/* eslint react/prop-types: 0, react/no-multi-comp: 0 */
import React from 'react';
import { List, Map } from 'immutable';
import MarkupIt from 'markup-it';
import markdownSyntax from 'markup-it/syntaxes/markdown';
import htmlSyntax from 'markup-it/syntaxes/html';
import reInline from 'markup-it/syntaxes/markdown/re/inline';
import { Icon } from '../UI';
* All Rich text widgets (Markdown, for example) should use Slate for text editing and
* MarkupIt to convert between structured formats (Slate JSON, Markdown, HTML, etc.).
* This module Processes and provides Slate nodes and MarkupIt syntaxes augmented with plugins
let processedPlugins = List([]);
const nodes = {};
let augmentedMarkdownSyntax = markdownSyntax;
let augmentedHTMLSyntax = htmlSyntax;
function processEditorPlugins(plugins) {
// Since the plugin list is immutable, a simple comparisson is enough
// to determine whether we need to process again.
if (plugins === processedPlugins) return;
plugins.forEach(plugin => {
const markdownRule = MarkupIt.Rule(plugin.id)
.regExp(plugin.pattern, function(state, match) {
return { data: plugin.fromBlock(match) };
.toText(function(state, token) { return plugin.toBlock(token.getData().toObject()) + '\n\n'; });
const htmlRule = MarkupIt.Rule(plugin.id)
.regExp(plugin.pattern, function(state, match) { return plugin.fromBlock(match); })
.toText(function(state, token) { return plugin.toPreview(token.getData()); });
const nodeRenderer = (props) => {
const { node, state } = props;
const isFocused = state.selection.hasEdgeIn(node);
const className = isFocused ? 'plugin active' : 'plugin';
return (
{ plugin.fields.map(field => `${field.label}: “${node.data.get(field.name)}”`) }
augmentedMarkdownSyntax = augmentedMarkdownSyntax.addInlineRules(markdownRule);
augmentedHTMLSyntax = augmentedHTMLSyntax.addInlineRules(htmlRule);
nodes[plugin.id] = nodeRenderer;
processedPlugins = plugins;
function processMediaProxyPlugins(getMedia) {
const customImageRule = MarkupIt.Rule('mediaproxy')
.regExp(reInline.link, function(state, match) {
if (match[0].charAt(0) !== '!') {
// Return if this is not an image
var imgData = Map({
alt: match[1],
src: getMedia(match[2]),
title: match[3]
return {
data: imgData
.toText(function(state, token) {
var data = token.getData();
var alt = data.get('alt', '');
var src = getMedia(data.get('src', ''));
var title = data.get('title', '');
if (title) {
return '![' + alt + '](' + src + ' "' + title + '")';
} else {
return '![' + alt + '](' + src + ')';
nodes['mediaproxy'] = (props) => {
/* eslint react/prop-types: 0 */
const { node, state } = props;
const isFocused = state.selection.hasEdgeIn(node);
const className = isFocused ? 'active' : null;
const src = node.data.get('src');
return (
augmentedMarkdownSyntax = augmentedMarkdownSyntax.addInlineRules(customImageRule);
function getPlugins() {
return processedPlugins.map(plugin => (
{ id: plugin.id, icon: plugin.icon, fields: plugin.fields }
function getNodes() {
return nodes;
function getSyntaxes(getMedia) {
return { markdown: augmentedMarkdownSyntax, html:augmentedHTMLSyntax };
export { processEditorPlugins, getNodes, getSyntaxes, getPlugins };