title: Widgets
group: Fields
weight: 10

Widgets define the data type and interface for entry fields. Netlify CMS comes with several built-in widgets. Click the widget names in the sidebar to jump to specific widget details. We’re always adding new widgets, and you can also [create your own](../custom-widgets)!

Widgets are specified as collection fields in the Netlify CMS `config.yml` file. Note that [YAML syntax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Basic_components) allows lists and objects to be written in block or inline style, and the code samples below include a mix of both.

To see working examples of all of the built-in widgets, try making a 'Kitchen Sink' collection item on the [CMS demo site](https://cms-demo.netlify.com). (No login required: click the login button and the CMS will open.) You can refer to the demo [configuration code](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/blob/master/dev-test/config.yml) to see how each field was configured.

## Common widget options

The following options are available on all fields:

- `required`: specify as `false` to make a field optional; defaults to `true`
- `hint`: optionally add helper text directly below a widget. Useful for including instructions.
- `pattern`: add field validation by specifying a list with a [regex pattern](https://regexr.com/) and an error message; more extensive validation can be achieved with [custom widgets](../custom-widgets/#advanced-field-validation)
  - **Example:**
        - label: "Title"
          name: "title"
          widget: "string"
          pattern: ['.{12,}', "Must have at least 12 characters"]

## Default widgets