import TestRepoBackend from "./test-repo/implementation"; import GitHubBackend from "./github/implementation"; import NetlifyAuthBackend from "./netlify-auth/implementation"; import { resolveFormat } from "../formats/formats"; import { selectListMethod, selectEntrySlug, selectEntryPath, selectAllowNewEntries } from "../reducers/collections"; import { createEntry } from "../valueObjects/Entry"; class LocalStorageAuthStore { storageKey = "netlify-cms-user"; retrieve() { const data = window.localStorage.getItem(this.storageKey); return data && JSON.parse(data); } store(userData) { window.localStorage.setItem(this.storageKey, JSON.stringify(userData)); } logout() { window.localStorage.removeItem(this.storageKey); } } const slugFormatter = (template = "{{slug}}", entryData) => { const date = new Date(); const identifier = entryData.get("title", entryData.get("path")); return template.replace(/\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/g, (_, field) => { switch (field) { case "year": return date.getFullYear(); case "month": return (`0${ date.getMonth() + 1 }`).slice(-2); case "day": return (`0${ date.getDate() }`).slice(-2); case "slug": return identifier.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9\.\-_]+/gi, "-"); default: return entryData.get(field, "").trim().toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9\.\-_]+/gi, "-"); } }); }; class Backend { constructor(implementation, authStore = null) { this.implementation = implementation; this.authStore = authStore; if (this.implementation === null) { throw new Error("Cannot instantiate a Backend with no implementation"); } } currentUser() { if (this.user) { return this.user; } const stored = this.authStore && this.authStore.retrieve(); if (stored) { return Promise.resolve(this.implementation.setUser(stored)).then(() => stored); } return Promise.resolve(null); } authComponent() { return this.implementation.authComponent(); } authenticate(credentials) { return this.implementation.authenticate(credentials).then((user) => { if (this.authStore) {; } return user; }); } logout() { if (this.authStore) { this.authStore.logout(); } else { throw new Error("User isn't authenticated."); } } getToken = () => this.implementation.getToken(); listEntries(collection) { const listMethod = this.implementation[selectListMethod(collection)]; return, collection) .then(loadedEntries => ( => createEntry( collection.get("name"), selectEntrySlug(collection, loadedEntry.file.path), loadedEntry.file.path, { raw:, label: loadedEntry.file.label } )) )) .then(entries => ( { entries:, } )); } getEntry(collection, slug) { return this.implementation.getEntry(collection, slug, selectEntryPath(collection, slug)) .then(loadedEntry => this.entryWithFormat(collection, slug)(createEntry( collection.get("name"), slug, loadedEntry.file.path, { raw:, label: loadedEntry.file.label } )) ); } entryWithFormat(collectionOrEntity) { return (entry) => { const format = resolveFormat(collectionOrEntity, entry); if (entry && entry.raw) { return Object.assign(entry, { data: format && format.fromFile(entry.raw) }); } return format.fromFile(entry); }; } unpublishedEntries(page, perPage) { return this.implementation.unpublishedEntries(page, perPage) .then(loadedEntries => loadedEntries.filter(entry => entry !== null)) .then(entries => ( => { const entry = createEntry(loadedEntry.metaData.collection, loadedEntry.slug, loadedEntry.file.path, { raw: }); entry.metaData = loadedEntry.metaData; return entry; }) )) .then(entries => ({ pagination: 0, entries:"editorialWorkflow")), })); } unpublishedEntry(collection, slug) { return this.implementation.unpublishedEntry(collection, slug) .then((loadedEntry) => { const entry = createEntry("draft", loadedEntry.slug, loadedEntry.file.path, { raw: }); entry.metaData = loadedEntry.metaData; return entry; }) .then(this.entryWithFormat(collection, slug)); } persistEntry(config, collection, entryDraft, MediaFiles, options) { const newEntry = entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "newRecord"]) || false; const parsedData = { title: entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "data", "title"], "No Title"), description: entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "data", "description"], "No Description!"), }; const entryData = entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "data"]).toJS(); let entryObj; if (newEntry) { if (!selectAllowNewEntries(collection)) { throw (new Error("Not allowed to create new entries in this collection")); } const slug = slugFormatter(collection.get("slug"), entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "data"])); const path = selectEntryPath(collection, slug); entryObj = { path, slug, raw: this.entryToRaw(collection, entryData), }; } else { const path = entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "path"]); entryObj = { path, slug: entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "slug"]), raw: this.entryToRaw(collection, entryData), }; } const commitMessage = `${ (newEntry ? "Created " : "Updated ") + collection.get("label") } “${ entryObj.slug }”`; const mode = config.get("publish_mode"); const collectionName = collection.get("name"); return this.implementation.persistEntry(entryObj, MediaFiles, { newEntry, parsedData, commitMessage, collectionName, mode, ...options, }); } persistUnpublishedEntry(config, collection, entryDraft, MediaFiles) { return this.persistEntry(config, collection, entryDraft, MediaFiles, { unpublished: true }); } updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus) { return this.implementation.updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus); } publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug) { return this.implementation.publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug); } entryToRaw(collection, entry) { const format = resolveFormat(collection, entry); const fieldsOrder = collection.get('fields').map(f => f.get('name')).toArray(); return format && format.toFile(entry, fieldsOrder); } } export function resolveBackend(config) { const name = config.getIn(["backend", "name"]); if (name == null) { throw new Error("No backend defined in configuration"); } const authStore = new LocalStorageAuthStore(); switch (name) { case "test-repo": return new Backend(new TestRepoBackend(config), authStore); case "github": return new Backend(new GitHubBackend(config), authStore); case "netlify-auth": return new Backend(new NetlifyAuthBackend(config), authStore); default: throw new Error(`Backend not found: ${ name }`); } } export const currentBackend = (function () { let backend = null; return (config) => { if (backend) { return backend; } if (config.get("backend")) { return backend = resolveBackend(config); } }; }());