import { fromJS, List, Map } from 'immutable'; import { actions as notifActions } from 'redux-notifications'; import { serializeValues } from 'Lib/serializeEntryValues'; import { currentBackend } from 'src/backend'; import { getIntegrationProvider } from 'Integrations'; import { getAsset, selectIntegration } from 'Reducers'; import { selectFields } from 'Reducers/collections'; import { selectCollectionEntriesCursor } from 'Reducers/cursors'; import { Cursor } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util'; import { createEntry } from 'ValueObjects/Entry'; import ValidationErrorTypes from 'Constants/validationErrorTypes'; const { notifSend } = notifActions; /* * Contant Declarations */ export const ENTRY_REQUEST = 'ENTRY_REQUEST'; export const ENTRY_SUCCESS = 'ENTRY_SUCCESS'; export const ENTRY_FAILURE = 'ENTRY_FAILURE'; export const ENTRIES_REQUEST = 'ENTRIES_REQUEST'; export const ENTRIES_SUCCESS = 'ENTRIES_SUCCESS'; export const ENTRIES_FAILURE = 'ENTRIES_FAILURE'; export const DRAFT_CREATE_FROM_ENTRY = 'DRAFT_CREATE_FROM_ENTRY'; export const DRAFT_CREATE_EMPTY = 'DRAFT_CREATE_EMPTY'; export const DRAFT_DISCARD = 'DRAFT_DISCARD'; export const DRAFT_CHANGE = 'DRAFT_CHANGE'; export const DRAFT_CHANGE_FIELD = 'DRAFT_CHANGE_FIELD'; export const DRAFT_VALIDATION_ERRORS = 'DRAFT_VALIDATION_ERRORS'; export const ENTRY_PERSIST_REQUEST = 'ENTRY_PERSIST_REQUEST'; export const ENTRY_PERSIST_SUCCESS = 'ENTRY_PERSIST_SUCCESS'; export const ENTRY_PERSIST_FAILURE = 'ENTRY_PERSIST_FAILURE'; export const ENTRY_DELETE_REQUEST = 'ENTRY_DELETE_REQUEST'; export const ENTRY_DELETE_SUCCESS = 'ENTRY_DELETE_SUCCESS'; export const ENTRY_DELETE_FAILURE = 'ENTRY_DELETE_FAILURE'; /* * Simple Action Creators (Internal) * We still need to export them for tests */ export function entryLoading(collection, slug) { return { type: ENTRY_REQUEST, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), slug, }, }; } export function entryLoaded(collection, entry) { return { type: ENTRY_SUCCESS, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), entry, }, }; } export function entryLoadError(error, collection, slug) { return { type: ENTRY_FAILURE, payload: { error, collection: collection.get('name'), slug, }, }; } export function entriesLoading(collection) { return { type: ENTRIES_REQUEST, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), }, }; } export function entriesLoaded(collection, entries, pagination, cursor, append = true) { return { type: ENTRIES_SUCCESS, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), entries, page: pagination, cursor: Cursor.create(cursor), append, }, }; } export function entriesFailed(collection, error) { return { type: ENTRIES_FAILURE, error: 'Failed to load entries', payload: error.toString(), meta: { collection: collection.get('name') }, }; } export function entryPersisting(collection, entry) { return { type: ENTRY_PERSIST_REQUEST, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: entry.get('slug'), }, }; } export function entryPersisted(collection, entry, slug) { return { type: ENTRY_PERSIST_SUCCESS, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: entry.get('slug'), /** * Pass slug from backend for newly created entries. */ slug, }, }; } export function entryPersistFail(collection, entry, error) { return { type: ENTRY_PERSIST_FAILURE, error: 'Failed to persist entry', payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: entry.get('slug'), error: error.toString(), }, }; } export function entryDeleting(collection, slug) { return { type: ENTRY_DELETE_REQUEST, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: slug, }, }; } export function entryDeleted(collection, slug) { return { type: ENTRY_DELETE_SUCCESS, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: slug, }, }; } export function entryDeleteFail(collection, slug, error) { return { type: ENTRY_DELETE_FAILURE, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: slug, error: error.toString(), }, }; } export function emptyDraftCreated(entry) { return { type: DRAFT_CREATE_EMPTY, payload: entry, }; } /* * Exported simple Action Creators */ export function createDraftFromEntry(entry, metadata) { return { type: DRAFT_CREATE_FROM_ENTRY, payload: { entry, metadata }, }; } export function discardDraft() { return { type: DRAFT_DISCARD, }; } export function changeDraft(entry) { return { type: DRAFT_CHANGE, payload: entry, }; } export function changeDraftField(field, value, metadata) { return { type: DRAFT_CHANGE_FIELD, payload: { field, value, metadata }, }; } export function changeDraftFieldValidation(field, errors) { return { type: DRAFT_VALIDATION_ERRORS, payload: { field, errors }, }; } /* * Exported Thunk Action Creators */ export function loadEntry(collection, slug) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); dispatch(entryLoading(collection, slug)); return backend .getEntry(collection, slug) .then(loadedEntry => { return dispatch(entryLoaded(collection, loadedEntry)); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); dispatch( notifSend({ message: { details: error.message, key: 'ui.toast.onFailToLoadEntries', }, kind: 'danger', dismissAfter: 8000, }), ); dispatch(entryLoadError(error, collection, slug)); }); }; } const appendActions = fromJS({ ['append_next']: { action: 'next', append: true }, }); const addAppendActionsToCursor = cursor => Cursor.create(cursor).updateStore('actions', actions => actions.union(appendActions.filter(v => actions.has(v.get('action'))).keySeq()), ); export function loadEntries(collection, page = 0) { return (dispatch, getState) => { if (collection.get('isFetching')) { return; } const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const integration = selectIntegration(state, collection.get('name'), 'listEntries'); const provider = integration ? getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, backend.getToken, integration) : backend; const append = !!