import { localForage, parseLinkHeader, unsentRequest, then, APIError, Cursor, ApiRequest, Entry, AssetProxy, PersistOptions, readFile, CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX, generateContentKey, isCMSLabel, EditorialWorkflowError, labelToStatus, statusToLabel, DEFAULT_PR_BODY, MERGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE, responseParser, PreviewState, parseContentKey, branchFromContentKey, } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util'; import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'; import { Map, Set } from 'immutable'; import { flow, partial, result, trimStart } from 'lodash'; import { CursorStore } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util/src/Cursor'; export const API_NAME = 'GitLab'; export interface Config { apiRoot?: string; token?: string; branch?: string; repo?: string; squashMerges: boolean; initialWorkflowStatus: string; } export interface CommitAuthor { name: string; email: string; } enum CommitAction { CREATE = 'create', DELETE = 'delete', MOVE = 'move', UPDATE = 'update', } type CommitItem = { base64Content?: string; path: string; action: CommitAction; }; interface CommitsParams { commit_message: string; branch: string; author_name?: string; author_email?: string; actions?: { action: string; file_path: string; content?: string; encoding?: string; }[]; } type GitLabCommitDiff = { diff: string; new_path: string; old_path: string; new_file: boolean; }; enum GitLabCommitStatuses { Pending = 'pending', Running = 'running', Success = 'success', Failed = 'failed', Canceled = 'canceled', } type GitLabCommitStatus = { status: GitLabCommitStatuses; name: string; author: { username: string; name: string; }; description: null; sha: string; ref: string; target_url: string; }; type GitLabMergeRebase = { rebase_in_progress: boolean; merge_error: string; }; type GitLabMergeRequest = { id: number; iid: number; title: string; description: string; state: string; merged_by: { name: string; username: string; }; merged_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; target_branch: string; source_branch: string; author: { name: string; username: string; }; labels: string[]; sha: string; }; type GitLabRepo = { shared_with_groups: { group_access_level: number }[] | null; permissions: { project_access: { access_level: number } | null; group_access: { access_level: number } | null; }; }; type GitLabBranch = { developers_can_push: boolean; developers_can_merge: boolean; }; export const getMaxAccess = (groups: { group_access_level: number }[]) => { return groups.reduce((previous, current) => { if (current.group_access_level > previous.group_access_level) { return current; } return previous; }, groups[0]); }; export default class API { apiRoot: string; token: string | boolean; branch: string; useOpenAuthoring?: boolean; repo: string; repoURL: string; commitAuthor?: CommitAuthor; squashMerges: boolean; initialWorkflowStatus: string; constructor(config: Config) { this.apiRoot = config.apiRoot || ''; this.token = config.token || false; this.branch = config.branch || 'master'; this.repo = config.repo || ''; this.repoURL = `/projects/${encodeURIComponent(this.repo)}`; this.squashMerges = config.squashMerges; this.initialWorkflowStatus = config.initialWorkflowStatus; } withAuthorizationHeaders = (req: ApiRequest) => unsentRequest.withHeaders(this.token ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.token}` } : {}, req); buildRequest = (req: ApiRequest) => flow([ unsentRequest.withRoot(this.apiRoot), this.withAuthorizationHeaders, unsentRequest.withTimestamp, ])(req); request = async (req: ApiRequest): Promise => flow([ this.buildRequest, unsentRequest.performRequest, p => p.catch((err: Error) => Promise.reject(new APIError(err.message, null, API_NAME))), ])(req); responseToJSON = responseParser({ format: 'json', apiName: API_NAME }); responseToBlob = responseParser({ format: 'blob', apiName: API_NAME }); responseToText = responseParser({ format: 'text', apiName: API_NAME }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any requestJSON = (req: ApiRequest) => this.request(req).then(this.responseToJSON) as Promise; requestText = (req: ApiRequest) => this.request(req).then(this.responseToText) as Promise; user = () => this.requestJSON('/user'); WRITE_ACCESS = 30; MAINTAINER_ACCESS = 40; hasWriteAccess = async () => { const { shared_with_groups: sharedWithGroups, permissions, }: GitLabRepo = await this.requestJSON(this.repoURL); const { project_access: projectAccess, group_access: groupAccess } = permissions; if (projectAccess && projectAccess.access_level >= this.WRITE_ACCESS) { return true; } if (groupAccess && groupAccess.access_level >= this.WRITE_ACCESS) { return true; } // check for group write permissions if (sharedWithGroups && sharedWithGroups.length > 0) { const maxAccess = getMaxAccess(sharedWithGroups); // maintainer access if (maxAccess.group_access_level >= this.MAINTAINER_ACCESS) { return true; } // developer access if (maxAccess.group_access_level >= this.WRITE_ACCESS) { // check permissions to merge and push const branch: GitLabBranch = await this.requestJSON( `${this.repoURL}/repository/branches/${this.branch}`, ).catch(() => ({})); if (branch.developers_can_merge && branch.developers_can_push) { return true; } } } return