import { fromJS, List, Map } from 'immutable'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; import { currentBackend } from '../backend'; import ValidationErrorTypes from '../constants/validationErrorTypes'; import { getIntegrationProvider } from '../integrations'; import { SortDirection } from '../interface'; import { getProcessSegment } from '../lib/formatters'; import { duplicateDefaultI18nFields, hasI18n, I18N, I18N_FIELD, serializeI18n } from '../lib/i18n'; import { serializeValues } from '../lib/serializeEntryValues'; import { Cursor } from '../lib/util'; import { selectIntegration, selectPublishedSlugs } from '../reducers'; import { selectFields, updateFieldByKey } from '../reducers/collections'; import { selectCollectionEntriesCursor } from '../reducers/cursors'; import { selectEntriesSortFields, selectEntryByPath, selectIsFetching } from '../reducers/entries'; import { selectCustomPath } from '../reducers/entryDraft'; import { navigateToEntry } from '../routing/history'; import { addSnackbar } from '../store/slices/snackbars'; import { createAssetProxy } from '../valueObjects/AssetProxy'; import { createEntry } from '../valueObjects/Entry'; import { addAssets, getAsset } from './media'; import { loadMedia, waitForMediaLibraryToLoad } from './mediaLibrary'; import { waitUntil } from './waitUntil'; import type { Set } from 'immutable'; import type { AnyAction } from 'redux'; import type { ThunkDispatch } from 'redux-thunk'; import type { Backend } from '../backend'; import type { ViewFilter, ViewGroup } from '../interface'; import type { ImplementationMediaFile } from '../lib/util'; import type { Collection, Entry, EntryField, EntryFields, EntryMap, State } from '../types/redux'; import type AssetProxy from '../valueObjects/AssetProxy'; import type { EntryValue } from '../valueObjects/Entry'; /* * Constant Declarations */ export const ENTRY_REQUEST = 'ENTRY_REQUEST'; export const ENTRY_SUCCESS = 'ENTRY_SUCCESS'; export const ENTRY_FAILURE = 'ENTRY_FAILURE'; export const ENTRIES_REQUEST = 'ENTRIES_REQUEST'; export const ENTRIES_SUCCESS = 'ENTRIES_SUCCESS'; export const ENTRIES_FAILURE = 'ENTRIES_FAILURE'; export const SORT_ENTRIES_REQUEST = 'SORT_ENTRIES_REQUEST'; export const SORT_ENTRIES_SUCCESS = 'SORT_ENTRIES_SUCCESS'; export const SORT_ENTRIES_FAILURE = 'SORT_ENTRIES_FAILURE'; export const FILTER_ENTRIES_REQUEST = 'FILTER_ENTRIES_REQUEST'; export const FILTER_ENTRIES_SUCCESS = 'FILTER_ENTRIES_SUCCESS'; export const FILTER_ENTRIES_FAILURE = 'FILTER_ENTRIES_FAILURE'; export const GROUP_ENTRIES_REQUEST = 'GROUP_ENTRIES_REQUEST'; export const GROUP_ENTRIES_SUCCESS = 'GROUP_ENTRIES_SUCCESS'; export const GROUP_ENTRIES_FAILURE = 'GROUP_ENTRIES_FAILURE'; export const DRAFT_CREATE_FROM_ENTRY = 'DRAFT_CREATE_FROM_ENTRY'; export const DRAFT_CREATE_EMPTY = 'DRAFT_CREATE_EMPTY'; export const DRAFT_DISCARD = 'DRAFT_DISCARD'; export const DRAFT_CHANGE_FIELD = 'DRAFT_CHANGE_FIELD'; export const DRAFT_VALIDATION_ERRORS = 'DRAFT_VALIDATION_ERRORS'; export const DRAFT_CLEAR_ERRORS = 'DRAFT_CLEAR_ERRORS'; export const DRAFT_LOCAL_BACKUP_RETRIEVED = 'DRAFT_LOCAL_BACKUP_RETRIEVED'; export const DRAFT_CREATE_FROM_LOCAL_BACKUP = 'DRAFT_CREATE_FROM_LOCAL_BACKUP'; export const DRAFT_CREATE_DUPLICATE_FROM_ENTRY = 'DRAFT_CREATE_DUPLICATE_FROM_ENTRY'; export const ENTRY_PERSIST_REQUEST = 'ENTRY_PERSIST_REQUEST'; export const ENTRY_PERSIST_SUCCESS = 'ENTRY_PERSIST_SUCCESS'; export const ENTRY_PERSIST_FAILURE = 'ENTRY_PERSIST_FAILURE'; export const ENTRY_DELETE_REQUEST = 'ENTRY_DELETE_REQUEST'; export const ENTRY_DELETE_SUCCESS = 'ENTRY_DELETE_SUCCESS'; export const ENTRY_DELETE_FAILURE = 'ENTRY_DELETE_FAILURE'; export const ADD_DRAFT_ENTRY_MEDIA_FILE = 'ADD_DRAFT_ENTRY_MEDIA_FILE'; export const REMOVE_DRAFT_ENTRY_MEDIA_FILE = 'REMOVE_DRAFT_ENTRY_MEDIA_FILE'; export const CHANGE_VIEW_STYLE = 'CHANGE_VIEW_STYLE'; /* * Simple Action Creators (Internal) * We still need to export them for tests */ export function entryLoading(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return { type: ENTRY_REQUEST, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), slug, }, }; } export function entryLoaded(collection: Collection, entry: EntryValue) { return { type: ENTRY_SUCCESS, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), entry, }, }; } export function entryLoadError(error: Error, collection: Collection, slug: string) { return { type: ENTRY_FAILURE, payload: { error, collection: collection.get('name'), slug, }, }; } export function entriesLoading(collection: Collection) { return { type: ENTRIES_REQUEST, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), }, }; } export function entriesLoaded( collection: Collection, entries: EntryValue[], pagination: number | null, cursor: Cursor, append = true, ) { return { type: ENTRIES_SUCCESS, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), entries, page: pagination, cursor: Cursor.create(cursor), append, }, }; } export function entriesFailed(collection: Collection, error: Error) { return { type: ENTRIES_FAILURE, error: 'Failed to load entries', payload: error.toString(), meta: { collection: collection.get('name') }, }; } async function getAllEntries(state: State, collection: Collection) { const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const integration = selectIntegration(state, collection.get('name'), 'listEntries'); const provider: Backend = integration ? getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, backend.getToken, integration) : backend; const entries = await provider.listAllEntries(collection); return entries; } export function sortByField( collection: Collection, key: string, direction: SortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending, ) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const state = getState(); // if we're already fetching we update the sort key, but skip loading entries const isFetching = selectIsFetching(state.entries, collection.get('name')); dispatch({ type: SORT_ENTRIES_REQUEST, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), key, direction, }, }); if (isFetching) { return; } try { const entries = await getAllEntries(state, collection); dispatch({ type: SORT_ENTRIES_SUCCESS, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), key, direction, entries, }, }); } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: SORT_ENTRIES_FAILURE, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), key, direction, error, }, }); } }; } export function filterByField(collection: Collection, filter: ViewFilter) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const state = getState(); // if we're already fetching we update the filter key, but skip loading entries const isFetching = selectIsFetching(state.entries, collection.get('name')); dispatch({ type: FILTER_ENTRIES_REQUEST, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), filter, }, }); if (isFetching) { return; } try { const entries = await getAllEntries(state, collection); dispatch({ type: FILTER_ENTRIES_SUCCESS, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), filter, entries, }, }); } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: FILTER_ENTRIES_FAILURE, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), filter, error, }, }); } }; } export function groupByField(collection: Collection, group: ViewGroup) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const state = getState(); const isFetching = selectIsFetching(state.entries, collection.get('name')); dispatch({ type: GROUP_ENTRIES_REQUEST, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), group, }, }); if (isFetching) { return; } try { const entries = await getAllEntries(state, collection); dispatch({ type: GROUP_ENTRIES_SUCCESS, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), group, entries, }, }); } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: GROUP_ENTRIES_FAILURE, payload: { collection: collection.get('name'), group, error, }, }); } }; } export function changeViewStyle(viewStyle: string) { return { type: CHANGE_VIEW_STYLE, payload: { style: viewStyle, }, }; } export function entryPersisting(collection: Collection, entry: EntryMap) { return { type: ENTRY_PERSIST_REQUEST, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: entry.get('slug'), }, }; } export function entryPersisted(collection: Collection, entry: EntryMap, slug: string) { return { type: ENTRY_PERSIST_SUCCESS, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: