group: Widgets
title: Select
weight: 23

- **Name:** `select`
- **UI:** Select input
- **Data type:** `string`, `number`, `list of strings` or `list of numbers`

The select widget allows you to pick a string value from a dropdown menu.

## Widget options

For common options, see [Common widget options](/docs/widgets#common-widget-options).

| Name     | Type                                                                            | Default                              | Description                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| options  | list of strings<br />\| list of numbers<br />\| object with `label` and `value` |                                      | <ul><li>`string` or `number` - The dropdown displays the value directly</li><li>object with `label` and `value` fields - The label displays in the dropdown and the value saves in the file</li></ul> |
| default  | string<br />\| number<br />\| list of string<br />\| list of number             | `''`<br />`[]` if multiple is `true` | _Optional_. The default value for the field. Accepts a string                                                                                                                                         |
| multiple | boolean                                                                         | `false`                              | _Optional_. Allow multiple values/options to be selected                                                                                                                                              |
| min      | number                                                                          |                                      | _Optional_. Minimum number of items. Ignored if **multiple** is `false`                                                                                                                               |
| max      | number                                                                          |                                      | _Optional_. Maximum number of items; ignored if **multiple** is `false`                                                                                                                               |

## Examples

### Options As Strings

name: align
label: Align Content
widget: select
options: ['left', 'center', 'right']

Selecting the `center` option, will save the value as:

align: center

### Options As Numbers

name: align
label: Align Content
widget: select
options: [1, 2, 3]

Selecting the `2` option, will save the value as:

align: 2

### Options As Objects

name: airport-code
label: City
widget: select
  - label: Chicago
    value: ORD
  - label: Paris
    value: CDG
  - label: Tokyo
    value: HND

Selecting the `Chicago` option, will save the value as:

airport-code: ORD

### Multiple

name: 'tags'
label: 'Tags'
widget: 'select'
multiple: true
options: ['Design', 'UX', 'Dev']
default: ['Design']

### Min and Max

name: 'tags'
label: 'Tags'
widget: 'select'
multiple: true
min: 1
max: 3
options: ['Design', 'UX', 'Dev']
default: ['Design']