false; }; readFile = async ( path: string, sha?: string | null, { parseText = true, branch = this.branch } = {}, ): Promise => { const fetchContent = async () => { const content = await this.request({ url: `${this.repoURL}/repository/files/${encodeURIComponent(path)}/raw`, params: { ref: branch }, cache: 'no-store', }).then(parseText ? this.responseToText : this.responseToBlob); return content; }; const content = await readFile(sha, fetchContent, localForage, parseText); return content; }; getCursorFromHeaders = (headers: Headers) => { // indices and page counts are assumed to be zero-based, but the // indices and page counts returned from GitLab are one-based const index = parseInt(headers.get('X-Page') as string, 10) - 1; const pageCount = parseInt(headers.get('X-Total-Pages') as string, 10) - 1; const pageSize = parseInt(headers.get('X-Per-Page') as string, 10); const count = parseInt(headers.get('X-Total') as string, 10); const links = parseLinkHeader(headers.get('Link') as string); const actions = Map(links) .keySeq() .flatMap(key => (key === 'prev' && index > 0) || (key === 'next' && index < pageCount) || (key === 'first' && index > 0) || (key === 'last' && index < pageCount) ? [key] : [], ); return Cursor.create({ actions, meta: { index, count, pageSize, pageCount }, data: { links }, }); }; getCursor = ({ headers }: { headers: Headers }) => this.getCursorFromHeaders(headers); // Gets a cursor without retrieving the entries by using a HEAD // request fetchCursor = (req: ApiRequest) => flow([unsentRequest.withMethod('HEAD'), this.request, then(this.getCursor)])(req); fetchCursorAndEntries = ( req: ApiRequest, ): Promise<{ entries: { id: string; type: string; path: string; name: string }[]; cursor: Cursor; }> => flow([ unsentRequest.withMethod('GET'), this.request, p => Promise.all([p.then(this.getCursor), p.then(this.responseToJSON)]), then(([cursor, entries]: [Cursor, {}[]]) => ({ cursor, entries })), ])(req); reversableActions = Map({ first: 'last', last: 'first', next: 'prev', prev: 'next', }); reverseCursor = (cursor: Cursor) => { const pageCount = cursor.meta!.get('pageCount', 0) as number; const currentIndex = cursor.meta!.get('index', 0) as number; const newIndex = pageCount - currentIndex; const links =!.get('links', Map()) as Map; const reversedLinks = links.mapEntries(tuple => { const [k, v] = tuple as string[]; return [this.reversableActions.get(k) || k, v]; }); const reversedActions = cursor.actions!.map( action => this.reversableActions.get(action as string) || (action as string), ); return cursor.updateStore((store: CursorStore) => store! .setIn(['meta', 'index'], newIndex) .setIn(['data', 'links'], reversedLinks) .set('actions', (reversedActions as unknown) as Set), ); }; // The exported listFiles and traverseCursor reverse the direction // of the cursors, since GitLab's pagination sorts the opposite way // we want to sort by default (it sorts by filename _descending_, // while the CMS defaults to sorting by filename _ascending_, at // least in the current GitHub backend). This should eventually be // refactored. listFiles = async (path: string, recursive = false) => { const firstPageCursor = await this.fetchCursor({ url: `${this.repoURL}/repository/tree`, params: { path, ref: this.branch, recursive }, }); const lastPageLink =['links', 'last']); const { entries, cursor } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries(lastPageLink); return { files: entries.filter(({ type }) => type === 'blob').reverse(), cursor: this.reverseCursor(cursor), }; }; traverseCursor = async (cursor: Cursor, action: string) => { const link =!.getIn(['links', action]); const { entries, cursor: newCursor } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries(link); return { entries: entries.filter(({ type }) => type === 'blob').reverse(), cursor: this.reverseCursor(newCursor), }; }; listAllFiles = async (path: string, recursive = false) => { const entries = []; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let { cursor, entries: initialEntries } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries({ url: `${this.repoURL}/repository/tree`, // Get the maximum number of entries per page // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase params: { path, ref: this.branch, per_page: 100, recursive }, }); entries.push(...initialEntries); while (cursor && cursor.actions!.has('next')) { const link =!.getIn(['links', 'next']); const { cursor: newCursor, entries: newEntries } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries(link); entries.push(...newEntries); cursor = newCursor; } return entries.filter(({ type }) => type === 'blob'); }; toBase64 = (str: string) => Promise.resolve(Base64.encode(str)); fromBase64 = (str: string) => Base64.decode(str); uploadAndCommit( items: CommitItem[], { commitMessage = '', branch = this.branch, newBranch = false }, ) { const actions = => ({ action: item.action, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase file_path: item.path, ...(item.base64Content ? { content: item.base64Content, encoding: 'base64' } : {}), })); const commitParams: CommitsParams = { branch, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase commit_message: commitMessage, actions, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase ...(newBranch ? { start_branch: this.branch } : {}), }; if (this.commitAuthor) { const { name, email } = this.commitAuthor; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase commitParams.author_name = name; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase commitParams.author_email = email; } return this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.repoURL}/repository/commits`, method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' }, body: JSON.stringify(commitParams), }); } async getCommitItems(files: (Entry | AssetProxy)[], branch: string) { const items = await Promise.all( file => { const [base64Content, fileExists] = await Promise.all([ result(file, 'toBase64', partial(this.toBase64, (file as Entry).raw)), this.isFileExists(file.path, branch), ]); return { action: fileExists ? CommitAction.UPDATE : CommitAction.CREATE, base64Content, path: trimStart(file.path, '/'), }; }), ); return items as CommitItem[]; } async persistFiles(entry: Entry | null, mediaFiles: AssetProxy[], options: PersistOptions) { const files = entry ? [entry, ...mediaFiles] : mediaFiles; if (options.useWorkflow) { return this.editorialWorkflowGit(files, entry as Entry, options); } else { const items = await this.getCommitItems(files, this.branch); return this.uploadAndCommit(items, { commitMessage: options.commitMessage, }); } } deleteFile = (path: string, commitMessage: string) => { const branch = this.branch; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase const commitParams: CommitsParams = { commit_message: commitMessage, branch }; if (this.commitAuthor) { const { name, email } = this.commitAuthor; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase commitParams.author_name = name; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase commitParams.author_email = email; } return flow([ unsentRequest.withMethod('DELETE'), // TODO: only send author params if they are defined. unsentRequest.withParams(commitParams), this.request, ])(`${this.repoURL}/repository/files/${encodeURIComponent(path)}`); }; async getMergeRequests(sourceBranch?: string) { const mergeRequests: GitLabMergeRequest[] = await this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.repoURL}/merge_requests`, params: { state: 'opened', labels: 'Any', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase target_branch: this.branch, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase ...(sourceBranch ? { source_branch: sourceBranch } : {}), }, }); return mergeRequests.filter( mr => mr.source_branch.startsWith(CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX) && mr.labels.some(isCMSLabel), ); } async listUnpublishedBranches() { console.log( '%c Checking for Unpublished entries', 'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold', ); const mergeRequests = await this.getMergeRequests(); const branches = => mr.source_branch); return branches; } async getFileId(path: string, branch: string) { const request = await this.request({ method: 'HEAD', url: `${this.repoURL}/repository/files/${encodeURIComponent(path)}`, params: { ref: branch }, cache: 'no-store', }); const blobId = request.headers.get('X-Gitlab-Blob-Id') as string; return blobId; } async isFileExists(path: string, branch: string) { const fileExists = await this.requestText({ method: 'HEAD', url: `${this.repoURL}/repository/files/${encodeURIComponent(path)}`, params: { ref: branch }, cache: 'no-store', }) .then(() => true) .catch(error => { if (error instanceof APIError && error.status === 404) { return false; } throw error; }); return fileExists; } async getBranchMergeRequest(branch: string) { const mergeRequests = await this.getMergeRequests(branch); if (mergeRequests.length <= 0) { throw new EditorialWorkflowError('content is not under editorial workflow', true); } return mergeRequests[0]; } async getDifferences(to: string) { const result: { diffs: GitLabCommitDiff[] } = await this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.repoURL}/repository/compare`, params: { from: this.branch, to, }, }); return => ({ ...d, binary: d.diff.startsWith('Binary') || /.svg$/.test(d.new_path), })); } async retrieveMetadata(contentKey: string) { const { collection, slug } = parseContentKey(contentKey); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const mergeRequest = await this.getBranchMergeRequest(branch); const diff = await this.getDifferences(mergeRequest.sha); const { old_path: path, new_file: newFile } = diff.find(d => !d.binary) as { old_path: string; new_file: boolean; }; const mediaFiles = await Promise.all( diff .filter(d => d.old_path !