entry.get('slug'), /** * Pass slug from backend for newly created entries. */ slug, }, }; } export function entryPersistFail(collection: Collection, entry: EntryMap, error: Error) { return { type: ENTRY_PERSIST_FAILURE, error: 'Failed to persist entry', payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: entry.get('slug'), error: error.toString(), }, }; } export function entryDeleting(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return { type: ENTRY_DELETE_REQUEST, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: slug, }, }; } export function entryDeleted(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return { type: ENTRY_DELETE_SUCCESS, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: slug, }, }; } export function entryDeleteFail(collection: Collection, slug: string, error: Error) { return { type: ENTRY_DELETE_FAILURE, payload: { collectionName: collection.get('name'), entrySlug: slug, error: error.toString(), }, }; } export function emptyDraftCreated(entry: EntryValue) { return { type: DRAFT_CREATE_EMPTY, payload: entry, }; } /* * Exported simple Action Creators */ export function createDraftFromEntry(entry: EntryValue) { return { type: DRAFT_CREATE_FROM_ENTRY, payload: { entry }, }; } export function draftDuplicateEntry(entry: EntryMap) { return { type: DRAFT_CREATE_DUPLICATE_FROM_ENTRY, payload: createEntry(entry.get('collection'), '', '', { data: entry.get('data'), mediaFiles: entry.get('mediaFiles').toJS(), }), }; } export function discardDraft() { return { type: DRAFT_DISCARD }; } export function changeDraftField({ field, value, metadata, entries, i18n, }: { field: EntryField; value: string; metadata: Record; entries: EntryMap[]; i18n?: { currentLocale: string; defaultLocale: string; locales: string[]; }; }) { return { type: DRAFT_CHANGE_FIELD, payload: { field, value, metadata, entries, i18n }, }; } export function changeDraftFieldValidation( uniquefieldId: string, errors: { type: string; parentIds: string[]; message: string }[], ) { return { type: DRAFT_VALIDATION_ERRORS, payload: { uniquefieldId, errors }, }; } export function clearFieldErrors() { return { type: DRAFT_CLEAR_ERRORS }; } export function localBackupRetrieved(entry: EntryValue) { return { type: DRAFT_LOCAL_BACKUP_RETRIEVED, payload: { entry }, }; } export function loadLocalBackup() { return { type: DRAFT_CREATE_FROM_LOCAL_BACKUP, }; } export function addDraftEntryMediaFile(file: ImplementationMediaFile) { return { type: ADD_DRAFT_ENTRY_MEDIA_FILE, payload: file }; } export function removeDraftEntryMediaFile({ id }: { id: string }) { return { type: REMOVE_DRAFT_ENTRY_MEDIA_FILE, payload: { id } }; } export function persistLocalBackup(entry: EntryMap, collection: Collection) { return (_dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); return backend.persistLocalDraftBackup(entry, collection); }; } export function createDraftDuplicateFromEntry(entry: EntryMap) { return (dispatch: ThunkDispatch) => { dispatch( waitUntil({ predicate: ({ type }) => type === DRAFT_CREATE_EMPTY, run: () => dispatch(draftDuplicateEntry(entry)), }), ); }; } export function retrieveLocalBackup(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const { entry } = await backend.getLocalDraftBackup(collection, slug); if (entry) { // load assets from backup const mediaFiles = entry.mediaFiles || []; const assetProxies: AssetProxy[] = await Promise.all( => { if (file.file || file.url) { return createAssetProxy({ path: file.path, file: file.file, url: file.url, field: file.field, }); } else { return getAsset({ collection, entry: fromJS(entry), path: file.path, field: file.field, })(dispatch, getState); } }), ); dispatch(addAssets(assetProxies)); return dispatch(localBackupRetrieved(entry)); } }; } export function deleteLocalBackup(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return (_dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); return backend.deleteLocalDraftBackup(collection, slug); }; } /* * Exported Thunk Action Creators */ export function loadEntry(collection: Collection, slug: string, silent = false) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { await waitForMediaLibraryToLoad(dispatch, getState()); if (!silent) { dispatch(entryLoading(collection, slug)); } try { const loadedEntry = await tryLoadEntry(getState(), collection, slug); dispatch(entryLoaded(collection, loadedEntry)); dispatch(createDraftFromEntry(loadedEntry)); } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); dispatch( addSnackbar({ type: 'error', message: { key: 'ui.toast.onFailToLoadEntries', details: error.message, }, }), ); dispatch(entryLoadError(error, collection, slug)); } }; } export async function tryLoadEntry(state: State, collection: Collection, slug: string) { const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const loadedEntry = await backend.getEntry(state, collection, slug); return loadedEntry; } const appendActions = fromJS({ ['append_next']: { action: 'next', append: true }, }); function addAppendActionsToCursor(cursor: Cursor) { return Cursor.create(cursor).updateStore('actions', (actions: Set) => { return actions.union( appendActions .filter((v: Map) => actions.has(v.get('action') as string)) .keySeq(), ); }); } export function loadEntries(collection: Collection, page = 0) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { if (collection.get('isFetching')) { return; } const state = getState(); const sortFields = selectEntriesSortFields(state.entries, collection.get('name')); if (sortFields && sortFields.length > 0) { const field = sortFields[0]; return dispatch(sortByField(collection, field.get('key'), field.get('direction'))); } const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const integration = selectIntegration(state, collection.get('name'), 'listEntries'); const provider = integration ? getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, backend.getToken, integration) : backend; const append = !!(page && !isNaN(page) && page > 0); dispatch(entriesLoading(collection)); try { const loadAllEntries = collection.has('nested') || hasI18n(collection); let response: { cursor: Cursor; pagination: number; entries: EntryValue[]; } = await (loadAllEntries ? // nested collections require all entries to construct the tree provider.listAllEntries(collection).then((entries: EntryValue[]) => ({ entries })) : provider.listEntries(collection, page)); response = { ...response, // The only existing backend using the pagination system is the // Algolia integration, which is also the only integration used // to list entries. Thus, this checking for an integration can // determine whether or not this is using the old integer-based // pagination API. Other backends will simply store an empty // cursor, which behaves identically to no cursor at all. cursor: integration ? Cursor.create({ actions: ['next'], meta: { usingOldPaginationAPI: true }, data: { nextPage: page + 1 }, }) : Cursor.create(response.cursor), }; dispatch( entriesLoaded( collection, response.cursor.meta!.get('usingOldPaginationAPI') ? response.entries.reverse() : response.entries, response.pagination, addAppendActionsToCursor(response.cursor), append, ), ); } catch (err: any) { dispatch( addSnackbar({ type: 'error', message: { key: 'ui.toast.onFailToLoadEntries', details: err, }, }), ); return Promise.reject(dispatch(entriesFailed(collection, err))); } }; } function traverseCursor(backend: Backend, cursor: Cursor, action: string) { if (!cursor.actions!.has(action)) { throw new Error(`The current cursor does not support the pagination action "${action}".`); } return backend.traverseCursor(cursor, action); } export function traverseCollectionCursor(collection: Collection, action: string) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const state = getState(); const collectionName = collection.get('name'); if (state.entries.getIn(['pages', `${collectionName}`, 'isFetching'])) { return; } const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const { action: realAction, append } = appendActions.has(action) ? appendActions.get(action).toJS() : { action, append: false }; const cursor = selectCollectionEntriesCursor(state.cursors, collection.get('name')); // Handle cursors representing pages in the old, integer-based // pagination API if (cursor.meta!.get('usingOldPaginationAPI', false)) { return dispatch(loadEntries(collection,!.get('nextPage') as number)); } try { dispatch(entriesLoading(collection)); const { entries, cursor: newCursor } = await traverseCursor(backend, cursor, realAction); const pagination = newCursor.meta?.get('page'); return dispatch( entriesLoaded(collection, entries, pagination, addAppendActionsToCursor(newCursor), append), ); } catch (err: any) { console.error(err); dispatch( addSnackbar({ type: 'error', message: { key: 'ui.toast.onFailToLoadEntries', details: err, }, }), ); return Promise.reject(dispatch(entriesFailed(collection, err))); } }; } function escapeHtml(unsafe: string) { return unsafe .