, 'ids'], ids.unshift(slug)); } }); } case ENTRIES_REQUEST: { const payload = action.payload as EntriesRequestPayload; const newState = state.withMutations(map => { map.setIn(['pages', payload.collection, 'isFetching'], true); }); return newState; } case ENTRIES_SUCCESS: { const payload = action.payload as EntriesSuccessPayload; collection = payload.collection; loadedEntries = payload.entries; append = payload.append; page =; return state.withMutations(map => { loadedEntries.forEach(entry => map.setIn( ['entities', `${collection}.${entry.slug}`], fromJS(entry).set('isFetching', false), ), ); const ids = List( => entry.slug)); map.setIn( ['pages', collection], Map({ page, ids: append ? map.getIn(['pages', collection, 'ids'], List()).concat(ids) : ids, }), ); }); } case ENTRIES_FAILURE: return state.setIn(['pages', action.meta.collection, 'isFetching'], false); case ENTRY_FAILURE: { const payload = action.payload as EntryFailurePayload; return state.withMutations(map => { map.setIn(['entities', `${payload.collection}.${payload.slug}`, 'isFetching'], false); map.setIn( ['entities', `${payload.collection}.${payload.slug}`, 'error'], payload.error.message, ); }); } case SEARCH_ENTRIES_SUCCESS: { const payload = action.payload as EntriesSuccessPayload; loadedEntries = payload.entries; return state.withMutations(map => { loadedEntries.forEach(entry => map.setIn( ['entities', `${entry.collection}.${entry.slug}`], fromJS(entry).set('isFetching', false), ), ); }); } case ENTRY_DELETE_SUCCESS: { const payload = action.payload as EntryDeletePayload; return state.withMutations(map => { map.deleteIn(['entities', `${payload.collectionName}.${payload.entrySlug}`]); map.updateIn(['pages', payload.collectionName, 'ids'], (ids: string[]) => ids.filter(id => id !== payload.entrySlug), ); }); } case SORT_ENTRIES_REQUEST: { const payload = action.payload as EntriesSortRequestPayload; const { collection, key, direction } = payload; const newState = state.withMutations(map => { const sort = OrderedMap({ [key]: Map({ key, direction }) }); map.setIn(['sort', collection], sort); map.setIn(['pages', collection, 'isFetching'], true); map.deleteIn(['pages', collection, 'page']); }); persistSort(newState.get('sort') as Sort); return newState; } case FILTER_ENTRIES_SUCCESS: case SORT_ENTRIES_SUCCESS: { const payload = action.payload as { collection: string; entries: EntryObject[] }; const { collection, entries } = payload; loadedEntries = entries; const newState = state.withMutations(map => { loadedEntries.forEach(entry => map.setIn( ['entities', `${entry.collection}.${entry.slug}`], fromJS(entry).set('isFetching', false), ), ); map.setIn(['pages', collection, 'isFetching'], false); const ids = List( => entry.slug)); map.setIn( ['pages', collection], Map({ page: 1, ids, }), ); }); return newState; } case SORT_ENTRIES_FAILURE: { const payload = action.payload as EntriesSortFailurePayload; const { collection, key } = payload; const newState = state.withMutations(map => { map.deleteIn(['sort', collection, key]); map.setIn(['pages', collection, 'isFetching'], false); }); persistSort(newState.get('sort') as Sort); return newState; } case FILTER_ENTRIES_REQUEST: { const payload = action.payload as EntriesFilterRequestPayload; const { collection, filter } = payload; const newState = state.withMutations(map => { const current: FilterMap = map.getIn(['filter', collection,], fromJS(filter)); map.setIn( ['filter', collection, current.get('id')], current.set('active', !current.get('active')), ); }); return newState; } case FILTER_ENTRIES_FAILURE: { const payload = action.payload as EntriesFilterFailurePayload; const { collection, filter } = payload; const newState = state.withMutations(map => { map.deleteIn(['filter', collection,]); map.setIn(['pages', collection, 'isFetching'], false); }); return newState; } default: return state; } }; export const selectEntriesSort = (entries: Entries, collection: string) => { const sort = entries.get('sort') as Sort | undefined; return sort?.get(collection); }; export const selectEntriesFilter = (entries: Entries, collection: string) => { const filter = entries.get('filter') as Filter | undefined; return filter?.get(collection) || Map(); }; export const selectEntriesSortFields = (entries: Entries, collection: string) => { const sort = selectEntriesSort(entries, collection); const values = sort ?.valueSeq() .filter(v => v?.get('direction') !