import React from 'react'; import pluralize from 'pluralize'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Layout, Panel, NavDrawer, Navigation, Link } from 'react-toolbox'; import { loadConfig } from '../actions/config'; import { loginUser } from '../actions/auth'; import { currentBackend } from '../backends/backend'; import { SHOW_COLLECTION, CREATE_COLLECTION, HELP, runCommand, navigateToCollection, createNewEntryInCollection } from '../actions/findbar'; import AppHeader from '../components/AppHeader/AppHeader'; import { Loader } from '../components/UI/index'; import styles from './App.css'; class App extends React.Component { state = { navDrawerIsVisible: true }; componentDidMount() { this.props.dispatch(loadConfig()); } configError(config) { return

Error loading the CMS configuration

The "config.yml" file could not be loaded or failed to parse properly.

Error message: {config.get('error')}

; } configLoading() { return
Loading configuration...
; } handleLogin(credentials) { this.props.dispatch(loginUser(credentials)); } authenticating() { const { auth } = this.props; const backend = currentBackend(this.props.config); if (backend == null) { return

Waiting for backend...

; } return
{React.createElement(backend.authComponent(), { onLogin: this.handleLogin.bind(this), error: auth && auth.get('error'), isFetching: auth && auth.get('isFetching') })}
; } generateFindBarCommands() { // Generate command list const commands = []; const defaultCommands = []; this.props.collections.forEach(collection => { commands.push({ id: `show_${collection.get('name')}`, pattern: `Show ${pluralize(collection.get('label'))}`, type: SHOW_COLLECTION, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name') } }); if (defaultCommands.length < 5) defaultCommands.push(`show_${collection.get('name')}`); if (collection.get('create') === true) { commands.push({ id: `create_${collection.get('name')}`, pattern: `Create new ${pluralize(collection.get('label'), 1)}(:itemName as ${pluralize(collection.get('label'), 1)} Name)`, type: CREATE_COLLECTION, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name') } }); } }); commands.push({ id: HELP, type: HELP, pattern: 'Help' }); defaultCommands.push(HELP); return { commands, defaultCommands }; } toggleNavDrawer = () => { this.setState({ navDrawerIsVisible: !this.state.navDrawerIsVisible }); }; render() { const { navDrawerIsVisible } = this.state; const { user, config, children, collections, runCommand, navigateToCollection, createNewEntryInCollection } = this.props; if (config === null) { return null; } if (config.get('error')) { return this.configError(config); } if (config.get('isFetching')) { return this.configLoading(); } if (user == null) { return this.authenticating(); } const { commands, defaultCommands } = this.generateFindBarCommands(); return (
); } } function mapStateToProps(state) { const { auth, config, collections } = state; const user = auth && auth.get('user'); return { auth, config, collections, user }; } function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { dispatch, runCommand: (type, payload) => { dispatch(runCommand(type, payload)); }, navigateToCollection: (collection) => { dispatch(navigateToCollection(collection)); }, createNewEntryInCollection: (collectionName) => { dispatch(createNewEntryInCollection(collectionName)); } }; } export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);