import { flow, get } from 'lodash'; import { dirname } from 'path'; import { parse } from 'what-the-diff'; import { APIError, basename, Cursor, localForage, readFile, readFileMetadata, requestWithBackoff, responseParser, then, throwOnConflictingBranches, unsentRequest } from '../../lib/util'; import type { ApiRequest, AssetProxy, DataFile, FetchError, PersistOptions } from '../../lib/util'; interface Config { apiRoot?: string; token?: string; branch?: string; repo?: string; requestFunction?: (req: ApiRequest) => Promise; hasWriteAccess?: () => Promise; } interface CommitAuthor { name: string; email: string; } type BitBucketFile = { id: string; type: string; path: string; commit?: { hash: string }; }; type BitBucketSrcResult = { size: number; page: number; pagelen: number; next: string; previous: string; values: BitBucketFile[]; }; type BitBucketUser = { username: string; display_name: string; nickname: string; links: { avatar: { href: string; }; }; }; type BitBucketBranch = { name: string; target: { hash: string }; }; type BitBucketCommit = { hash: string; author: { raw: string; user: { display_name: string; nickname: string; }; }; date: string; }; export const API_NAME = 'Bitbucket'; function replace404WithEmptyResponse(err: FetchError) { if (err && err.status === 404) {'This 404 was expected and handled appropriately.'); return { size: 0, values: [] as BitBucketFile[] } as BitBucketSrcResult; } else { return Promise.reject(err); } } export default class API { apiRoot: string; branch: string; repo: string; requestFunction: (req: ApiRequest) => Promise; repoURL: string; commitAuthor?: CommitAuthor; constructor(config: Config) { this.apiRoot = config.apiRoot || ''; this.branch = config.branch || 'main'; this.repo = config.repo || ''; this.requestFunction = config.requestFunction || unsentRequest.performRequest; // Allow overriding this.hasWriteAccess this.hasWriteAccess = config.hasWriteAccess || this.hasWriteAccess; this.repoURL = this.repo ? `/repositories/${this.repo}` : ''; } buildRequest = (req: ApiRequest) => { const withRoot = unsentRequest.withRoot(this.apiRoot)(req); if (withRoot.has('cache')) { return withRoot; } else { const withNoCache = unsentRequest.withNoCache(withRoot); return withNoCache; } }; request = (req: ApiRequest): Promise => { try { return requestWithBackoff(this, req); } catch (err: any) { throw new APIError(err.message, null, API_NAME); } }; responseToJSON = responseParser({ format: 'json', apiName: API_NAME }); responseToBlob = responseParser({ format: 'blob', apiName: API_NAME }); responseToText = responseParser({ format: 'text', apiName: API_NAME }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any requestJSON = (req: ApiRequest) => this.request(req).then(this.responseToJSON) as Promise; requestText = (req: ApiRequest) => this.request(req).then(this.responseToText) as Promise; user = () => this.requestJSON('/user') as Promise; hasWriteAccess = async () => { const response = await this.request(this.repoURL); if (response.status === 404) { throw Error('Repo not found'); } return response.ok; }; getBranch = async (branchName: string) => { const branch: BitBucketBranch = await this.requestJSON( `${this.repoURL}/refs/branches/${branchName}`, ); return branch; }; branchCommitSha = async (branch: string) => { const { target: { hash: branchSha }, }: BitBucketBranch = await this.getBranch(branch); return branchSha; }; defaultBranchCommitSha = () => { return this.branchCommitSha(this.branch); }; isFile = ({ type }: BitBucketFile) => type === 'commit_file'; getFileId = (commitHash: string, path: string) => { return `${commitHash}/${path}`; }; processFile = (file: BitBucketFile) => ({ id:, type: file.type, path: file.path, name: basename(file.path), // BitBucket does not return file SHAs, but it does give us the // commit SHA. Since the commit SHA will change if any files do, // we can construct an ID using the commit SHA and the file path // that will help with caching (though not as well as a normal // SHA, since it will change even if the individual file itself // doesn't.) ...(file.commit && file.commit.hash ? { id: this.getFileId(file.commit.hash, file.path) } : {}), }); processFiles = (files: BitBucketFile[]) => files.filter(this.isFile).map(this.processFile); readFile = async ( path: string, sha?: string | null, { parseText = true, branch = this.branch, head = '' } = {}, ): Promise => { const fetchContent = async () => { const node = head ? head : await this.branchCommitSha(branch); const content = await this.request({ url: `${this.repoURL}/src/${node}/${path}`, cache: 'no-store', }).then(parseText ? this.responseToText : this.responseToBlob); return content; }; const content = await readFile(sha, fetchContent, localForage, parseText); return content; }; async readFileMetadata(path: string, sha: string | null | undefined) { const fetchFileMetadata = async () => { try { const { values }: { values: BitBucketCommit[] } = await this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.repoURL}/commits`, params: { path, include: this.branch }, }); const commit = values[0]; return { author: ? || :, updatedOn:, }; } catch (e) { return { author: '', updatedOn: '' }; } }; const fileMetadata = await readFileMetadata(sha, fetchFileMetadata, localForage); return fileMetadata; } async isShaExistsInBranch(branch: string, sha: string) { const { values }: { values: BitBucketCommit[] } = await this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.repoURL}/commits`, params: { include: branch, pagelen: 100 }, }).catch(e => {`Failed getting commits for branch '${branch}'`, e); return []; }); return values.some(v => v.hash === sha); } getEntriesAndCursor = (jsonResponse: BitBucketSrcResult) => { const { size: count, page, pagelen: pageSize, next, previous: prev, values: entries, } = jsonResponse; const pageCount = pageSize && count ? Math.ceil(count / pageSize) : undefined; return { entries, cursor: Cursor.create({ actions: [...