import NetlifyAuthClient from "netlify-auth-js"; import { pick } from "lodash"; import GitHubBackend from "../github/implementation"; import API from "./API"; import AuthenticationPage from "./AuthenticationPage"; export default class NetlifyAuth extends GitHubBackend { constructor(config) { super(config, true); if (config.getIn(["backend", "auth_url"]) == null) { throw new Error("The NetlifyAuth backend needs an \"auth_url\" in the backend configuration."); } if (config.getIn(["backend", "github_proxy_url"]) == null) { throw new Error("The NetlifyAuth backend needs an \"github_proxy_url\" in the backend configuration."); } this.github_proxy_url = config.getIn(["backend", "github_proxy_url"]); this.authClient = new NetlifyAuthClient({ APIUrl: config.getIn(["backend", "auth_url"]), }); AuthenticationPage.authClient = this.authClient; } setUser() { const user = this.authClient.currentUser(); if (!user) return Promise.reject(); return this.authenticate(user); } authenticate(user) { this.tokenPromise = user.jwt.bind(user); const userData = { name: `${ user.user_metadata.firstname } ${ user.user_metadata.lastname }`, email:, metadata: user.user_metadata, }; this.api = new API({ api_root: this.github_proxy_url, tokenPromise: this.tokenPromise, commitAuthor: pick(userData, ["name", "email"]), }); return Promise.resolve(userData); } getToken() { return this.tokenPromise(); } authComponent() { return AuthenticationPage; } }