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '''); } function processValue(unsafe: string) { if (['true', 'True', 'TRUE'].includes(unsafe)) { return true; } if (['false', 'False', 'FALSE'].includes(unsafe)) { return false; } return escapeHtml(unsafe); } function getDataFields(fields: EntryFields) { return fields.filter(f => !f!.get('meta')).toList(); } function getMetaFields(fields: EntryFields) { return fields.filter(f => f!.get('meta') === true).toList(); } export function createEmptyDraft(collection: Collection, search: string) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const params = new URLSearchParams(search); params.forEach((value, key) => { collection = updateFieldByKey(collection, key, field => field.set('default', processValue(value)), ); }); const fields = collection.get('fields', List()); const dataFields = getDataFields(fields); const data = createEmptyDraftData(dataFields); const metaFields = getMetaFields(fields); const meta = createEmptyDraftData(metaFields); const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); if (!collection.has('media_folder')) { await waitForMediaLibraryToLoad(dispatch, getState()); } const i18nFields = createEmptyDraftI18nData(collection, dataFields); let newEntry = createEntry(collection.get('name'), '', '', { data, i18n: i18nFields, mediaFiles: [], // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any meta: meta as any, }); newEntry = await backend.processEntry(state, collection, newEntry); dispatch(emptyDraftCreated(newEntry)); }; } interface DraftEntryData { [name: string]: | string | null | boolean | List | DraftEntryData | DraftEntryData[] | (string | DraftEntryData | boolean | List)[]; } export function createEmptyDraftData( fields: EntryFields, skipField: (field: EntryField) => boolean = () => false, ) { return fields.reduce( ( reduction: DraftEntryData | string | undefined | boolean | List, value: EntryField | undefined | boolean, ) => { const acc = reduction as DraftEntryData; const item = value as EntryField; if (skipField(item)) { return acc; } const subfields = item.get('field') || item.get('fields'); const list = item.get('widget') == 'list'; const name = item.get('name'); const defaultValue = item.get('default', null); function isEmptyDefaultValue(val: unknown) { return [[{}], {}].some(e => isEqual(val, e)); } const hasSubfields = List.isList(subfields) || Map.isMap(subfields); if (hasSubfields) { if (list && List.isList(defaultValue)) { acc[name] = defaultValue; } else { const asList = List.isList(subfields) ? (subfields as EntryFields) : List([subfields as EntryField]); const subDefaultValue = list ? [createEmptyDraftData(asList, skipField)] : createEmptyDraftData(asList, skipField); if (!isEmptyDefaultValue(subDefaultValue)) { acc[name] = subDefaultValue; } } return acc; } if (defaultValue !== null) { acc[name] = defaultValue; } return acc; }, {} as DraftEntryData, ); } function createEmptyDraftI18nData(collection: Collection, dataFields: EntryFields) { if (!hasI18n(collection)) { return {}; } function skipField(field: EntryField) { return field.get(I18N) !== I18N_FIELD.DUPLICATE && field.get(I18N) !