(next ? ['next'] : []), ...(prev ? ['prev'] : [])], meta: { page, count, pageSize, pageCount }, data: { links: { next, prev } }, }), }; }; listFiles = async (path: string, depth = 1, pagelen: number, branch: string) => { const node = await this.branchCommitSha(branch); const result: BitBucketSrcResult = await this.requestJSON({ url: `${this.repoURL}/src/${node}/${path}`, params: { max_depth: depth, pagelen, }, }).catch(replace404WithEmptyResponse); const { entries, cursor } = this.getEntriesAndCursor(result); return { entries: this.processFiles(entries), cursor: cursor as Cursor }; }; traverseCursor = async ( cursor: Cursor, action: string, ): Promise<{ cursor: Cursor; entries: { path: string; name: string; type: string; id: string }[]; }> => flow([ this.requestJSON, then(this.getEntriesAndCursor), then< { cursor: Cursor; entries: BitBucketFile[] }, { cursor: Cursor; entries: BitBucketFile[] } >(({ cursor: newCursor, entries }) => ({ cursor: newCursor, entries: this.processFiles(entries), })), ])(!.getIn(['links', action])); listAllFiles = async (path: string, depth: number, branch: string) => { const { cursor: initialCursor, entries: initialEntries } = await this.listFiles( path, depth, 100, branch, ); const entries = [...initialEntries]; let currentCursor = initialCursor; while (currentCursor && currentCursor.actions!.has('next')) { const { cursor: newCursor, entries: newEntries } = await this.traverseCursor( currentCursor, 'next', ); entries.push(...newEntries); currentCursor = newCursor; } return this.processFiles(entries); }; async uploadFiles( files: { path: string; newPath?: string; delete?: boolean }[], { commitMessage, branch, parentSha, }: { commitMessage: string; branch: string; parentSha?: string }, ) { const formData = new FormData(); const toMove: { from: string; to: string; contentBlob: Blob }[] = []; files.forEach(file => { if (file.delete) { // delete the file formData.append('files', file.path); } else if (file.newPath) { const contentBlob = get(file, 'fileObj', new Blob([(file as DataFile).raw])); toMove.push({ from: file.path, to: file.newPath, contentBlob }); } else { // add/modify the file const contentBlob = get(file, 'fileObj', new Blob([(file as DataFile).raw])); // Third param is filename header, in case path is `message`, `branch`, etc. formData.append(file.path, contentBlob, basename(file.path)); } }); for (const { from, to, contentBlob } of toMove) { const sourceDir = dirname(from); const destDir = dirname(to); const filesBranch = parentSha ? this.branch : branch; const files = await this.listAllFiles(sourceDir, 100, filesBranch); for (const file of files) { // to move a file in Bitbucket we need to delete the old path // and upload the file content to the new path // NOTE: this is very wasteful, and also the Bitbucket `diff` API // reports these files as deleted+added instead of renamed // delete current path formData.append('files', file.path); // create in new path const content = file.path === from ? contentBlob : await this.readFile(file.path, null, { branch: filesBranch, parseText: false, }); formData.append(file.path.replace(sourceDir, destDir), content, basename(file.path)); } } if (commitMessage) { formData.append('message', commitMessage); } if (this.commitAuthor) { const { name, email } = this.commitAuthor; formData.append('author', `${name} <${email}>`); } formData.append('branch', branch); if (parentSha) { formData.append('parents', parentSha); } try { await this.requestText({ url: `${this.repoURL}/src`, method: 'POST', body: formData, }); } catch (error: any) { const message = error.message || ''; // very descriptive message from Bitbucket if (parentSha && message.includes('Something went wrong')) { await throwOnConflictingBranches(branch, name => this.getBranch(name), API_NAME); } throw error; } return files; } async persistFiles(dataFiles: DataFile[], mediaFiles: AssetProxy[], options: PersistOptions) { const files = [...dataFiles, ...mediaFiles]; return this.uploadFiles(files, { commitMessage: options.commitMessage, branch: this.branch }); } async getDifferences(source: string, destination: string = this.branch) { if (source === destination) { return []; } const rawDiff = await this.requestText({ url: `${this.repoURL}/diff/${source}..${destination}`, params: { binary: false, }, }); const diffs = parse(rawDiff).map(d => { const oldPath = d.oldPath?.replace(/b\//, '') || ''; const newPath = d.newPath?.replace(/b\//, '') || ''; const path = newPath || (oldPath as string); return { oldPath, newPath, status: d.status, newFile: d.status === 'added', path, binary: d.binary || /.svg$/.test(path), }; }); return diffs; } deleteFiles = (paths: string[], message: string) => { const body = new FormData(); paths.forEach(path => { body.append('files', path); }); body.append('branch', this.branch); if (message) { body.append('message', message); } if (this.commitAuthor) { const { name, email } = this.commitAuthor; body.append('author', `${name} <${email}>`); } return flow([unsentRequest.withMethod('POST'), unsentRequest.withBody(body), this.request])( `${this.repoURL}/src`, ); }; }