import AJV from 'ajv'; import { select, uniqueItemProperties, instanceof as instanceOf, prohibited, } from 'ajv-keywords/dist/keywords'; import ajvErrors from 'ajv-errors'; import { formatExtensions, frontmatterFormats, extensionFormatters } from 'Formats/formats'; import { getWidgets } from 'Lib/registry'; import uuid from 'uuid/v4'; import { I18N_STRUCTURE, I18N_FIELD } from '../lib/i18n'; const localeType = { type: 'string', minLength: 2, maxLength: 10, pattern: '^[a-zA-Z-_]+$' }; const i18n = { type: 'object', properties: { structure: { type: 'string', enum: Object.values(I18N_STRUCTURE) }, locales: { type: 'array', minItems: 2, items: localeType, uniqueItems: true, }, default_locale: localeType, }, }; const i18nRoot = { ...i18n, required: ['structure', 'locales'], }; const i18nCollection = { oneOf: [{ type: 'boolean' }, i18n], }; const i18nField = { oneOf: [{ type: 'boolean' }, { type: 'string', enum: Object.values(I18N_FIELD) }], }; /** * Config for fields in both file and folder collections. */ const fieldsConfig = () => { const id = uuid(); return { $id: `fields_${id}`, type: 'array', minItems: 1, items: { // ------- Each field: ------- $id: `field_${id}`, type: 'object', properties: { name: { type: 'string' }, label: { type: 'string' }, widget: { type: 'string' }, required: { type: 'boolean' }, i18n: i18nField, hint: { type: 'string' }, pattern: { type: 'array', minItems: 2, items: [{ oneOf: [{ type: 'string' }, { instanceof: 'RegExp' }] }, { type: 'string' }], }, field: { $ref: `field_${id}` }, fields: { $ref: `fields_${id}` }, types: { $ref: `fields_${id}` }, }, select: { $data: '0/widget' }, selectCases: { ...getWidgetSchemas(), }, required: ['name'], }, uniqueItemProperties: ['name'], }; }; const viewFilters = { type: 'array', minItems: 1, items: { type: 'object', properties: { label: { type: 'string' }, field: { type: 'string' }, pattern: { oneOf: [ { type: 'boolean' }, { type: 'string', }, ], }, }, additionalProperties: false, required: ['label', 'field', 'pattern'], }, }; const viewGroups = { type: 'array', minItems: 1, items: { type: 'object', properties: { label: { type: 'string' }, field: { type: 'string' }, pattern: { type: 'string' }, }, additionalProperties: false, required: ['label', 'field'], }, }; /** * The schema had to be wrapped in a function to * fix a circular dependency problem for WebPack, * where the imports get resolved asynchronously. */ const getConfigSchema = () => ({ type: 'object', properties: { backend: { type: 'object', properties: { name: { type: 'string', examples: ['test-repo'] }, auth_scope: { type: 'string', examples: ['repo', 'public_repo'], enum: ['repo', 'public_repo'], }, cms_label_prefix: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 }, open_authoring: { type: 'boolean', examples: [true] }, }, required: ['name'], }, local_backend: { oneOf: [ { type: 'boolean' }, { type: 'object', properties: { url: { type: 'string', examples: ['http://localhost:8081/api/v1'] }, allowed_hosts: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' }, }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, ], }, locale: { type: 'string', examples: ['en', 'fr', 'de'] }, i18n: i18nRoot, site_url: { type: 'string', examples: [''] }, display_url: { type: 'string', examples: [''] }, logo_url: { type: 'string', examples: [''] }, show_preview_links: { type: 'boolean' }, media_folder: { type: 'string', examples: ['assets/uploads'] }, public_folder: { type: 'string', examples: ['/uploads'] }, media_folder_relative: { type: 'boolean' }, media_library: { type: 'object', properties: { name: { type: 'string', examples: ['uploadcare'] }, config: { type: 'object' }, }, required: ['name'], }, publish_mode: { type: 'string', enum: ['simple', 'editorial_workflow'], examples: ['editorial_workflow'], }, slug: { type: 'object', properties: { encoding: { type: 'string', enum: ['unicode', 'ascii'] }, clean_accents: { type: 'boolean' }, }, }, collections: { type: 'array', minItems: 1, items: { // ------- Each collection: ------- type: 'object', properties: { name: { type: 'string' }, label: { type: 'string' }, label_singular: { type: 'string' }, description: { type: 'string' }, folder: { type: 'string' }, files: { type: 'array', items: { // ------- Each file: ------- type: 'object', properties: { name: { type: 'string' }, label: { type: 'string' }, label_singular: { type: 'string' }, description: { type: 'string' }, file: { type: 'string' }, preview_path: { type: 'string' }, preview_path_date_field: { type: 'string' }, fields: fieldsConfig(), }, required: ['name', 'label', 'file', 'fields'], }, uniqueItemProperties: ['name'], }, identifier_field: { type: 'string' }, summary: { type: 'string' }, slug: { type: 'string' }, path: { type: 'string' }, preview_path: { type: 'string' }, preview_path_date_field: { type: 'string' }, create: { type: 'boolean' }, publish: { type: 'boolean' }, hide: { type: 'boolean' }, editor: { type: 'object', properties: { preview: { type: 'boolean' }, }, }, format: { type: 'string', enum: Object.keys(formatExtensions) }, extension: { type: 'string' }, frontmatter_delimiter: { type: ['string', 'array'], minItems: 2, maxItems: 2, items: { type: 'string', }, }, fields: fieldsConfig(), sortable_fields: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', }, }, sortableFields: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', }, }, view_filters: viewFilters, view_groups: viewGroups, nested: { type: 'object', properties: { depth: { type: 'number', minimum: 1, maximum: 1000 }, summary: { type: 'string' }, }, required: ['depth'], }, meta: { type: 'object', properties: { path: { type: 'object', properties: { label: { type: 'string' }, widget: { type: 'string' }, index_file: { type: 'string' }, }, required: ['label', 'widget', 'index_file'], }, }, additionalProperties: false, minProperties: 1, }, i18n: i18nCollection, }, required: ['name', 'label'], oneOf: [{ required: ['files'] }, { required: ['folder', 'fields'] }], not: { required: ['sortable_fields', 'sortableFields'], }, if: { required: ['extension'] }, then: { // Cannot infer format from extension. if: { properties: { extension: { enum: Object.keys(extensionFormatters) }, }, }, else: { required: ['format'] }, }, dependencies: { frontmatter_delimiter: { properties: { format: { enum: frontmatterFormats }, }, required: ['format'], }, }, }, uniqueItemProperties: ['name'], }, editor: { type: 'object', properties: { preview: { type: 'boolean' }, }, }, }, required: ['backend', 'collections'], anyOf: [{ required: ['media_folder'] }, { required: ['media_library'] }], }); function getWidgetSchemas() { const schemas = getWidgets().map(widget => ({ []: widget.schema })); return Object.assign(...schemas); } class ConfigError extends Error { constructor(errors, ...args) { const message = errors .map(({ message, dataPath }) => { const dotPath = dataPath .slice(1) .split('/') .map(seg => (seg.match(/^\d+$/) ? `[${seg}]` : `.${seg}`)) .join('') .slice(1); return `${dotPath ? `'${dotPath}'` : 'config'} ${message}`; }) .join('\n'); super(message, ...args); this.errors = errors; this.message = message; } toString() { return this.message; } } /** * `validateConfig` is a pure function. It does not mutate * the config that is passed in. */ export function validateConfig(config) { const ajv = new AJV({ allErrors: true, $data: true, strict: false }); uniqueItemProperties(ajv); select(ajv); instanceOf(ajv); prohibited(ajv); ajvErrors(ajv); const valid = ajv.validate(getConfigSchema(), config); if (!valid) { const errors = => { switch (e.keyword) { // TODO: remove after is merged case 'uniqueItemProperties': { const path = e.dataPath || ''; let newError = e; if (path.endsWith('/fields')) { newError = { ...e, message: 'fields names must be unique' }; } else if (path.endsWith('/files')) { newError = { ...e, message: 'files names must be unique' }; } else if (path.endsWith('/collections')) { newError = { ...e, message: 'collections names must be unique' }; } return newError; } case 'instanceof': { const path = e.dataPath || ''; let newError = e; if (/fields\/\d+\/pattern\/\d+/.test(path)) { newError = { ...e, message: 'should be a regular expression', }; } return newError; } default: return e; } }); console.error('Config Errors', errors); throw new ConfigError(errors); } }