group: Backends
title: GitLab
weight: 40

- **Name**: `gitlab`

For repositories stored on GitLab, the `gitlab` backend allows CMS users to log in directly with their GitLab account. Note that all users must have push access to your content repository for this to work.

**Note:** GitLab default branch is protected by default, thus typically requires `maintainer` permissions in order for users to have push access.

## Authentication

With GitLab's PKCE authorization, users can authenticate with GitLab directly from the client. To do this:

1. Follow the [GitLab docs](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/oauth_provider.html#adding-an-application-through-the-profile) to add your Static CMS instance as an OAuth application and uncheck the **Confidential** checkbox. For the **Redirect URI**, enter the address where you access Static CMS, for example, `https://www.mysite.com/admin/`. For scope, select `api`.
2. GitLab gives you an **Application ID**. Copy this ID and enter it in your Static CMS `config` file, along with the following settings:

| Name      | Type   | Default | Description                              |
| --------- | ------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| auth_type | 'pkce' |         | The authorization method                 |
| app_id    | string |         | Application ID from your GitLab settings |

### Example

  name: gitlab
  repo: owner-name/repo-name # Path to your GitLab repository
  auth_type: pkce # Required for pkce
  app_id: your-app-id # Application ID from your GitLab settings

backend: {
  name: 'gitlab',
  repo: 'owner-name/repo-name', // Path to your GitLab repository
  auth_type: 'pkce', // Required for pkce
  app_id: 'your-app-id', // Application ID from your GitLab settings

### Self-Hosted GitLab Instance

You can also use PKCE Authorization with a self-hosted GitLab instance. This requires adding `api_root`, `base_url`, and `auth_endpoint` fields:

| Name          | Type   | Default | Description                           |
| ------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------------------------------- |
| api_root      | string |         | Root API url for self-hosted instance |
| base_url      | string |         | Root url for self-hosted instance     |
| auth_endpoint | string |         | Auth endpoint on self-hosted instance |

#### Example

  name: gitlab
  repo: owner-name/repo-name # Path to your GitLab repository
  auth_type: pkce # Required for pkce
  app_id: your-app-id # Application ID from your GitLab settings
  api_root: https://my-hosted-gitlab-instance.com/api/v4
  base_url: https://my-hosted-gitlab-instance.com
  auth_endpoint: oauth/authorize

backend: {
  name: 'gitlab',
  repo: 'owner-name/repo-name', // Path to your GitLab repository
  auth_type: 'pkce', // Required for pkce
  app_id: 'your-app-id', // Application ID from your GitLab settings
  api_root: 'https://my-hosted-gitlab-instance.com/api/v4',
  base_url: 'https://my-hosted-gitlab-instance.com',
  auth_endpoint: 'oauth/authorize',