And that's it! From this point on, it's just a matter of following [the Hugo documentation](https://gohugo.io/templates/) for outputting the content from your `content/` directory into templates! For more information on configuring Static CMS, feel free to check out the [Static CMS configuration options documentation](/docs/configuration-options/).
## Using Static CMS content in Hugo
### Creating a list of posts
In your `layouts/index.html` file, you'll create an unordered list element and use a Hugo `range` to output all posts. Inside that range, you can add a list item element with each post title and a link to the post inside it.
**Note:** To learn more about Hugo's `range` function, check out [the Hugo documentation](https://gohugo.io/functions/range).
Nice. It's looking good already.
{{ range (where .Pages "Section" "blog") }}
{{ .Title }}
{{ end }}
That link won't work just right just yet. You'll need to make a single page layout for blog posts, so Hugo can create a page for the `.RelPermalink` to link to.
### Creating a single page post layout
Create a file `layouts/blog/single.html`, and put the following content in there:
{{ .Title }}
{{ .Title }}
{{ .Date }}
{{ .Params.description }}
{{ .Content }}
You can see this basic template includes all the fields you've specified in your Static CMS `config.yml` file. You can access any custom front-matter fields with `.Params.`!