import { get, isEmpty, concat, without, flatten, flatMap, initial } from 'lodash'; import u from 'unist-builder'; /** * Map of Slate node types to MDAST/Remark node types. */ const typeMap = { 'root': 'root', 'paragraph': 'paragraph', 'heading-one': 'heading', 'heading-two': 'heading', 'heading-three': 'heading', 'heading-four': 'heading', 'heading-five': 'heading', 'heading-six': 'heading', 'quote': 'blockquote', 'code': 'code', 'numbered-list': 'list', 'bulleted-list': 'list', 'list-item': 'listItem', 'table': 'table', 'table-row': 'tableRow', 'table-cell': 'tableCell', 'thematic-break': 'thematicBreak', 'link': 'link', 'image': 'image', }; /** * Map of Slate mark types to MDAST/Remark node types. */ const markMap = { bold: 'strong', italic: 'emphasis', strikethrough: 'delete', code: 'inlineCode', }; /** * Slate treats inline code decoration as a standard mark, but MDAST does * not allow inline code nodes to contain children, only a single text * value. An MDAST inline code node can be nested within mark nodes such * as "emphasis" and "strong", but it cannot contain them. * * Because of this, if a "code" mark (translated to MDAST "inlineCode") is * in the markTypes array, we make the base text node an "inlineCode" type * instead of a standard text node. */ function processCodeMark(markTypes) { const isInlineCode = markTypes.includes('inlineCode'); const filteredMarkTypes = isInlineCode ? without(markTypes, 'inlineCode') : markTypes; const textNodeType = isInlineCode ? 'inlineCode' : 'html'; return { filteredMarkTypes, textNodeType }; } /** * Returns an array of one or more MDAST text nodes of the given type, derived * from the text received. Certain transformations, such as line breaks, cause * multiple nodes to be returned. */ function createTextNodes(text, type = 'html') { /** * Split the text string at line breaks, then map each substring to an array * pair consisting of an MDAST text node followed by a break node. This will * result in nested arrays, so we use `flatMap` to produce a flattened array, * and `initial` to leave off the superfluous trailing break. */ const brokenText = text.split('\n'); const toPair = str => [u(type, str), u('break')]; return initial(flatMap(brokenText, toPair)); } /** * Wraps a text node in one or more mark nodes by placing the text node in an * array and using that as the `children` value of a mark node. The resulting * mark node is then placed in an array and used as the child of a mark node for * the next mark type in `markTypes`. This continues for each member of * `markTypes`. If `markTypes` is empty, the original text node is returned. */ function wrapTextWithMarks(textNode, markTypes) { const wrapTextWithMark = (childNode, markType) => u(markType, [childNode]); return markTypes.reduce(wrapTextWithMark, textNode); } /** * Converts a Slate Raw text node to an MDAST text node. * * Slate text nodes without marks often simply have a "text" property with * the value. In this case the conversion to MDAST is simple. If a Slate * text node does not have a "text" property, it will instead have a * "ranges" property containing an array of objects, each with an array of * marks, such as "bold" or "italic", along with a "text" property. * * MDAST instead expresses such marks in a nested structure, with individual * nodes for each mark type nested until the deepest mark node, which will * contain the text node. * * To convert a Slate text node's marks to MDAST, we treat each "range" as a * separate text node, convert the text node itself to an MDAST text node, * and then recursively wrap the text node for each mark, collecting the results * of each range in a single array of child nodes. * * For example, this Slate text node: * * { * kind: 'text', * ranges: [ * { * text: 'test', * marks: ['bold', 'italic'] * }, * { * text: 'test two' * } * ] * } * * ...would be converted to this MDAST nested structure: * * [ * { * type: 'strong', * children: [{ * type: 'emphasis', * children: [{ * type: 'text', * value: 'test' * }] * }] * }, * { * type: 'text', * value: 'test two' * } * ] * * This example also demonstrates how a single Slate node may need to be * replaced with multiple MDAST nodes, so the resulting array must be flattened. */ function convertTextNode(node) { /** * If the Slate text node has no "ranges" property, just return an equivalent * MDAST node. */ if (!node.ranges) { return createTextNodes(node.text); } /** * If there is no "text" property, convert the text range(s) to an array of * one or more nested MDAST nodes. */ const textNodes = => { /** * Get an array of the mark types, converted to their MDAST equivalent * types. */ const { marks = [], text } = range; const markTypes = => markMap[mark.type]); /** * Code marks must be removed from the marks array, and the presence of a * code mark changes the text node type that should be used. */ const { filteredMarkTypes, textNodeType } = processCodeMark(markTypes); /** * Create