import { flow } from 'lodash'; import { tests as commonmarkSpec } from 'commonmark-spec'; import commonmark from 'commonmark'; import { markdownToSlate, slateToMarkdown } from '../index.js'; const skips = [ { number: [456], reason: 'Remark ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯', }, { number: [416, 417, 424, 425, 426, 431, 457, 460, 462, 464, 467], reason: 'Remark does not support infinite (redundant) nested marks', }, { number: [455, 469, 470, 471], reason: 'Remark parses the initial set of identical nested delimiters first', }, { number: [473, 476, 478, 480], reason: 'we convert underscores to asterisks for strong/emphasis', }, { number: 490, reason: 'Remark strips pointy enclosing pointy brackets from link url' }, { number: 503, reason: 'Remark allows non-breaking space between link url and title' }, { number: 507, reason: 'Remark allows a space between link alt and url' }, { number: [ 511, 516, 525, 528, 529, 530, 532, 533, 534, 540, 541, 542, 543, 546, 548, 560, 565, 567, ], reason: 'we convert link references to standard links, but Remark also fails these', }, { number: [569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 581, 585], reason: 'Remark does not recognize or remove marks in image alt text', }, { number: 589, reason: 'Remark does not honor backslash escape of image exclamation point' }, { number: 593, reason: 'Remark removes "mailto:" from autolink text' }, { number: 599, reason: 'Remark does not escape all expected entities' }, { number: 602, reason: 'Remark allows autolink emails to contain backslashes' }, ]; const onlys = [ // just add the spec number, eg: // 431, ]; /** * Each test receives input markdown and output html as expected for Commonmark * compliance. To test all of our handling in one go, we serialize the markdown * into our Slate AST, then back to raw markdown, and finally to HTML. */ const reader = new commonmark.Parser(); const writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer(); const parseWithCommonmark = markdown => { const parsed = reader.parse(markdown); return writer.render(parsed); }; const parse = flow([markdownToSlate, slateToMarkdown]); /** * Passing this test suite requires 100% Commonmark compliance. There are 624 * tests, of which we're passing about 300 as of introduction of this suite. To * work on improving Commonmark support, update __fixtures__/commonmarkExpected.json */ describe.skip('Commonmark support', function() { const specs = onlys.length > 0 ? commonmarkSpec.filter(({ number }) => onlys.includes(number)) : commonmarkSpec; specs.forEach(spec => { const skip = skips.find(({ number }) => { return Array.isArray(number) ? number.includes(spec.number) : number === spec.number; }); const specUrl = `${spec.number}`; const parsed = parse(spec.markdown); const commonmarkParsedHtml = parseWithCommonmark(parsed); const description = ` ${spec.section} ${specUrl} Spec: ${JSON.stringify(spec, null, 2)} Markdown input: ${spec.markdown} Markdown parsed through Slate/Remark and back to Markdown: ${parsed} HTML output: ${commonmarkParsedHtml} Expected HTML output: ${spec.html} `; if (skip) { const showMessage = Array.isArray(skip.number) ? skip.number[0] === spec.number : true; if (showMessage) { //console.log(`skipping spec ${skip.number}\n${skip.reason}\n${specUrl}`); } } const testFn = skip ? test.skip : test; testFn(description, () => { expect(commonmarkParsedHtml).toEqual(spec.html); }); }); });