== I18N_FIELD.TRANSLATE; } const i18nData = createEmptyDraftData(dataFields, skipField); return duplicateDefaultI18nFields(collection, i18nData); } export function getMediaAssets({ entry }: { entry: EntryMap }) { const filesArray = entry.get('mediaFiles').toArray(); const assets = filesArray .filter(file => file.get('draft')) .map(file => createAssetProxy({ path: file.get('path'), file: file.get('file'), url: file.get('url'), field: file.get('field'), }), ); return assets; } export function getSerializedEntry(collection: Collection, entry: Entry) { /** * Serialize the values of any fields with registered serializers, and * update the entry and entryDraft with the serialized values. */ const fields = selectFields(collection, entry.get('slug')); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function serializeData(data: any) { return serializeValues(data, fields); } const serializedData = serializeData(entry.get('data')); let serializedEntry = entry.set('data', serializedData); if (hasI18n(collection)) { serializedEntry = serializeI18n(collection, serializedEntry, serializeData); } return serializedEntry; } export function persistEntry(collection: Collection) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const state = getState(); const entryDraft = state.entryDraft; const fieldsErrors = entryDraft.get('fieldsErrors'); const usedSlugs = selectPublishedSlugs(state, collection.get('name')); // Early return if draft contains validation errors if (!fieldsErrors.isEmpty()) { const hasPresenceErrors = fieldsErrors.some(errors => errors.some(error => error.type && error.type === ValidationErrorTypes.PRESENCE), ); if (hasPresenceErrors) { dispatch( addSnackbar({ type: 'error', message: { key: 'ui.toast.missingRequiredField', }, }), ); } return Promise.reject(); } const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const entry = entryDraft.get('entry'); const assetProxies = getMediaAssets({ entry, }); const serializedEntry = getSerializedEntry(collection, entry); const serializedEntryDraft = entryDraft.set('entry', serializedEntry); dispatch(entryPersisting(collection, serializedEntry)); return backend .persistEntry({ config: state.config, collection, entryDraft: serializedEntryDraft, assetProxies, usedSlugs, }) .then(async (newSlug: string) => { dispatch( addSnackbar({ type: 'success', message: { key: 'ui.toast.entrySaved', }, }), ); // re-load media library if entry had media files if (assetProxies.length > 0) { await dispatch(loadMedia()); } dispatch(entryPersisted(collection, serializedEntry, newSlug)); if (collection.has('nested')) { await dispatch(loadEntries(collection)); } if (entry.get('slug') !== newSlug) { await dispatch(loadEntry(collection, newSlug)); navigateToEntry(collection.get('name'), newSlug); } else { await dispatch(loadEntry(collection, newSlug, true)); } }) .catch((error: Error) => { console.error(error); dispatch( addSnackbar({ type: 'error', message: { key: 'ui.toast.onFailToPersist', details: error, }, }), ); return Promise.reject(dispatch(entryPersistFail(collection, serializedEntry, error))); }); }; } export function deleteEntry(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => State) => { const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); dispatch(entryDeleting(collection, slug)); return backend .deleteEntry(state, collection, slug) .then(() => { return dispatch(entryDeleted(collection, slug)); }) .catch((error: Error) => { dispatch( addSnackbar({ type: 'error', message: { key: 'ui.toast.onFailToDelete', details: error, }, }), ); console.error(error); return Promise.reject(dispatch(entryDeleteFail(collection, slug, error))); }); }; } function getPathError( path: string | undefined, key: string, t: (key: string, args: Record) => string, ) { return { error: { type: ValidationErrorTypes.CUSTOM, message: t(`editor.editorControlPane.widget.${key}`, { path, }), }, }; } export function validateMetaField( state: State, collection: Collection, field: EntryField, value: string | undefined, t: (key: string, args: Record) => string, ) { if (field.get('meta') && field.get('name') === 'path') { if (!value) { return getPathError(value, 'invalidPath', t); } const sanitizedPath = (value as string) .split('/') .map(getProcessSegment(state.config.slug)) .join('/'); if (value !== sanitizedPath) { return getPathError(value, 'invalidPath', t); } const customPath = selectCustomPath(collection, fromJS({ entry: { meta: { path: value } } })); const existingEntry = customPath ? selectEntryByPath(state.entries, collection.get('name'), customPath) : undefined; const existingEntryPath = existingEntry?.get('path'); const draftPath = state.entryDraft?.getIn(['entry', 'path']); if (existingEntryPath && existingEntryPath !== draftPath) { return getPathError(value, 'pathExists', t); } } return { error: false }; }