group: Customization
title: Custom Links & Pages
weight: 60
The Static CMS exposes a `window.CMS` global object that you can use to register external links or links custom pages, via `registerAdditionalLink`. The links are displayed at the bottom of the navigation menu in the order they are registered.
### React Components Inline
The `registerPreviewTemplate` requires you to provide a React component. If you have a build process in place for your project, it is possible to integrate with this build process.
However, although possible, it may be cumbersome or even impractical to add a React build phase. For this reason, Static CMS exposes some constructs globally to allow you to create components inline: `h` (alias for React.createElement) as well some basic hooks (`useState`, `useMemo`, `useEffect`, `useCallback`).
**NOTE**: `createClass` is still provided, allowing for the creation of react class components. However it has now been deprecated and will be removed in `v2.0.0`.
## Params
`registerAdditionalLink` takes an `AdditionalLink` object with the following properties:
| Param | Type | Description |
| ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| id | string | Unique identifier for the link |
| title | string | Display text for the link |
| data | string
\| [React Function Component](https://reactjs.org/docs/components-and-props.html) |