import type { BaseLocalePhrasesRoot } from '../types'; const en: BaseLocalePhrasesRoot = { auth: { login: 'Login', loggingIn: 'Logging in...', loginWithNetlifyIdentity: 'Login with Netlify Identity', loginWithBitbucket: 'Login with Bitbucket', loginWithGitHub: 'Login with GitHub', loginWithGitLab: 'Login with GitLab', loginWithGitea: 'Login with Gitea', errors: { email: 'Make sure to enter your email.', password: 'Please enter your password.', authTitle: 'Error logging in', authBody: '%{details}', netlifyIdentityNotFound: 'Netlify Identity plugin not found', identitySettings: 'Unable to access identity settings. When using git-gateway backend make sure to enable Identity service and Git Gateway.', }, }, app: { header: { content: 'Contents', media: 'Media', quickAdd: 'Quick add', }, app: { errorHeader: 'Error loading the CMS configuration', configErrors: 'Config Errors', configNotFound: 'Config not found', checkConfigYml: 'Check your config.yml file.', loadingConfig: 'Loading configuration...', waitingBackend: 'Waiting for backend...', }, notFoundPage: { header: 'Not Found', }, }, collection: { sidebar: { collections: 'Collections', allCollections: 'All Collections', searchAll: 'Search all', searchIn: 'Search in', }, collectionTop: { sortBy: 'Sort by', viewAs: 'View as', newButton: 'New %{collectionLabel}', ascending: 'Ascending', descending: 'Descending', searchResults: 'Search Results for "%{searchTerm}"', searchResultsInCollection: 'Search Results for "%{searchTerm}" in %{collection}', filterBy: 'Filter by', groupBy: 'Group by', }, entries: { loadingEntries: 'Loading Entries...', cachingEntries: 'Caching Entries...', longerLoading: 'This might take several minutes', noEntries: 'No Entries', }, groups: { other: 'Other', negateLabel: 'Not %{label}', }, table: { summary: 'Summary', collection: 'Collection', }, defaultFields: { author: { label: 'Author', }, updatedOn: { label: 'Updated On', }, }, notFound: 'Collection not found', }, editor: { editorControl: { field: { optional: 'optional', }, }, editorControlPane: { widget: { required: '%{fieldLabel} is required.', regexPattern: "%{fieldLabel} didn't match the pattern: %{pattern}.", processing: '%{fieldLabel} is processing.', range: '%{fieldLabel} must be between %{minValue} and %{maxValue}.', min: '%{fieldLabel} must be at least %{minValue}.', max: '%{fieldLabel} must be %{maxValue} or less.', rangeCount: '%{fieldLabel} must have between %{minCount} and %{maxCount} item(s).', rangeCountExact: '%{fieldLabel} must have exactly %{count} item(s).', rangeMin: '%{fieldLabel} must have at least %{minCount} item(s).', rangeMax: '%{fieldLabel} must have %{maxCount} or less item(s).', invalidPath: `'%{path}' is not a valid path.`, pathExists: `Path '%{path}' already exists.`, invalidColor: `Color '%{color}' is invalid.`, invalidHexCode: `Hex codes must start with a # sign.`, }, i18n: { writingInLocale: 'Writing in %{locale}', }, }, editor: { onLeavePage: 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?', onDeleteWithUnsavedChangesTitle: 'Delete this published entry?', onDeleteWithUnsavedChangesBody: 'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session?', onDeletePublishedEntryTitle: 'Delete this published entry?', onDeletePublishedEntryBody: 'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry?', loadingEntry: 'Loading entry...', }, editorInterface: { sideBySideI18n: 'I18n Side by Side', preview: 'Preview', toggleI18n: 'Toggle i18n', togglePreview: 'Toggle preview', toggleScrollSync: 'Sync scrolling', }, editorToolbar: { publish: 'Publish', published: 'Published', duplicate: 'Duplicate', publishAndCreateNew: 'Publish and create new', publishAndDuplicate: 'Publish and duplicate', deleteEntry: 'Delete entry', publishNow: 'Publish now', discardChanges: 'Discard changes', discardChangesTitle: 'Discard changes', discardChangesBody: 'Are you sure you want to discard the unsaved changed?', }, editorWidgets: { markdown: { bold: 'Bold', italic: 'Italic', code: 'Code', link: 'Link', linkPrompt: 'Enter the URL of the link', headings: 'Headings', quote: 'Quote', bulletedList: 'Bulleted List', numberedList: 'Numbered List', addComponent: 'Add Component', richText: 'Rich Text', markdown: 'Markdown', type: 