import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import { ClassNames } from '@emotion/core'; import { Map } from 'immutable'; import { uniq, isEqual, isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import uuid from 'uuid/v4'; import { UnControlled as ReactCodeMirror } from 'react-codemirror2'; import CodeMirror from 'codemirror'; import 'codemirror/keymap/vim'; import 'codemirror/keymap/sublime'; import 'codemirror/keymap/emacs'; import codeMirrorStyles from 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'; import materialTheme from 'codemirror/theme/material.css'; import SettingsPane from './SettingsPane'; import SettingsButton from './SettingsButton'; import languageData from '../data/languages.json'; // TODO: relocate as a utility function function getChangedProps(previous, next, keys) { const propNames = keys || uniq(Object.keys(previous), Object.keys(next)); const changedProps = propNames.reduce((acc, prop) => { if (previous[prop] !== next[prop]) { acc[prop] = next[prop]; } return acc; }, {}); if (!isEmpty(changedProps)) { return changedProps; } } const languages = => ({ label: lang.label, name: lang.identifiers[0], mode: lang.codemirror_mode, mimeType: lang.codemirror_mime_type, })); const styleString = ` padding: 0; `; const defaultLang = { name: '', mode: '', label: 'none' }; function valueToOption(val) { if (typeof val === 'string') { return { value: val, label: val }; } return { value:, label: val.label || }; } const modes =; const themes = ['default', 'material']; const settingsPersistKeys = { theme: 'cms.codemirror.theme', keyMap: 'cms.codemirror.keymap', }; export default class CodeControl extends React.Component { static propTypes = { field:, onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, value: PropTypes.node, forID: PropTypes.string.isRequired, classNameWrapper: PropTypes.string.isRequired, widget: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; keys = this.getKeys(this.props.field); state = { isActive: false, unknownLang: null, lang: '', keyMap: localStorage.getItem(settingsPersistKeys['keyMap']) || 'default', settingsVisible: false, codeMirrorKey: uuid(), theme: localStorage.getItem(settingsPersistKeys['theme']) || themes[themes.length - 1], lastKnownValue: this.valueIsMap() ? this.props.value?.get(this.keys.code) : this.props.value, }; shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return ( !isEqual(this.state, nextState) || this.props.classNameWrapper !== nextProps.classNameWrapper ); } componentDidMount() { this.setState({ lang: this.getInitialLang() || '', }); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { this.updateCodeMirrorProps(prevState); } updateCodeMirrorProps(prevState) { const keys = ['lang', 'theme', 'keyMap']; const changedProps = getChangedProps(prevState, this.state, keys); if (changedProps) { this.handleChangeCodeMirrorProps(changedProps); } } getLanguageByName = name => { return languages.find(lang => === name); }; getKeyMapOptions = () => { return Object.keys(CodeMirror.keyMap) .sort() .filter(keyMap => ['emacs', 'vim', 'sublime', 'default'].includes(keyMap)) .map(keyMap => ({ value: keyMap, label: keyMap })); }; // This widget is not fully controlled, it only takes a value through props // upon initialization. getInitialLang = () => { const { value, field } = this.props; const lang = (this.valueIsMap() && value && value.get(this.keys.lang)) || field.get('default_language'); const langInfo = this.getLanguageByName(lang); if (lang && !langInfo) { this.setState({ unknownLang: lang }); } return lang; }; // If `allow_language_selection` is not set, default to true. Otherwise, use // its value. allowLanguageSelection = !this.props.field.has('allow_language_selection') || !!this.props.field.get('allow_language_selection'); toValue = this.valueIsMap() ? (type, value) => (this.props.value || Map()).set(this.keys[type], value) : (type, value) => (type === 