(page && !isNaN(page) && page > 0); dispatch(entriesLoading(collection)); provider .listEntries(collection, page) .then(response => ({ ...response, // The only existing backend using the pagination system is the // Algolia integration, which is also the only integration used // to list entries. Thus, this checking for an integration can // determine whether or not this is using the old integer-based // pagination API. Other backends will simply store an empty // cursor, which behaves identically to no cursor at all. cursor: integration ? Cursor.create({ actions: ['next'], meta: { usingOldPaginationAPI: true }, data: { nextPage: page + 1 }, }) : Cursor.create(response.cursor), })) .then(response => dispatch( entriesLoaded( collection, response.cursor.meta.get('usingOldPaginationAPI') ? response.entries.reverse() : response.entries, response.pagination, addAppendActionsToCursor(response.cursor), append, ), ), ) .catch(err => { dispatch( notifSend({ message: { details: err, key: 'ui.toast.onFailToLoadEntries', }, kind: 'danger', dismissAfter: 8000, }), ); return Promise.reject(dispatch(entriesFailed(collection, err))); }); }; } function traverseCursor(backend, cursor, action) { if (!cursor.actions.has(action)) { throw new Error(`The current cursor does not support the pagination action "${action}".`); } return backend.traverseCursor(cursor, action); } export function traverseCollectionCursor(collection, action) { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); if (state.entries.getIn(['pages', `${collection.get('name')}`, 'isFetching'])) { return; } const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const { action: realAction, append } = appendActions.has(action) ? appendActions.get(action).toJS() : { action, append: false }; const cursor = selectCollectionEntriesCursor(state.cursors, collection.get('name')); // Handle cursors representing pages in the old, integer-based // pagination API if (cursor.meta.get('usingOldPaginationAPI', false)) { return dispatch(loadEntries(collection,'nextPage'))); } try { dispatch(entriesLoading(collection)); const { entries, cursor: newCursor } = await traverseCursor(backend, cursor, realAction); // Pass null for the old pagination argument - this will // eventually be removed. return dispatch( entriesLoaded(collection, entries, null, addAppendActionsToCursor(newCursor), append), ); } catch (err) { console.error(err); dispatch( notifSend({ message: { details: err, key: 'ui.toast.onFailToPersist', }, kind: 'danger', dismissAfter: 8000, }), ); return Promise.reject(dispatch(entriesFailed(collection, err))); } }; } export function createEmptyDraft(collection) { return dispatch => { const dataFields = createEmptyDraftData(collection.get('fields', List())); const newEntry = createEntry(collection.get('name'), '', '', { data: dataFields }); dispatch(emptyDraftCreated(newEntry)); }; } function createEmptyDraftData(fields) { return fields.reduce((acc, item) => { const subfields = item.get('field') || item.get('fields'); const list = item.get('widget') == 'list'; const name = item.get('name'); const defaultValue = item.get('default', null); if (List.isList(subfields)) { acc[name] = list ? [createEmptyDraftData(subfields)] : createEmptyDraftData(subfields); return acc; } if (Map.isMap(subfields)) { acc[name] = list ? [createEmptyDraftData([subfields])] : createEmptyDraftData([subfields]); return acc; } if (defaultValue !== null) { acc[name] = defaultValue; } return acc; }, {}); } export function persistEntry(collection) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const entryDraft = state.entryDraft; const fieldsErrors = entryDraft.get('fieldsErrors'); // Early return if draft contains validation errors if (!fieldsErrors.isEmpty()) { const hasPresenceErrors = fieldsErrors.some(errors => errors.some(error => error.type && error.type === ValidationErrorTypes.PRESENCE), ); if (hasPresenceErrors) { dispatch( notifSend({ message: { key: 'ui.toast.missingRequiredField', }, kind: 'danger', dismissAfter: 8000, }), ); } return Promise.reject(); } const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const assetProxies = entryDraft.get('mediaFiles').map(path => getAsset(state, path)); const entry = entryDraft.get('entry'); /** * Serialize the values of any fields with registered serializers, and * update the entry and entryDraft with the serialized values. */ const fields = selectFields(collection, entry.get('slug')); const serializedData = serializeValues(entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'data']), fields); const serializedEntry = entry.set('data', serializedData); const serializedEntryDraft = entryDraft.set('entry', serializedEntry); dispatch(entryPersisting(collection, serializedEntry)); return backend .persistEntry(state.config, collection, serializedEntryDraft, assetProxies.toJS()) .then(slug => { dispatch( notifSend({ message: { key: 'ui.toast.entrySaved', }, kind: 'success', dismissAfter: 4000, }), ); dispatch(entryPersisted(collection, serializedEntry, slug)); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); dispatch( notifSend({ message: { details: error, key: 'ui.toast.onFailToPersist', }, kind: 'danger', dismissAfter: 8000, }), ); return Promise.reject(dispatch(entryPersistFail(collection, serializedEntry, error))); }); }; } export function deleteEntry(collection, slug) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); dispatch(entryDeleting(collection, slug)); return backend .deleteEntry(state.config, collection, slug) .then(() => { return dispatch(entryDeleted(collection, slug)); }) .catch(error => { dispatch( notifSend({ message: { details: error, key: 'ui.toast.onFailToDelete', }, kind: 'danger', dismissAfter: 8000, }), ); console.error(error); return Promise.reject(dispatch(entryDeleteFail(collection, slug, error))); }); }; }