'Type...', }, image: { choose: 'Choose an image', chooseMultiple: 'Choose images', chooseUrl: 'Insert from URL', replaceUrl: 'Replace with URL', promptUrl: 'Enter the URL of the image', chooseDifferent: 'Choose different image', addMore: 'Add more images', remove: 'Remove image', removeAll: 'Remove all images', }, file: { choose: 'Choose a file', chooseUrl: 'Insert from URL', chooseMultiple: 'Choose files', replaceUrl: 'Replace with URL', promptUrl: 'Enter the URL of the file', chooseDifferent: 'Choose different file', addMore: 'Add more files', remove: 'Remove file', removeAll: 'Remove all files', }, folder: { choose: 'Choose a folder', chooseUrl: 'Insert folder path', chooseMultiple: 'Choose folders', replaceUrl: 'Replace with path', promptUrl: 'Enter path of the folder', chooseDifferent: 'Choose different folder', addMore: 'Add more folders', remove: 'Remove folder', removeAll: 'Remove all folders', }, unknownControl: { noControl: "No control for widget '%{widget}'.", }, unknownPreview: { noPreview: "No preview for widget '%{widget}'.", }, headingOptions: { headingOne: 'Heading 1', headingTwo: 'Heading 2', headingThree: 'Heading 3', headingFour: 'Heading 4', headingFive: 'Heading 5', headingSix: 'Heading 6', }, datetime: { now: 'Now', invalidDateTitle: 'Invalid date', invalidDateBody: 'The date you entered is invalid.', }, list: { add: 'Add %{item}', addType: 'Add %{item}', noValue: 'No value', }, keyvalue: { key: 'Key', value: 'Value', uniqueKeys: '%{keyLabel} must be unique', }, }, }, mediaLibrary: { mediaLibraryCard: { draft: 'Draft', copy: 'Copy', copyUrl: 'Copy URL', copyPath: 'Copy Path', copyName: 'Copy Name', copied: 'Copied', }, mediaLibrary: { onDeleteTitle: 'Delete selected media?', onDeleteBody: 'Are you sure you want to delete selected media?', fileTooLargeTitle: 'File too large', fileTooLargeBody: 'File too large.\nConfigured to not allow files greater than %{size} kB.', alreadyExistsTitle: 'File already exists', alreadyExistsBody: `%{filename} already exists. Do you want to replace it?`, }, mediaLibraryModal: { loading: 'Loading...', noResults: 'No results.', noAssetsFound: 'No assets found.', noImagesFound: 'No images found.', images: 'Images', mediaAssets: 'Media assets', search: 'Search...', uploading: 'Uploading...', upload: 'Upload', download: 'Download', deleting: 'Deleting...', deleteSelected: 'Delete selected', chooseSelected: 'Choose selected', dropImages: 'Drop images to upload', dropFiles: 'Drop files to upload', }, folderSupport: { newFolder: 'New folder', createNewFolder: 'Create new folder', enterFolderName: 'Enter folder name...', home: 'Home', up: 'Up', upToFolder: 'Up to %{folder}', }, }, ui: { common: { yes: 'Yes', no: 'No', okay: 'OK', }, default: { goBackToSite: 'Go back to site', }, localBackup: { hasLocalBackup: 'Has local backup', }, errorBoundary: { title: 'Error', details: "There's been an error - please ", reportIt: 'open an issue on GitHub.', detailsHeading: 'Details', privacyWarning: 'Opening an issue pre-populates it with the error message and debugging data.\nPlease verify the information is correct and remove sensitive data if exists.', recoveredEntry: { heading: 'Recovered document', warning: 'Please copy/paste this somewhere before navigating away!', copyButtonLabel: 'Copy to clipboard', }, }, settingsDropdown: { darkMode: 'Dark Mode', logOut: 'Log Out', }, toast: { onFailToLoadEntries: 'Failed to load entry: %{details}', onFailToPersist: 'Failed to persist entry: %{details}', onFailToPersistMedia: 'Failed to persist media: %{details}', onFailToDelete: 'Failed to delete entry: %{details}', onFailToDeleteMedia: 'Failed to delete media: %{details}', onFailToUpdateStatus: 'Failed to update status: %{details}', missingRequiredField: "Oops, you've missed a required field. Please complete before saving.", entrySaved: 'Entry saved', entryPublished: 'Entry published', onFailToPublishEntry: 'Failed to publish: %{details}', entryUpdated: 'Entry status updated', onFailToAuth: '%{details}', onLoggedOut: 'You have been logged out, please back up any data and login again', onBackendDown: 'The backend service is experiencing an outage. See %{details} for more information', }, }, }; export default en;