'code' ? value : this.props.value); // If the value is a map, keys can be customized via config. getKeys(field) { const defaults = { code: 'code', lang: 'lang', }; // Force default keys if widget is an editor component code block. if (this.props.isEditorComponent) { return defaults; } const keys = field.get('keys', Map()).toJS(); return { ...defaults, ...keys }; } // Determine if the persisted value is a map rather than a plain string. A map // value allows both the code string and the language to be persisted. valueIsMap() { const { field, isEditorComponent } = this.props; return !field.get('output_code_only') || isEditorComponent; } async handleChangeCodeMirrorProps(changedProps) { const { onChange } = this.props; if (changedProps.lang) { const { mode } = this.getLanguageByName(changedProps.lang) || {}; if (mode) { require(`codemirror/mode/${mode}/${mode}.js`); } } // Changing CodeMirror props requires re-initializing the // detached/uncontrolled React CodeMirror component, so here we save and // restore the selections and cursor position after the state change. if ( { const cursor =; const selections =; this.setState({ codeMirrorKey: uuid() }, () => {;; }); } for (const key of ['theme', 'keyMap']) { if (changedProps[key]) { localStorage.setItem(settingsPersistKeys[key], changedProps[key]); } } // Only persist the language change if supported - requires the value to be // a map rather than just a code string. if (changedProps.lang && this.valueIsMap()) { onChange(this.toValue('lang', changedProps.lang)); } } handleChange(newValue) { const cursor =; const selections =; this.setState({ lastKnownValue: newValue }); this.props.onChange(this.toValue('code', newValue), { cursor, selections }); } showSettings = () => { this.setState({ settingsVisible: true }); }; hideSettings = () => { if (this.state.settingsVisible) { this.setState({ settingsVisible: false }); }; }; handleFocus = () => { this.hideSettings(); this.props.setActiveStyle(); this.setActive(); }; handleBlur = () => { this.setInactive(); this.props.setInactiveStyle(); }; setActive = () => this.setState({ isActive: true }); setInactive = () => this.setState({ isActive: false }); render() { const { classNameWrapper, forID, widget, isNewEditorComponent } = this.props; const { lang, settingsVisible, keyMap, codeMirrorKey, theme, lastKnownValue } = this.state; const langInfo = this.getLanguageByName(lang); const mode = langInfo?.mimeType || langInfo?.mode; return ( <ClassNames> {({ css, cx }) => ( <div className={cx( classNameWrapper, css` ${codeMirrorStyles}; ${materialTheme}; ${styleString}; `, )} > {!settingsVisible && <SettingsButton onClick={this.showSettings} />} {settingsVisible && ( <SettingsPane hideSettings={this.hideSettings} forID={forID} modes={modes} mode={valueToOption(langInfo || defaultLang)} theme={themes.find(t => t === theme)} themes={themes} keyMap={{ value: keyMap, label: keyMap }} keyMaps={this.getKeyMapOptions()} allowLanguageSelection={this.allowLanguageSelection} onChangeLang={newLang => this.setState({ lang: newLang })} onChangeTheme={newTheme => this.setState({ theme: newTheme })} onChangeKeyMap={newKeyMap => this.setState({ keyMap: newKeyMap })} /> )} <ReactCodeMirror key={codeMirrorKey} id={forID} className={css` height: 100%; border-radius: 0 3px 3px 3px; overflow: hidden; .CodeMirror { height: auto; cursor: text; min-height: 300px; } .CodeMirror-scroll { min-height: 300px; } `} options={{ lineNumbers: true, ...widget.codeMirrorConfig, extraKeys: { 'Shift-Tab': 'indentLess', Tab: 'indentMore', ...(widget.codeMirrorConfig.extraKeys || {}), }, theme, mode, keyMap, viewportMargin: Infinity, }} detach={true} editorDidMount={cm => { = cm; if (isNewEditorComponent) { this.handleFocus(); } }} value={lastKnownValue} onChange={(editor, data, newValue) => this.handleChange(newValue)} onFocus={this.handleFocus} onBlur={this.handleBlur} /> </div> )} </ClassNames> ); } }