the base text node. */ const textNodes = createTextNodes(text, textNodeType); /** * Recursively wrap the base text node in the individual mark nodes, if * any exist. */ return => wrapTextWithMarks(textNode, filteredMarkTypes)); }); /** * Since each range will be mapped into an array, we flatten the result to * return a single array of all nodes. */ return flatten(textNodes); } /** * Convert a single Slate Raw node to an MDAST node. Uses the unist-builder `u` * function to create MDAST nodes and parses shortcodes. */ function convertNode(node, children, shortcodePlugins) { switch (node.type) { /** * General * * Convert simple cases that only require a type and children, with no * additional properties. */ case 'root': case 'paragraph': case 'quote': case 'list-item': case 'table': case 'table-row': case 'table-cell': { return u(typeMap[node.type], children); } /** * Shortcodes * * Shortcode nodes only exist in Slate's Raw AST if they were inserted * via the plugin toolbar in memory, so they should always have * shortcode data attached. The "shortcode" data property contains the * name of the registered shortcode plugin, and the "shortcodeData" data * property contains the data received from the shortcode plugin's * `fromBlock` method when the shortcode node was created. * * Here we get the shortcode plugin from the registry and use it's * `toBlock` method to recreate the original markdown shortcode. We then * insert that text into a new "html" type node (a "text" type node * might get encoded or escaped by remark-stringify). Finally, we wrap * the "html" node in a "paragraph" type node, as shortcode nodes must * be alone in their own paragraph. */ case 'shortcode': { const { data } = node; const plugin = shortcodePlugins.get(data.shortcode); const text = plugin.toBlock(data.shortcodeData); const textNode = u('html', text); return u('paragraph', { data }, [ textNode ]); } /** * Headings * * Slate schemas don't usually infer basic type info from data, so each * level of heading is a separately named type. The MDAST schema just * has a single "heading" type with the depth stored in a "depth" * property on the node. Here we derive the depth from the Slate node * type - e.g., for "heading-two", we need a depth value of "2". */ case 'heading-one': case 'heading-two': case 'heading-three': case 'heading-four': case 'heading-five': case 'heading-six': { const depthMap = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4, five: 5, six: 6 }; const depthText = node.type.split('-')[1]; const depth = depthMap[depthText]; return u(typeMap[node.type], { depth }, children); } /** * Code Blocks * * Code block nodes have a single text child, and may have a code language * stored in the "lang" data property. Here we transfer both the node * value and the "lang" data property to the new MDAST node. */ case 'code': { const value = get(node.nodes, [0, 'text']); const lang = get(, 'lang'); return u(typeMap[node.type], { lang }, value); } /** * Lists * * Our Slate schema has separate node types for ordered and unordered * lists, but the MDAST spec uses a single type with a boolean "ordered" * property to indicate whether the list is numbered. The MDAST spec also * allows for a "start" property to indicate the first number used for an * ordered list. Here we translate both values to our Slate schema. */ case 'numbered-list': case 'bulleted-list': { const ordered = node.type === 'numbered-list'; const props = { ordered, start: get(, 'start') || 1 }; return u(typeMap[node.type], props, children); } /** * Thematic Breaks * * Thematic breaks don't have children. We parse them separately for * clarity. */ case 'thematic-break': { return u(typeMap[node.type]); } /** * Links * * The url and title attributes of link nodes are stored in properties on * the node for both Slate and Remark schemas. */ case 'link': { const { url, title } = get(node, 'data', {}); return u(typeMap[node.type], { url, title }, children); } /** * No default case is supplied because an unhandled case should never * occur. In the event that it does, let the error throw (for now). */ } } export default function slateToRemark(raw, { shortcodePlugins }) { /** * The transform function mimics the approach of a Remark plugin for * conformity with the other serialization functions. This function converts * Slate nodes to MDAST nodes, and recursively calls itself to process child * nodes to arbitrary depth. */ function transform(node) { /** * Call `transform` recursively on child nodes, and flatten the resulting * array. */ const children = !isEmpty(node.nodes) && flatten(; /** * Run individual nodes through conversion factories. */ return node.kind === 'text' ? convertTextNode(node) : convertNode(node, children, shortcodePlugins); } /** * The Slate Raw AST generally won't have a top level type, so we set it to * "root" for clarity. */ raw.type = 'root'; const mdast = transform(raw); return mdast; }