== path) .map(async d => { const path = d.new_path; const id = await this.getFileId(path, branch); return { path, id }; }), ); const label = mergeRequest.labels.find(isCMSLabel) as string; const status = labelToStatus(label); return { branch, collection, slug, path, status, newFile, mediaFiles }; } async readUnpublishedBranchFile(contentKey: string) { const { branch, collection, slug, path, status, newFile, mediaFiles, } = await this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey); const fileData = (await this.readFile(path, null, { branch })) as string; return { slug, metaData: { branch, collection, objects: { entry: { path, mediaFiles } }, status }, fileData, isModification: !newFile, }; } async rebaseMergeRequest(mergeRequest: GitLabMergeRequest) { let rebase: GitLabMergeRebase = await this.requestJSON({ method: 'PUT', url: `${this.repoURL}/merge_requests/${mergeRequest.iid}/rebase`, }); let i = 1; while (rebase.rebase_in_progress) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); rebase = await this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.repoURL}/merge_requests/${mergeRequest.iid}`, params: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase include_rebase_in_progress: true, }, }); if (!rebase.rebase_in_progress || i > 10) { break; } i++; } if (rebase.rebase_in_progress) { throw new APIError('Timed out rebasing merge request', null, API_NAME); } else if (rebase.merge_error) { throw new APIError(`Rebase error: ${rebase.merge_error}`, null, API_NAME); } } async createMergeRequest(branch: string, commitMessage: string, status: string) { await this.requestJSON({ method: 'POST', url: `${this.repoURL}/merge_requests`, params: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase source_branch: branch, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase target_branch: this.branch, title: commitMessage, description: DEFAULT_PR_BODY, labels: statusToLabel(status), // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase remove_source_branch: true, squash: this.squashMerges, }, }); } async editorialWorkflowGit(files: (Entry | AssetProxy)[], entry: Entry, options: PersistOptions) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(options.collectionName as string, entry.slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const unpublished = options.unpublished || false; if (!unpublished) { const items = await this.getCommitItems(files, this.branch); await this.uploadAndCommit(items, { commitMessage: options.commitMessage, branch, newBranch: true, }); await this.createMergeRequest( branch, options.commitMessage, options.status || this.initialWorkflowStatus, ); } else { const mergeRequest = await this.getBranchMergeRequest(branch); await this.rebaseMergeRequest(mergeRequest); const [items, diffs] = await Promise.all([ this.getCommitItems(files, branch), this.getDifferences(branch), ]); // mark files for deletion for (const diff of diffs) { if (!items.some(item => item.path === diff.new_path)) { items.push({ action: CommitAction.DELETE, path: diff.new_path }); } } await this.uploadAndCommit(items, { commitMessage: options.commitMessage, branch, }); } } async updateMergeRequestLabels(mergeRequest: GitLabMergeRequest, labels: string[]) { await this.requestJSON({ method: 'PUT', url: `${this.repoURL}/merge_requests/${mergeRequest.iid}`, params: { labels: labels.join(','), }, }); } async updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection: string, slug: string, newStatus: string) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collection, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const mergeRequest = await this.getBranchMergeRequest(branch); const labels = [ ...mergeRequest.labels.filter(label => !isCMSLabel(label)), statusToLabel(newStatus), ]; await this.updateMergeRequestLabels(mergeRequest, labels); } async mergeMergeRequest(mergeRequest: GitLabMergeRequest) { await this.requestJSON({ method: 'PUT', url: `${this.repoURL}/merge_requests/${mergeRequest.iid}/merge`, params: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase merge_commit_message: MERGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase squash_commit_message: MERGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE, squash: this.squashMerges, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase should_remove_source_branch: true, }, }); } async publishUnpublishedEntry(collectionName: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const mergeRequest = await this.getBranchMergeRequest(branch); await this.mergeMergeRequest(mergeRequest); } async closeMergeRequest(mergeRequest: GitLabMergeRequest) { await this.requestJSON({ method: 'PUT', url: `${this.repoURL}/merge_requests/${mergeRequest.iid}`, params: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase state_event: 'close', }, }); } async deleteBranch(branch: string) { await this.request({ method: 'DELETE', url: `${this.repoURL}/repository/branches/${encodeURIComponent(branch)}`, }); } async deleteUnpublishedEntry(collectionName: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const mergeRequest = await this.getBranchMergeRequest(branch); await this.closeMergeRequest(mergeRequest); await this.deleteBranch(branch); } async getMergeRequestStatues(mergeRequest: GitLabMergeRequest, branch: string) { const statuses: GitLabCommitStatus[] = await this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.repoURL}/repository/commits/${mergeRequest.sha}/statuses`, params: { ref: branch, }, }); return statuses; } async getStatuses(collectionName: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const mergeRequest = await this.getBranchMergeRequest(branch); const statuses: GitLabCommitStatus[] = await this.getMergeRequestStatues(mergeRequest, branch); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase return{ name, status, target_url }) => ({ context: name, state: status === GitLabCommitStatuses.Success ? PreviewState.Success : PreviewState.Other, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase target_url, })); } }