import uuid from 'uuid/v4'; export function createNonce() { const nonce = uuid(); window.sessionStorage.setItem('netlify-cms-auth', JSON.stringify({ nonce })); return nonce; } export function validateNonce(check) { const auth = window.sessionStorage.getItem('netlify-cms-auth'); const valid = auth && JSON.parse(auth).nonce; window.localStorage.removeItem('netlify-cms-auth'); return check === valid; } export function isInsecureProtocol() { return ( document.location.protocol !== 'https:' && // TODO: Is insecure localhost a bad idea as well? I don't think it is, since you are not actually // sending the token over the internet in this case, assuming the auth URL is secure. document.location.hostname !== 'localhost' && document.location.hostname !== '' ); }