== SortDirection.None) .toArray() || []; return values; }; export const selectEntriesFilterFields = (entries: Entries, collection: string) => { const filter = selectEntriesFilter(entries, collection); const values = filter ?.valueSeq() .filter(v => v?.get('active') === true) .toArray() || []; return values; }; export const selectEntry = (state: Entries, collection: string, slug: string) => state.getIn(['entities', `${collection}.${slug}`]); export const selectPublishedSlugs = (state: Entries, collection: string) => state.getIn(['pages', collection, 'ids'], List<string>()); export const selectEntries = (state: Entries, collection: Collection) => { const collectionName = collection.get('name'); const slugs = selectPublishedSlugs(state, collectionName); let entries = slugs && ( => selectEntry(state, collectionName, slug as string)) as List<EntryMap>); const sortFields = selectEntriesSortFields(state, collectionName); if (sortFields && sortFields.length > 0) { const keys = => selectSortDataPath(collection, v.get('key'))); const orders = => v.get('direction') === SortDirection.Ascending ? 'asc' : 'desc', ); entries = fromJS(orderBy(entries.toJS(), keys, orders)); } const filters = selectEntriesFilterFields(state, collectionName); if (filters && filters.length > 0) { entries = entries .filter(e => { const allMatched = filters.every(f => { const pattern = f.get('pattern'); const field = f.get('field'); const data = e!.get('data') || Map(); const toMatch = data.getIn(keyToPathArray(field)); const matched = toMatch !== undefined && new RegExp(String(pattern)).test(String(toMatch)); return matched; }); return allMatched; }) .toList(); } return entries; }; export const selectEntriesLoaded = (state: Entries, collection: string) => { return !!state.getIn(['pages', collection]); }; export const selectIsFetching = (state: Entries, collection: string) => { return state.getIn(['pages', collection, 'isFetching'], false); }; const DRAFT_MEDIA_FILES = 'DRAFT_MEDIA_FILES'; const getFileField = (collectionFiles: CollectionFiles, slug: string | undefined) => { const file = collectionFiles.find(f => f?.get('name') === slug); return file; }; const hasCustomFolder = ( folderKey: 'media_folder' | 'public_folder', collection: Collection | null, slug: string | undefined, field: EntryField | undefined, ) => { if (!collection) { return false; } if (field && field.has(folderKey)) { return true; } if (collection.has('files')) { const file = getFileField(collection.get('files')!, slug); if (file && file.has(folderKey)) { return true; } } if (collection.has(folderKey)) { return true; } return false; }; const traverseFields = ( folderKey: 'media_folder' | 'public_folder', config: Config, collection: Collection, entryMap: EntryMap | undefined, field: EntryField, fields: EntryField[], currentFolder: string, ): string | null => { const matchedField = fields.filter(f => f === field)[0]; if (matchedField) { return folderFormatter( matchedField.has(folderKey) ? matchedField.get(folderKey)! : `{{${folderKey}}}`, entryMap, collection, currentFolder, folderKey, config.get('slug'), ); } for (let f of fields) { if (!f.has(folderKey)) { // add identity template if doesn't exist f = f.set(folderKey, `{{${folderKey}}}`); } const folder = folderFormatter( f.get(folderKey)!, entryMap, collection, currentFolder, folderKey, config.get('slug'), ); let fieldFolder = null; if (f.has('fields')) { fieldFolder = traverseFields( folderKey, config, collection, entryMap, field, f.get('fields')!.toArray(), folder, ); } else if (f.has('field')) { fieldFolder = traverseFields( folderKey, config, collection, entryMap, field, [f.get('field')!], folder, ); } else if (f.has('types')) { fieldFolder = traverseFields( folderKey, config, collection, entryMap, field, f.get('types')!.toArray(), folder, ); } if (fieldFolder != null) { return fieldFolder; } } return null; }; const evaluateFolder = ( folderKey: 'media_folder' | 'public_folder', config: Config, collection: Collection, entryMap: EntryMap | undefined, field: EntryField | undefined, ) => { let currentFolder = config.get(folderKey); // add identity template if doesn't exist if (!collection.has(folderKey)) { collection = collection.set(folderKey, `{{${folderKey}}}`); } if (collection.has('files')) { // files collection evaluate the collection template // then move on to the specific file configuration denoted by the slug currentFolder = folderFormatter( collection.get(folderKey)!, entryMap, collection, currentFolder, folderKey, config.get('slug'), ); let file = getFileField(collection.get('files')!, entryMap?.get('slug')); if (file) { if (!file.has(folderKey)) { // add identity template if doesn't exist file = file.set(folderKey, `{{${folderKey}}}`); } // evaluate the file template and keep evaluating until we match our field currentFolder = folderFormatter( file.get(folderKey)!, entryMap, collection, currentFolder, folderKey, config.get('slug'), ); if (field) { const fieldFolder = traverseFields( folderKey, config, collection, entryMap, field, file.get('fields')!.toArray(), currentFolder, ); if (fieldFolder !== null) { currentFolder = fieldFolder; } } } } else { // folder collection, evaluate the collection template // and keep evaluating until we match our field currentFolder = folderFormatter( collection.get(folderKey)!, entryMap, collection, currentFolder, folderKey, config.get('slug'), ); if (field) { const fieldFolder = traverseFields( folderKey, config, collection, entryMap, field, collection.get('fields')!.toArray(), currentFolder, ); if (fieldFolder !== null) { currentFolder = fieldFolder; } } } return currentFolder; }; export const selectMediaFolder = ( config: Config, collection: Collection | null, entryMap: EntryMap | undefined, field: EntryField | undefined, ) => { const name = 'media_folder'; let mediaFolder = config.get(name); const customFolder = hasCustomFolder(name, collection, entryMap?.get('slug'), field); if (customFolder) { const folder = evaluateFolder(name, config, collection!, entryMap, field); if (folder.startsWith('/')) { // return absolute paths as is mediaFolder = join(folder); } else { const entryPath = entryMap?.get('path'); mediaFolder = entryPath ? join(dirname(entryPath), folder) : join(collection!.get('folder') as string, DRAFT_MEDIA_FILES); } } return trim(mediaFolder, '/'); }; export const selectMediaFilePath = ( config: Config, collection: Collection | null, entryMap: EntryMap | undefined, mediaPath: string, field: EntryField | undefined, ) => { if (isAbsolutePath(mediaPath)) { return mediaPath; } const mediaFolder = selectMediaFolder(config, collection, entryMap, field); return join(mediaFolder, basename(mediaPath)); }; export const selectMediaFilePublicPath = ( config: Config, collection: Collection | null, mediaPath: string, entryMap: EntryMap | undefined, field: EntryField | undefined, ) => { if (isAbsolutePath(mediaPath)) { return mediaPath; } const name = 'public_folder'; let publicFolder = config.get(name); const customFolder = hasCustomFolder(name, collection, entryMap?.get('slug'), field); if (customFolder) { publicFolder = evaluateFolder(name, config, collection!, entryMap, field); } return join(publicFolder, basename(mediaPath)); }; export const selectEditingDraft = (state: EntryDraft) => { const entry = state.get('entry'); const workflowDraft = entry && !entry.isEmpty(); return workflowDraft; }; export default entries;